Emotionally and Verbally Abusive Husband?
First off, What he is saying to you is him trying to overcome his inabilitys by degrading you. Every word he says, he is trying to make himself feel better because he knows he is rotten. File a police report of his abuse so you can have it on record, as you...
Chili Recipe for 50?
Allrecipes.com has great recipes submitted by regular people and you can adjust the number of servings.
Making Harvey's Style Sandwich Pickles?
Lay your large pickle down and with a sharp knife and sturdy hand, slice lengthwise with very thin slices. This is the best way for sandwiches.
Cabin Goulash
Add a can of corn and some chedder cheese. Or use left over macaroni and cheese. Thats how our family made this dish and its one of my favorites. Thanks for sharing
Cheap Dental Work?
I do not have insurance either and I found that I needed dental work too. So I called up the dental school where I live and they had me come in for an interview to see if I was ellegable. I was and now I am getting all my dental work done for 60% off of regular...
Donating Stuffed Animals?
Here is a google search with lots of ideas. I live in Henderson which is near Las Vegas NV. There is a charity called Teddy Vegas They take any stuffed animal donation and clean it if it is used then they give them to the police, firefighters, hospitals with...
Crafts Using Yo Yos?
I bought a Christmas tree made out of yo yos at a craft sale. Each yo you was a different size and stacked together with the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top. It was mounted on a small wooden block and topped with a wood star.
Honey And Vinegar For Preventing Colds
Local honey and cinnamon will do that too. Its the bees in your area that do the pollenating thing that gives you the ammunity to fight germs and allergies.
Honey And Vinegar For Preventing Colds
Honey and cinnamon will do this too. Some how because the bees who make the honey gives it a property to help you be immune (or helps) therefore no allergies or colds.
Fast Food Milk Bottle Game
Curious, are the milk bottles clear? If not whats the point of the first game?
Add Oil to Pasta Water
I agree with not adding oil to the water. Your sauce will not stick to the pasta if you do.
Craft: Bible Quilt
Although the quilt is a treasure, I am confused as to how your mother died when she was 12. Did she have you at that very young age? (b)Editors Note:(/b) I believe her mother made the quilt at 12, and has since passed away.
Baby Wipes for Quick Bathroom Cleanup
My sister who owns an African Grey says that baby wipes dissolve bird poop. She uses them to clean the cage and is very happy with the results.
Mess Free Finger Paint
You can also use shaving cream with some food coloring to make different colors. Works great.
Poke Straw Through Drink Seal To Prevent Spills
Ummm I dont think a nail file is very sanitary. Yuck! Find something else.
Animal Shelter Chocolate Festival Centerpieces?
Can you go to local dessert bakerys, candy making factories, or high end restaurants and ask for a donation of a centerpiece showcasing their specialty. Maybe ask them for donations of their desserts and then you can make an arrangement to display. Another...
Girls Campout Ideas?
Oh wow, how fun. You can do all kinds of things. Im thinking of Girl Scouts. Go do a search on Girl Scout camping ideas.
Angel Hair with Feta and Sun Dried Tomatoes
Sounds similar to a dish that I make once in awhile. Try adding chopped black olives to it too. I will try your way with the cilantro and parm.
Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Casserole
I love Green Chili Chicken enchiladas. Being from New Mexico I have it all the time. My version uses cream of mushroom soup and chicken broth along with sour cream. One thing you might want to try different from your recipe is to put the soup mixture as your...
Cooking With Chiles
I have learned that for the large green chilis you can tell the heat by looking at the tip of the chili. If it is pointed then it is hot, a blunt tip will be mild. These chilis in the picture are mild. Also if you want the best chilis do your best to find Hatch...
Selling Scrapbooking Services?
I always use 3 times my cost as a charge for any crafts unless there is an extra ordinary large expense.
Recipe for Homemade Taco Shells?
Easiest way is to buy the corn tortillas. Put some oil into a frying pan, heat till really hot (350F.) With tongs put a tortilla into the hot oil, let it sit on one side for a few seconds, turn over to other side for a few seconds. Then with the tongs fold...
Quick and Easy Recipes?
Here is a site with many many crockpot recipes. Take a look. http://www.50plusfriends.com/cookbook/crockpot/index-5b.html
Lick Your Fingers to Open Plastic Bags
Where I live the grocerys have lysol wipes to santitize the cart. So there that solves the problem of having a germy cart and hands. But what I do is breath heavy on my fingers then open the bag. It works every time and no germs enter my mouth.
Uses for Coffee Filters
My sewing friends like to use a coffee filter for putting threads in while sewing. This saves picking them up off the floor.
Prevent Heat Stroke With a Timer
I had heat stroke once when the air conditioner went out in the car and was going home from a day trip. Thank God I was not driving. The temps outside were triple digits. What is scary is that you dont feel it creeping up on you. I was in bed for almost a week...
