Keeping Dogs Off Lawn?
When you see them in your yard shoot them with a blast of water from a water gun. I will scare them, a couple of times and they wont be back
Tracking Down a Continuous Beeping Sound in House?
This will probably not help you but reminded me of a funny story. My daughter worked in a bar and heard a beeping sound every so often and it was driving her crazy. She searched everywhere and finally turned off all of the power to the bar, but the beeping...
Painting Walls Different Colors in a Bedroom?
I would paint the wall behind the bed one color, the darker color and the other three the lighter color. I really dont think that pink and blue would look good on walls. Why not try two shades of pink or blue.
Removing Popcorn Finish from Ceiling?
Its as easy as everyone says with water. Just a tip though get a small pail and cut a hole in the bottom of it just big enough for the scrapper handle. Insert the handle into the pail from the inside. When you scrape the ceiling most of the stuff will fall...
Oven Burns the Bottom of Baked Goods?
I dont know if you have tried this. Whatever the temperature that is called for in a recipe, say 350 degrees, always set it for higher, 375 degrees. Once your oven light goes out. Put your cookie sheet in the oven and then turn the oven to the desired temperature...
Cleaning a Garbage Disposal?
I agree with the lemon. When you use your disposal, always leave the water running for @ 30 seconds after you shut if off. Your disposal wont smell at all.
Reviews of the Windshield Cleaner Wand?
I ordered three of them, and when I received them, they said that they upgraded to a better model, NOT. The ones that they sent were a larger pad and a smaller handle, completely useless and the cost to return wasnt worth it. A rip off. Do as some other people...
Getting a Job With a High School Diploma?
I dont know about the US, but here in Canada the trades are the way to go with a high school diploma. Right now people working in the trades, construction etc are making more than people who went to college! Your can learn lots in the trades industry. You never...
Toddlers Fight With Each Other a Lot?
I agree with Kitkatk, if they are fighting over toys or something like that, let them work it out as long as there is nothing physical, or bad language. If they need to be punished, give them both a time out. I always got involved when my kids were little and...
Multicolor Afghan And Matching Pillow
Looks great, wish I could learn to crochet, I knit but never got the hang of crocheting.
Can I Burn Wood in a Pellet Stove?
The pipes going outside are not big enough for burning wood, there are so many reasons you shouldnt do it. Not to mention your house insurance wont cover it.
Retro Aluminum Tumblers?
I dont mean to be negative but aluminum is the most harmful of all to our bodies.
Homemade Everyday Cleaners?
Go to: There are LOTS of recipes for household cleaners.
Poem for Baby Shower?
Heres a few, not sure what exactly you are looking for maybe one of these is what you are looking for: Thank You From Baby Im really glad that you could come to help surprise my mother. Sit down, relax, enjoy yourselves and chat with one another. Sorry I cant...
Finding the Value for Antiques and Collectibles?
Go to (the internet antique store) Then type in,antique typewriter ribbon tin, in the search line. They have four there that are for sale. Maybe one is like the one you have and will give you an idea of how much it is worth.
Keep Track of Children When in Large Crowds
I really like the idea of writing the cell number on their arm.
Gluing Photos Onto a Glass Vase?
Just use white glue watered down. Buy the cheap kind, you should be able to find it in the schools supplies right now. Just brush one and allow to dry
Product Review: Windshield Wonder
Dont order them online. I did and they upgraded me to the deluxe model. This may sound like a deal, but it isnt. The reason I ordered was because it had a long handle and a small pad. The deluxe model had a short handle (it wouldnt reach the bottom of the windshield...
Dog with Lymphoma Has Bad Breath?
Hes been to the vet, he is losing his teeth. I love, love, love him but the smell is awful. Both of us need a solution.
Bugs in the Pancake Mix?
I use the 2 quart jars for canning. They are big enough to hold lots and you can quickly see what is in each jar. Not a lot of people use these big jars for canning anymore so you should be able to find them easily.
Teenage Girl Cries A Lot?
I cried over everything when I was that age and am now 55 and still cry at the drop of a hat, sad tears, happy tears, even a commercial on tv. Everyone is their own person, thats just how we are.
Repairing an Old Rocking Chair?
If the rungs are sturdy enough, decide which rungs area the best height for the seat.Then just cut a piece of plywood and inch bigger than the rungs on the front and back OR the sides. Cover it with a piece of foam, then a thin piece of batting and finally...
Alcohol Sanitizer to Cool Down
Be very, very careful if using this near children. If a child uses this on their hands and then licks their hands they can get alcohol poisoning! Go to and type in alcohol sanitizer danger or
Countertop Colors for Sage Green Kitchen?
If you are going to replace the counter tops, try this tip. Go to your local paint store and get small cans of paint in the colors that you are considering. Paint the counter and you can see what each color will look like. Do one color at a time so you can...
Removing Odor From Suitcase?
