My Cat Using Flowerbed for Litter Box?
Two suggestions: You could cover the dirt with mulch made of bark chips. I dont think your car would enjoy pawing those chips very much. Or, I would think cat repellant spray would work well IF your front door is not too close to the garage door where she goes...
Getting Rid of Ants in the Kitchen?
I had great success with a 50/50 mixture of sugar and Borax (the powdered laundry soap). However, if you have small children or pets, you have to be careful where you place this mixture, because it can make them sick if it was to be ingested. If you know where...
Shopping for Unpainted Resin Santas?
Not sure about actual resin, but you may want to consider plastercraft. The plaster pieces are heavy and feel very similar to resin, and can have amazing detail. Supply stores are few and far between, though, so youd probably have to order your Santas online...
Getting Rid of Tiny Ants?
See my reply dated 8/13/11 to a similar question dated 8/12: Hope it helps you too! DeDe
What is The Best Commercial Strength Shower Cleaner?
A friend of mine mentioned that she couldnt get the floor of her tub clean, and it was driving her crazy. She tried all kinds of cleaners. I suggested that she try the Mr Clean Magic Sponge, and it did the trick! She was ecstatic. Maybe the sponge will work...
Men's Tie Centerpieces?
Hmm. Interesting idea! It depends on if you want the ties to survive and be usable afterward. Or do you plan on purchasing some cheapie ties that can be cut if necessary? Let me know and then I can tell you what Im thinking. Ladymadonna
Men's Tie Centerpieces?
I was thinking you could make simple accents as florists do with ribbon. Youll need wired floral picks to do this. At the skinny end of the tie, make one loop, say about 4 tall, scrunch the bottom and hold in place with your left fingers. Then bring the end...
Cleaning Multiple Litter Boxes
Wow, Jazzyjuls, you sure are nice to your cats! Putting litter boxes on each floor for their convenience? Im a little confused by your post. Are you just sharing info, or are you asking for advice on a better way? I would like to comment that having a pit stop...
Save Money on Your Utilities?
I purchased a small convection oven that doubles as a large toaster oven. I just set it on top of my microwave, so it doesnt take up any counter space. Much less electricity is used when baking items that go in an 8 x 10 pan or smaller. And it doesnt heat up...
Product Review: Capital One No Hassle Rewards
A warning about paying off the entire balance each month. Due to the recession, credit card companies are now closing many accounts with zero balances, to help reduce their maintenance costs and also to limit future losses. You will get no warning.....just...
Questions about Tramadol?
There are many fibromyalgia-related websites out there with chat rooms and message boards. My absolute favorite is On the home page, click on Message Boards and go to the board for Fibro. (youll have to register first, which is not a big...
Keep Your Whole House Smelling Sweet
Hi Sharon Guess where I live? Yes, you guessed it. Bel Air! Hows that for coincidence? So baking soda really works? And all I need is a half cup? Do you put some in every room of the house or just the places with odor problems? Baking soda is inexpensive, so...
Wearing French Hook Earrings?
Thank you! Glad to hear its not just me! Guess what. My sisters just informed me at age 51 that were supposed to save & re-use the little rubber stoppers that are on the hooks when we buy them. You know, the little rubber things that look like miniature pencil...
Painting Gold Earrings?
I went to a local craft store for that same reason, hoping theyd have some gold touch-up paint for jewelry. They didnt. But I went down another aisle and found liquid leaf paint which is a liquid version of gold leaf used in crafts. It works great and without...
Sour Smelling Bedding?
Have you thought about putting the waterproof covers on the pillows and mattress? The kind of covers they sell for relief from allergens, such as dust mites. The problem is the covers are very expensive. But you can launder them and your pillows will always...