Mashed Potato Salad Recipe
Sounds like my potato salad, but I never named it mashed potato salad. I use mashed potatos fresh cooked with no ingredients normally used for mashed potatos, then I add chopped onion, diced dill pickles, chopped celery, chopped boiled eggs, mustard mayo blend...
Fun Leftovers With Mystery Dinners
I did a whole dinner party around this idea. For my Girl Scouts. It was so much fun.
Keeping a House With St. Bernard's Clean?
If you want to train your dogs not to use your furniture, you can buy some carpet runners ( plastic with the bumps on the bottom) place them upside down on the seat of your settees. The dogs will not like the feel of the bumps and in turn not sit up there. As...
Ink Pen Melted on the Dryer?
I know that hairspray is supposed to remove ink from clothing. Wouldnt hurt to try it.
Peanut Butter Cake Recipe?
Peanut Butter Cake Ingredients: 3/4 cup butter or margarine, 3/4 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup peanut butter 2 1/4 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt. Instructions: Cream butter or margarine...
Cake for Son's 17th Birthday?
Do you need a decorated cake? My daughters favorite cake is the Chocolate Heath Bar cake. I made it the first time for her 16th birthday party and all 40 kids loved it. Not a crumb left.
Photos Saved from AOL Email?
Sigh! I have lost photos too. I dont think it is AOL or anything else for that matter. This is what I do when I lose a photo. First I try again to download the pic, to see what file and where is chosen (default). But before you click the ok button, LOOK to...
How Can You Tell if Tortillas Are Fresh?
The tortillas you buy packaged ( flour or corn) in the grocery are already cooked. Unless it states they are uncooked which you can find in a different section usually by the cans of bisquits. The tortillas also should have an expiration date on the package...
Hair Dye on Curtains?
Oh my, I had to laugh at this. I am sorry. I have a daughter who just turned 17 last week. She has been in cosmotogy school since 9th grade. Her bathroom has been used as a salon for her and all her cosmo friends. They practice on each other. I have gone through...
Game Ideas for a Pool Party?
Get some diving pool toys. If the girls are swimmers they will enjoy diving for prizes. Play marco polo . There are also floating baskets for basketball. Get some floating loungers. They girls really dont need much to get them playing. Beach balls are great...
Decorating with Food at a Party?
I had a great time making crudites. These are vegi and fruit displays. Tall stalkes of celery and carrots in a vase. Skewered chunks of fruit or small vegis like mushrooms, cherry tomatoes etc. in another vase. Serve with different dressings. Another great...
Pot of Gold Irish Supper
Yum! Both recipes sound great. I have bought the corned beef at the deli before but instead I have used sour dough bread and grilled the sandwich using swiss cheese. Sometimes adding brown mustard too. Really good. Thanks for the idea, because my husband does...
Indulge in a Snack Meal
I think its a great idea. My mom always was able to use up leftovers for another dinner. This is great for adults too. My parents are unable to do much cooking now and when us daughters go to help them out with meals and such, making a ready to grab snack tray...
Recipes Using Canned Green Beans?
take two or three green beans, wrap a small slice of bacon around them and bake till the bacon is cooked. Makes a wonderful appetizer. I also chop them up and add to a lettuce salad.
Frugal Embellishments for Scrapbooking
If you are careful not to embellish the photos with your finds you should be fine. Remember to use acid free paper to mat your photos and use acid free paper for your page. Other sources to find treasures are junk jewlry, broken watches,bottle caps, paper clips...
Retrieve Long Hair in a Plugged Shower Drain
I bought a gadget that works like a charm to get hair clogs out of drains. It is a long plastic thing with little teeth along the sides. The teeth are like little vs that point downward. The whole thing is about 2 or 3 feet long. You stick it down the drain...
Sabastain (Deer Head Chihuahua)
Hes a cute one. I have one as well. She is 4 yrs old and a chocolate brown dear head. I just love her. She is named Pixie.
Where Can I Buy Butcher Paper?
In school and in church ( childrens) we use what we call butcher paper. It comes in huge rolls of all colors. If you want to buy it by the yard or whatever you can probably go to a school supply store like Lakeshore or Learning is fun.
Use Panty Liner for a Shoe Pad
Wow, what an idea! I am going to try it. My feet have been hurting lately. Thanks
Be a Good Sport When Buying for Yankee Swaps
All of the organizations that I participate in require a dollar amount for the gift that will be exhanged. Example: My Girl Scout Leaders will be holding a gift exchange and we are required to spend between $10 and $20 if we want to participate. It Guarantees...
Watch the Cash Register Screen When Checking Out
Its really hard to watch your purchases being rung up if the cashier starts before you finish unloading the cart. So what do is find a register that has a person in front of me that has a lot of items, then I can make sure that I have everything on the belt...
Wash Cloth for Phone Space Around Toddlers
I agree with getting a washcloth. I also think that a parent should have been installing rules with the child all along so the child knows right from wrong. If you have to watch your child every waking moment than your not a good parent.Your house should not...
