No Toys As Gifts For The Holidays
As a grandparent I applaud your friend. And I agree with you wholeheartedly! We have become a society of instant gratification and debt. I have come to realize what a disservice each generation has done to their children by trying to give them what we didnt...
Take Advantage of 0% Interest Store Offers
Just food for thought: I too did this for years. It was great and we got lots of great stuff. After 14 years I suddenly lost my job and was stuck with a rather large bill. In order to not have the high interest at the end we rolled the purchase onto a low interest...
Make Car Repairs to Save Car Payments
My rule of thumb is, as long as the repairs per year cost less than car payments I repair. If the repairs continually exceed the car payment I replace. My car is 12 years old, paid off several years ago and the repairs so far this year are around $2000. I do...