Not Getting Burnt When Using a Glue Gun
Keep a small bowl of ice water nearby to plunge fingers in. Cools off the glue and the burn in a snap.
Removing Lime Deposits from Your Shower?
I have had pretty good results with CLR (Calcium Lime Rust) . That is a cleaner you can find at Wmart or other stores.
Recipes Using Canned "Cream Of" Soups?
I get recipes like that from the website - hundreds of quick and easy recipes.
Keeping a Master Grocery List on the Computer
I have the same type of list in Word on my pc. We have a notepad just for writing down grocery needs and then I add them to my master list. We do the same for highlighting coupons, make notes. I started the master list by saving all handwritten lists for a...
White Tuxedo Shirts Turned Yellow?
Try soaking them in a half and half solution of water and hydrogen peroxid. It works on vintage linens, which I collect. Vintage linens yellow with the use of bleach. Good Luck!
Color to go With Dark Green Tile?
I have dark green tile and counters in my kitchen. The walls are painted a medium pale yellow. They look great together! I also have the same cabinets as you. It looked so good, I carpeted the house with dark green carpet. Weve been loving it for years.