Table Decorations for Church Banquets?
I bought 6 med. red baskets ( one for each tabel ). I got them all for $2 at a garage sale and were brand new, still had tags on them. I am going to fill each basket with glass ornaments that I also have been picking up at garage sales and thrift stores. Some...
Homemade Holiday Cards
I just made about 60 Christmas cards using used cards. I am a scrapbooker so I have quite a large amount of stickers and embellishments. The front of each card was cut off and glued to a blank card. I bought a pkg of blank cards with envelopes at Michaels. I...
Halloween Gravestone Epitaphs
Here are more: Phil Dirt - Will E. Rott - I finally got to the bottom of things - I was Fred, now Im dead.
Easiest Quesadillas Ever
I assume you are using flour tortillas. You can also leave the butter out and make it healthier, just use a non stick pan. I use the shredded cheese that comes in a bag. My kids love to eat these with salsa and sourcream.
Quick, Cheap and Easy Goulash?
Ingredients 1 lb. hamburger 1 can diced tomatoes 1 can corn package macaroni and cheese (or leftover macaroni and cheese or your own homemade macaroni and cheese) chopped onion (opt) Directions Cook hamburger, add onion, drain and keep in skillet. Add tomatoes...
Can Excess Exercise Cause Puppy To Have Diarrhea?
I agree. Getting the shots could have upset her. Heat and dehydration too. Excersise right after getting her shots, probably not a good idea. Is she a teacup chihuahua? Very very cute! I have one that looks just like her. She will be 4yrs old in Dec and weighs...
Homemade Detangler For Dogs?
My mom has been grooming dogs for 40 or so years. She has always used baby shampoo and watered down conditioner when bathing the dogs. (it used to be called creme rinse). It really is hard on dogs and groomers when they get matted. She always recommends that...
Wonderful "Baked Potato Pats"
Ohhhh that sounds great. I am going to make these for an afterschool snack for my girls. Thanks
Put Mayo Between Meat and Cheese To Prevent Soggy Sandwiches
Another tip is too spread a thin layer of margarine or butter on the bread itself before adding the mayo. That prevents any moisture getting to the bread and leaves your sandwich fresh.
Reusing Honey Bear Containers?
I agree with using it for mayo and mustard, but why not go beyond that and use it for shampoo and conditioner.
How long does puppy house training take?
Well there are alot of answers and alot of suggestions. From my experience I have found that all dogs, chihuahuas to the largest of mixed or pure breds are all trainable. My favorite way to house train is to use the crate method. The crate needs to be just...
Reusing Ziploc Freezer Bags?
I reuse my bags as well unless raw meat was stored in them. I wash with hot sudsy water, rinse with hot water and then hang to dry. I love the rack that Bettys husband made. What I usually do it to put upside down over a tall drinking glass or simular. Sometimes...
Check Out Your Local State or County Fairs
I agree with the others, taking so much is not fair to others.
Organize Notes Into Sections of a Spiral Notebook
I am involved in several volunteer organizations, so I bought myself a plastic folder organizer. It has almost clear pages and each page has a pocket for full size papers and a small one for little things. The whole thing has 5 pages. I use each one for a different...
Ludwig (Boxer)
I just love boxers. I fell in love with them when my daughter brought her puppy home. She now has two. They are great dogs. Very smart and the best personalitys. Enjoy every minute with yours. As you can see Bo gets along very well with our other dogs. Expect...
Inexpensive 'Thank You' Church Dinner?
Have you priced food at Cost Co or Sams Club. Paper plates, dinner ware and cups would certainly be cheaper. All their food products come in large quantitys, from frozen meals to canned and boxed goods. Salads and fresh fruits and vegis are also sold in large...
Support Girl Scouts Without Adding To Your Waistline
I have done this at my cookie booths before and it seams to work well. Although I used troop money to purchase a less popular cookie. Please be sanitary when doing this. I would have the Girl Scout use food preparation gloves and then hand the cookie to the...
Top Shelf Rule
Good idea. I have had teens and now young adults in the house and this is what Ive done with them. I have a magnetic note pad on the fridge. Everyone knows that it is used only for grocery items. The rule of the house is if we run out and you want it Write...
Crockpot Pinto Beans Recipes
This is the easiest and best pinto beans ever. After rinsing the dry beans, put into crockpot. Cover with water that it about twice the level of the beans. No need to measure! Add one chunk of salt pork and cook on high if eating same day or low if not. My...
Traveling In a Car With Kids?
Wow I thought there would be alot of suggestions, but I do have some that were not mentioned. 1st - food and drinks are a must. Books to read, music, and games. Homemade bingo using things that you would see on a car trip. (bird, green car, semi, horse, barn...
Old Underwear For Traveling
I am sorry but I like having my favorite clothes to take on vacation with me. Even down to my underwear. I dont see any reason to wear something yucky when you are treating yourself to a vacation. Now If I was going tent camping I would bring my worn out clothes...