Thaw Meat Faster
My husband worked in an a restaurant this last summer and he told me this! I have not tried it, I still use the microwave.
Buying Tea Light Candles in Bulk?
I brought a large bag from Wal-Green, Dollar Tree but their was not as large as Wal-Green, Walmart, and Big Lott sales them in large bags also.
Remedies for Lower Back Spasms?
Ibuprofen or Motrim is what I take. A hot water soak also help and Bengay back rub applied to the lower back.
Handmade Adult Wipes?
You can just buy the baby wipes. This is a recipe I had when I had my twins. I used bounty paper towels, baby oil about a 1/2 cup, water 2 cups. You can add more, just a very drop of baby shampoo mix. I used the tub the baby wipes came in but you can also just...
German Chocolate Cake (Microwave)
I hope this turn out ok, because I am planning on making this for Thanksgiving.
Ideas for Organizing Your Car?
Are you talking about the trunk of your car? I use a milk crate that I found on the side of the road too. Mine is organized. I keep extra oil, booster cable, small tools. I have a small tire air compressor I keep there also.
German Chocolate Cake (Microwave)
I just made this cake for dinner, it came out pretty good. I was going to wait till Thanksgiving, but I decided to see how it will turn out, and I will be making this again. Thanks for the recipe.
Keeping Flies Away?
Take some fresh dirt and put over the area or cover with baking soda and cat litter.
Add Baking Powder to Cake Mix
What if the cake is in date do you still use baking powder? Sometime my box cake come out flat! I have really stopped using box cake mix. I just make my cake from scratch now. But, when they have a good sale on box cake mix I will stock up on them.
Apple Spice Syrup
What do you serve this own? I would hate to make a batch of this and no one eats it. My grandkids hate the smell of vinegar! So will it have the vinegar taste and smell? I normally give them a teaspoon of vinegar to keep them from getting strep throat, so they...
Can You Buy the Powdered Cheese as Sold in Boxed Mac and Cheese?
You do better too make homemade. That crap is lousy in the box.
Rubbing Alcohol As Roach Spray
I never heard that before, but I will try it. alcohol is a lot cheaper then Raid Roach Kill Spray, that is what is buy all the time.
Loaning Money to Relatives
I dont loan money to anyone, especially relative! My sister owes me $250.00 today, which I know I will never get back. Just give them the money if you have it, and please dont give if you can not afford to part from it. Because relative will never pay you back...
When Should You Replace a Washer and Dryer?
Only when it stop working. My dryer I just replaced it was about 15 years old, and when I got my new dryer I had to buy an electric plug for it, boy was I pissed, they tell me now that dryers do not come with electric plugs, that is consider extra. It is a...
Use Pickle Juice as Laxative
I would not suggest you do that. Pickle juices are loaded with salt. Just buy a laxative or start eating bran cereals, and eating lot of prunes and raisins.
Tiny Jumping Bugs in Couch?
They are most likely fleas, just spray with a can of Raid. you might want to spray the fllor and carpet with it also, and doorways. need to put flea collar on pets but wash them with the tick and flea shampoo you but in the pet store. also try putting lime...
Buying Prescription Reading Glasses or Drugstore Glasses?
I wear prescription glasses with bifocal all the time, but I wear contact sometimes, mostly during the summer, but I still need my reading glasses! I brought a really cute pair of reading glasses from Dollar General for $1.50.
Buying Rosewater?
I have not seen rosewater since I was a child. Two month ago I was in Big Lott and saw some on the shelf. I brought 5 bottles of it and gave it to my grand-daughters. This was what we used for perfumed when we were children, and the only thing! You might can...
Soap Does Not Dissolve in Dishwasher?
Try adding vinegar to your detergent, also I notice that when I used cheap dishwasher detergent this happen. But adding vinegar to it the dishes comes out sparkling. Also, that powder detergent will get old and it will not dissole properly, but add vinegar...
Can I Upgrade This Older Computer?
My husband is a computer programmer. He stated the unit is really to old to be investing trying to upgrade. It is more feasible for you to just buy a new computer.
Getting Rid of Meal Bugs in Flour?
The eggs are all ready in the flour. just put the bag in the freezer until ready to use. this will slow them from hatching. one they hatch you can not do anything but threw it away. before putting a new bag in your container, be sure to clean it real good to...
Acai Berry Diet Supplements?
I have taken acai berry supplement for a month now, and I have not lose any weight. I brought minds from Wal-Green pharmacy.
Snake in the Underside of Car?
Two things you might do, 1.) Call animal control or an exterminator, 2.) Take it to a mechanic and have them jack the car up then may be you can get it out that way. Is the snake under your car in a hole? But it is not inside of the car? So I take it you are...
Snake in the Underside of Car?
You could also try spraying hot water in the hole, if it dont harm your car.
Getting Rid of Flies in Backyard?
I dont know what really work to get rid of flies except for a can of Raid Spray. My husband brought those little sticky fly trap that you hang up in the cealing, in whichIi hate looking at it. Dont try those water bags filled with water because that do not...
Kenmore Washer Stops After Wash Cycle?
Sears will come out and fix that! I had a use Kenmore washer and it did that to me, and I called Sears and they fixed it. I no longer have the washer, but it lasted me 5 years considering it was used, I only payed $100.00 for it.
Can I Freeze Potatoes?
Yes you can, but dont ever freeze potato salad. I learned that lesson years ago!
Free or Inexpensive Job Training Opportunities for Stay at Home Mom?
You might try the Community Colleges in your area aslo, and talk with them about grants, scholarships and financially aid
Turn Your Refrigerator into an Icebox
I just brought an Admiral electric clothes dryer, and it did not come with an electric plug! I called the manufactured about this, and they tells me, that the plug is extra that you will have to buy it separately. Have anyone ever heard of this nonsense? I...
What to Expect When Getting Dentures
My mother-in-law had all her teeth pulled the same day and got some temporary denture, then later she got permanent dentures. You are going to have mouth soreness. Warm salt water rinse will help your gum heal faster. You could also just leave the dentures...
Homemade Lip Primer?
You can just buy a jar of Vaseline, or just buy the store brand lip balm, which is very cheap.
Shaving the Bikini Area?
Use witch hazel, it does not burn as bad as alcohol does. Also you should try using nair hair remover. I use razors and I also use nair hair remover. Nair does a wonderful job, it just smell bad. I seldom use the razors, when I have lots of time!
Create Your Own Quick Bread
I am going to try this. And if it dont turn out right tonight I will be chatting my disappointment.
Hair Extensions and Thinning Hair?
I never know why women add that crap to their hair, My oldest daughter does this often and I have warm her so much about the damage she does to her hair. Try washing your hair with hair conditioner only, and skip the shampoo for a couple of months, this will...
Ants in Refrigerator?
I never hear of this before, try turning your thermostat down to cooler temperature, also wash the inside and out side of your frig. with bleach. you might want to clean the floor arounf the frig with bleach also.
Old Trunk with Musty Smell?
You can also try putting charcoal in a coffee can inside the truck also, you really need to find the cause of it, leave the truck open for a couple of days as often as possible. You can also spray the trunk with pure bleach and leave open to air out also.
Sports Bras for Everyday Wear?
I wear sport bra often also because they are very comfortable, those bras with wires in them becomes very uncomfortable after a few wears.
Alternate Uses for Dishwasher Detergent?
I use it to clean my car port, I just pour it on the oil stain, let it set for a day or so, then I just wash it away with the water hose, does a wonderful job, my son had an old car that leaked oil and transmission fluid and it had my car port floor looking...
Alternate Uses for Dishwasher Detergent?
I also used it to clean my old baby clothes, I just let the water get hot, dissolve the dish washing detergent and let the clothes and diaper soak in it for a day or so, then wash it as usual, no stain! But thank you god I dont have any babies anymore.
Algae In My Pool?
It is hard to clean, use plain old household bleach, try added a pint of bleach to pool water everyday to keep it from happen a gain. To get rid of the algae what there now, drain the pool, and spray with pure bleach. let it dry then repeat, if you scrub the...
Rat Droppings in Mobile Home Insulation?
The old will evenly go away in time, but what you need to do is put rat poison out to control them, and lay cinnamon around. I heard that rat wont come near cinnamon. It will also make your place smell good. I would have all the insulation redone, I know 3...
