Controlling Goldfish Pond Algae?
Get a UV light sterilizer, it will break up the algae. The water is run through the unit in which there is a UV light. It is perfectly safe for plants and fish, I run mine after my filther and pump and it works great, You can purchase a good unit for about...
iPod Touch Went Through Washer?
Take the battery out and leave it and the ipod in a bowl of rice for a day or two. This happened to my son, we did this treatment and it works just fine!
Inexpensive Birthday Ideas?
My daughters birthday always falls near a Ducks Unlimited banding day. This is a free day with duck and bird banding, free BBQ lunch and they even build birdhouses. I dont know what you have in your area, but this is a real treat for my daughter...
What is This Plant? (Swedish Ivy)
Looks like goutweed. Next to impossible to get rid off, but very, very tough. We are zone 2b.