What Is This Flower?
That is a four oclock. Its an annual that easily reseeds itself. Its an old plant that not many people grow anymore. My Dad always grew them. I still grow them....theyve come up with a lot of new colors since I was a kid. The bi-color ones are beautiful! I...
What Is This Garden Plant?
Im not positive but that looks like a Redbud tree. Do you have some growing nearby that could of dropped seeds?
What Is This Plant? (Baby Sun Rose)
Botanical name is Aptenia Cordifolia. Ive heard people call it a Baby Sun Rose or Heart Leaf Ice Plant.
What Is This Flower? (Primrose)
Your plant is a primrose. Commonly called Sun Drops. They do spread like crazy but the roots are very shallow so theyre pretty easy to thin out. I usually take a shovel and slide it right under the plants in the fall so theres not so many of them the next spring...
Glue Bait Down to Catch Chipmunks
Those poor things have tunnelled around a bunch of my hostas, and other plants and killed them. Theyve also tunnelled under my front deck and chewed the wood so bad it has to be replaced. My 8 lb. dachshund has caught two of them. Which do prefer... live trapping...
What is My Orchid Doing?
Those tubers are actually the stems that the flowers will eventually bloom on. It looks like its doing well. Just make sure to give it 1/4 cup of water per week. It may take a while but eventually youll have beautiful flowers!
Growing an Iris?
It depends on if the iris was divided. Divided iris will not bloom the first year after transplant. But the second year youll be rewarded with beautiful flowers!
Senior Dog Peeing Inside?
Does he ask to go outside? I have a blind dachshund....got her when she was 8 weeks old. I immediately hung a large bell by my back door & taught her to ring it when she needs to go out. She still used it to this day & she is now 12 yrs. old. My daughter got...
Dog Has Black Tarry Stinky Ears?
I had a miniature pinscher for years that had the same problem and constant ear infections. Nothing the vet gave her helped...only made the black gunk worse. I started using a homemade recipe. 16 oz. bottle of isoprophyl alchol, 2 Tbsp. boric acid, 16 drops...
Home Remedies for Dog With Chronic Ear Infection?
I had a min pin with the exact same problem. Nothing the vet ever gave her helped. She scratched at them so much they were actually bloody inside and scarred from all the scratching. A friend of mine gave me a recipe for a home remedy which I immediately started...