Straightening Curly Hair?
I am black female, I use a hot iron to straighten my hair, but I also use a chemical relaxer. I had a lot of new growth and have not been to beauty shop because of lack of funds. So I just washed my hair with conditioner, let it air dry. I chose to let it air...
Freeze Bell Peppers
Kroger have them marked down a lot, for about .99 a bag, I just freeze the whole bag. And when I get ready for some I take out what I need take the seed out, and then slice and dice them.
Recipes for a Diabetic Person?
You really dont have to have anything special because you are a diabetic. Just watch your salt and sugar intake. Just remember portion size. Pass up on double portion. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I have been a Type II diabetic going on 17 years. I use...
Recipes for a Diabetic Person?
Diabetic food or sugar-free food are very expensive to buy. And the food tastes awful.
Dollar Store Freezer Bags vs the Name Brand?
I always buy the store brand or the Family Dollar brand frezer bags, and they work just as good as Ziplock!
Fry Biscuits in Chicken Grease
I have had fried biscuit in a Chinese restaurant in my home town and they are great. You have to remember they are high calorie! But, every now and then I do splurge a little. My gas was off for a short time last year and I had to cook on a hot skillet and...
Scratches on CDs and DVDs?
I have 3 ideals thas has help fo me, try (1) lemon pledge furniture polish, or you can use any furniture polish, also (2) peanut butter (3) lotion, wipe straight down, dont use circular motionI hope this help
Laptop for a College Student?
I like hp computers, you can not go wrong with them and they have a good 24/7 support systems, I just want to say all 4 computer I have ever own has all been hp, I broght my 2 daughters a emachine last summer and they were pretty good also. My in-laws have...
Enclosing an Outdoor Patio?
I dont know if you want screen but they do have those portable screen house you can use! Just adjust it some to fix your patio.
Printers That Are Inexpensive to Use?
I have a HP printer, I have been buying my ink online, but I just found this out that the ink is cheaper at Wal-Mart then online. My daughter has a Cannon, her ink is cheaper then HP!
Concrete Block Raised Bed
I would like to know how you did this, I have a lot of concrete blocks in the back of my house that I would love to put to use, E-mail me at sickandandsexy AT, Thanks
Peaches Falling Off Tree After Rainstorms?
You might try putting one of those patio umbrella over them this might help, of tie a large trash bags over them. This might help.
Kids Removing Their Own Diapers?
I have twins boys they are 15 now, I had the same problem Take some duct tape and wrap around the diaper, a one complete wrap around the stomach and back, that will solve your problem and when you get ready to change them cut it off with scissor, be sure not...
Kids Removing Their Own Diapers?
Also this might be a sign they are ready to start training for the pot. Try the pull-up.
Who Remembers Paper Dolls?
Yes, and those was the good old days. I made some for my grand-daughters that I found on a web site a couple of years ago, and they loved playing with them, and so did I, until my 2 grandson decided they looked better tore-up in pieces. I will print more when...
Basic Rolls
I think this is a great and easy recipe, But you dont really have to wait a whole week before you use it right? you can use it right away I mean? I have been trying to make bread at home, and it really has not come out right. But I will try this recipe.
Growing: Rosemary?
Well I live in the south, I have brought the little plants from Brookshire and Krogers grocery stores, I follow the direction but they still die. I love these little plants, but I just can not get them to grow.
7-Up Cake
Is this self-rising flour? Is it 3 cups or 8 cups of flour? Have you tried this recipe? It sound really simple to make, but I want the correct ingredients. Editors Note: Thanks for pointing this error out. It is 3 cups of flour.
Cornmeal For Ants?
no, I never heard of cornmeal, but I have heard of instant grits, I put out some instant grits on the ant pile, the ants was still there 2 days later, and a bigger pile! I re applied the instant grits, and was standing in the window watching it, There was birds...
Changing a Kerosene Heater Wick?
Wick Replacement for Kerosene Heater, Model# RMC-95-C6 The wick in your heaters needs replacing if, after repeated cleanings, any of the following conditions still exist: slow to light, hard movement of the wick adjuster knob, kerosene odor while burning, low...