Charcoal! Buy some charcoal that is used in BBQs, just put some in the suitcase and close, it will absorb the odor.
Painting Walls Red?
Just keep going, red is the hardest color to paint. I would expect to do at least 5-6 coats to get a nice finish. Good Luck
Fabric Softener Dispenser Cup Stuck in Washer?
Im not sure about your model, but the top should come off. It may just be stuck with harden softener. Most pull straight up. Give it a good tug and pull straight up. The cup will just snap back on. Or you can go to There...
Painting Lower Kitchen Cabinets a Different Colour?
Take a picture of your cabinets and go to your local Home Hardware. They can load it onto their computer and show you what it will look like with different colors.
Using Plywood For Flooring?
I have seen it done on DIY shows. Some have even used a saw and made shallow cuts on the plywood to make it look like slats of wood nailed together.
Rotten Fish Smell in the House?
I have found that with any odor the best thing to use is charcoal briquettes(like Kingsford) Just put some briquettes in a bowl or box in the room and they will absorb the odor.
Best Allergy Medication?
For runny nose and itchy eyes, I like Benydryl. Another one I like is Drixoral, works great too.
Laminate Hardwood Floor Streaking?
I had the same problem, I tried all the cleaners and steam mops. I finally found a product called Lysol 4 in 1, it works great and also if you mop in the direction the laminate is laid. Dont wash across the seams,this also helps
Using the H2O Mop on Laminate Floors?
Yes you can, but I found that it cleans the floor well, it leaves streaks.
Gooey Stickers off Glass?
I use SOS pads, they work great. I recycle my jars and cans and a lot of them have the glue strip on them to hold the labels and the SOS does the job
Swivel Sweeper G2?
Im not sure what a swivel sweeper G2 is, but I have had a swivel sweeper for 3 years now and I love it, it picks up everything from dirt, cereal and even nuts and bolts. It has brushes on all sides so it even gets into the corners. I use it every day and after...
Baby is Not Crawling?
Just let him learn at his own time. He will crawl or walk when hes ready. My son didnt walk till he was 16 months. Dont worry about him everyone is different.
Free Printable Fliers?
Go to, on the left side click where it says office forms and flyers then on the right side it says Customizable Flyers & signs, you will be able to make the flyer that you need.
Cabinet Colors to Brighten Up a Kitchen?
I have laminate in my kitchen and I love it and it looks great, but if I could do it over again, I would go with a light color of laminate. The dark shows every speck of dust and streaks if not washed correctly. Stick with a lighter color and when you wash...
Fixing the Heating Element in a Coffee Maker?
It is sad that we live in a throw away world, but a new coffee maker is probably cheaper than fixing it.
Removing Wallpaper Borders?
Just water is good enough,spray and wait then it will remove easily. Usually the top layer(the color layer) will come off first. Then there will be a tan colored layer, just spray again and wait a couple minutes and it will come off easily too.
Information About an Antique Chair?
Try looking at When you are there click on furniture and accessories, then type in chairs in the search line. There are pages and pages of chairs. tias stands for the internet antique store good luck
Removing Weeds Between Pavers?
Buy a gallon of vinegar, remove one cup and add 1 cup of salt, shake to mix then add the cup of vinegar back to the jug. Spray on the cracks in the pavers. Be careful because it will kill anything it touches.
What is TSP?
You should be able to buy it at any hardware store. The container it comes in looks like a milk carton and is usually blue.
Keeping Dogs from Jumping Fence?
I watch a show called the Dog Whisper and one family had the same problem and he used a plastic mat by the fence that gave off a small charge when he stepped on it, just enough to startle them. The mat was about 20-30 feet long and maybe a foot wide. He did...
Sink Smells Bad?
Do you live in the country? It may be your sewer backing up, if so call a plumber or have your septic tank pumped out. The smell can be very harmful, so get it checked out.
Paint Color Ideas for Pink and Brown Bedding?
You may think that Im crazy, but a light gray would be really nice. I know most people would never pick gray for a childs room, but the bedding is so bright and high energy, I think the gray would look nice. If you look at your picture at the window, I dont...
Eating a Low-Salt Diet?
This is coming from a former salt-a-holic, I used to put salt on EVERYTHING. i found out that I have high blood pressure and decided on my own to eliminate salt from my diet. The first week was hard, it seemed that everything tasted blah, but then I soon realized...
Building a Raised Vegetable Garden?
This is just a tip if you have multiple raised beds beside each other. I like to kneel between the beds and rest on the edge of the beds to weed them. Just make sure the beds are far enough apart to be able to kneel comfortably.
Grease Stain on Floor?
Try rubbing toothpaste, not the gel kind, on it and let it sit for a couple minutes and it should come right off. This is also great for black scuff marks from shoes.
Starting Poplar Cuttings?
