Making a Cinder Block Planter
Love the way this looks. I could do this down my drive at apartment. So cute!
Getting Rid of an Odor in My House?
If you have carpet I would use baking soda letting it set as long as possible. Check for mold under carpets,under sinks etc. What this reminds me of is sewage. Sorry but happened to me. I kept smelling this horrible smell when I came in, walked by but it wasnt...
Removing Diesel Oil and Grease from Clothing?
I have tried many things,used many things finally I can recommend one thing I know for sure works. On there is a product called S2O. They have laundry sheets and a liquid stain remover. Made from organic products, made especially for removing oil, grease...
Stuffed Bell Peppers
I exchange turkey instead of ground meat. Never tried corn in but sounds great. Will do next time. I freeze my, this is something I make a couple times a month. With just me,I can eat them for a couple weeks then make another batch. I dont mind having such...
Grilled Figs with Feta and Honey
Yummy! I printed this one off. Sounds like one to share with family!
Removing Makeup And Caring For Your Skin
@peseta thank you so much for your feedback. I wrote down all of your suggestions,always looking for information Im unaware of. Thanks!
Natural Lip Plumper
Cayenne (Red) pepper is what is in most all of the lip plumpers you buy. That is what makes the tingling sensation. Is cinnamon just for flavor? I just dont think it would be sanity to put back in tube. Why cant you just put on your lip with it in another container...
Smarter Back to School Shopping
I totally agree with you on not needing every little thing. I was so surprised hearing local news that 1 Billion dollars is spent by the teachers on kids who do not have even paper. Seems like something is wrong somewhere! Some of these things can be shared...
Water Down Expensive Perfume
Use sterile water not tap water ! The reason perfume is expensive is it is not watered down with alcohol. Making cologne out of it with alcohol...that is the difference in the two. Lotion if it doesnt have a scent is good also. Alcoholics when going into treatment...
Cleaning Rate for a One Bedroom Apartment?
I used to do extra cleaning for friends in college (after) if you have it all worked out before you start should be fine. I admit wrong conditions could hurt your friendship only you know that. Maybe putting it in writing would be the answer, saving any problems...
Getting Rid of Ants Safely?
I have no idea how big the area is where the ants are. I loved using chalk it is safe,easy to use ,as long as you know the areas they come it from works great. You just put chalk lines around window sills,doorway entrances,any dog or pet dishes,sinks or bathtub...
Choosing Flooring Color for Yellow Kitchen?
I would go with color of cabinets instead of walls. Painting, redoing walls are easy. Cabinets is an expensive not to mention long,sometimes difficult project. Going a shade or two lighter for floors will incorporated your hard surfaces. You can then use towels...
Making a Multidirectional Spray...
Great idea; here is one solution having help would be an asset. Im challenged doing things like this :) