Living During the Great Depression?
City folks had it very hard during the depression,soup kitchens and bread lines were the norm. Poor rural general did not even realize there was a depression,life was a daily struggle,but at least they usually had a garden and some chickens or maybe...
Homemade Wood Pellets?
Grass and leaves can be pressed with a simple lever and plunger setup with a pipe or bucket to form.They will need to dry after pressed because some moisture is needed to make the briquettes stay together.Used cooking oil makes a good binder but with enough...
Homemade Wood Pellets?
I found a great link. 3 videos 1st one should be just what you are looking for. Hope it helps, I will build the double lever soon.
Cleaning the Chimney?
In my honest opinion, if you burn good dry hardwood [no pine] no more than you are using it, every 3 to 5 years should be often enough. they sell an item that you burn once in a while that is supposed to help reduce the build up. I have used fire all my life...
Updating on Old Rock Fireplace?
Almost anything you put over it will crack and crumble. The stonework you have is beautiful and much desired, it would cost you thousands of dollars to build one like you have. Please take a little time and learn to love what you have.
Updating on Old Rock Fireplace?
If you just have to change it, sheet copper or brushed stainless would work.