We used to make a skating rink every year for our kids, one year my hubby cut some poplar trees and stuck them in the ground before the frost. He was using them for hanging lights on the rink. Well winter came and went and in the spring those poplar trees he...
Gardening: Spring Crocus Blooms
Very pretty, I live in Northern Alberta and was hoping for an early spring, but just had a blizzard yeaterday over 6 more inches of snow, wondering if spring will ever come
Repairing a Vinyl Bean Bag?
What about an iron patch, the kind used to patch clothes. I would apply it to the inside of the vinyl. Turn the bag inside out and cut the patch @ 2 bigger than the tear, make sure the spot to be patched is nice and flat. Put a dish cloth over the patch and...
Frying Pan With Domed Shaped Center?
Use a hammer if it is teflon, place a small piece of wood on it before you use the hammer.
Finding Out the Value of a Print?
Did some searching and found the same painting but the artists name listed is MAXFIELD PARRISH. Check out this site There are some on ebay you can compare it to. The item numbers are: Item number: 110367731935 for $895.00 Item...
What is This Item?
Its a bottle/can opener. The mouth is for opening bottles and the bottom is a punch to open cans, like the big tomato juice cans.
Used Dryer Sheets for Bird Nests?
I dont know about dryer sheets, but they use the lint from the dryer for their nests.
Monthly Budget Sheet?
Do you have microsoft works on your computer? There is all kinds of spreadsheets on there.
Replacement Tray For Gott 50 Qt Cooler?
I made some with freezer baskets. I just cut the top off and bent the wires over.
Painting Furniture a New Color?
If the furniture has a shiny coat, it will need a good sanding. After you sand you will have to prime the furniture first. It may look blotchy after you prime but this is normal, it is just to cover the wood so the paint will have good adhesion. Then paint...
Mice Urine Odor in Ventilation?
Try placing some charcoal briquettes in the vent. Use the kind for the bbq(kingsford). The charcoal will absorb the odor.
Entertainment Center has Mildew Smell?
Try charcoal briquettes(like Kingsford) I had an old freezer with mold and an old dresser that was musty and it worked for both. Just put some briquettes in a bowl or a small box and set in the entertainment center. The charcoal will absorb the odor. Good luck...
Coffee Cup Holders For Cans
Sorry to give negative feedback, but aluminum is so bad for you. Please put the pop in the cup or use a straw. I cant say anything good about aluminum. They sit in warehouses where there are probably mice or rats and people drink out of these cans without wiping...
Slow Cooker Turkey Breast
I was wondering what to do with a turkey breast I have in the freezer, I am going to try this,thanks. Do you add any water or broth? Thanks
Easy Diabetic Recipes?
Go to there is 401 diabetic recipes. Just put diabetic in the search line. Hope you find something your looking for.
Campbell's Onion Burgers?
I know this isnt exactly what you want, but these onion burgers are awesome. You can either serve them with mashed potatoes or on a bun. ONION BURGERS Ingredients Patties 1 lb ground beef 1 egg 1/2 cup dry breadcrumbs 1/2 envelope dry onion soup mix 1 teaspoon...
Using Leftover Uncooked Pasta?
I just keep my pasta in a large canister, When the canister gets low, I add the pasta to my grocery list.
Wood Floor Recommendations for a House With Dogs?
If you go with laminate use the non slip kind. It has sort of little ridges if you look really close. I have it with a dog and it is really, really scratch resistant.
Bone Your Own Chicken Breasts
With a little practise you will find that you can get almost all of the meat off the bone and the fillets will be exactly like the boneless ones you buy in the store. If you freeze them with the bone in, they are easier to debone. Take them out of the freezer...
Homemade Wedding Gift Ideas?
If you cross stitch find a wedding pattern with a space for the name of the bride and groom and the date. Find a really nice frame, it will be something they will cherish. My sister in law got married a few years back and I made her a small pillow like this...
Passion-in-a-Pan Cake
Love this with strawberries. I use a thawed container of frozen strawberries. Yum
Making Boudin Filling?
Found this one, never heard of Boudin, so Im not sure if it is what you are looking for. It is from Boudin Cajun Sausage Ingredients * 2 lbs ground beef * 2 lbs ground pork * 4 cups cooked rice * 4 large onions (minced) * 12 garlic cloves...
Adjusting Sewing Machine Feed Dogs?
Im not sure what kind of machine you have, but on mine there is a switch that you slide at the back of the machine to lower the feed dogs to sew on buttons. Maybe you have a switch and hit it or slid it without knowing. Look for a switch or look in your manual...
Removing Peanut Oil from Vinyl Siding?
Have you heard the old expression fight fire with fire? Try using a cooking oil to loosen the oil and then wash with a soap and water, then rinse with plain water.
Helping Child Get Ready in the Morning?
I agree with dekelder, there may be a problem at school. The sore stomach is a sign that she doesnt want to go to school. Try to talk to her or ask her teacher.