Removing Wall Paper?
Try fabric softener thinned with a little water and a spray bottle or mix in a bucket and use car washing sponge to saturate the paper. let it set until it begins to scrape off with a putty knife. I would suggest a little half and half to start. Patience and...
Removing Wallpaper?
Try fabric softener thinned with a little warm water in a spray bottle or in a bucket and use a car washing sponge. Saturate the paper let it set 30 minutes? Scrape off with a putty knife. You may have to do it more than once.
Seedlings Dying?
Give them a little time to adjust. Too much water is not good. Its the roots that are establishing so dont worry so much about the leaves.
Getting Rid of Moss in the Yard?
I wish I had your Moss! I let it grow where ever it will. If moss is happy there grass probably wont be and you will wind up with dirt and roots. You can scrape it with a flat edge shovel to remove and then spray with Round Up etc. or vinegar if you dont want...
Homemade Chocolate Frosting?
What type of icing, the type you can pour like glace or frosting as on a birthday cake? For the pour on type ~ Powdered sugar, Coco and a tiny bit of milk. Depending on how much you need . . . for 1 cup of P. sugar ~ add 1 tablespoon of coco and 1 to 1 1/2...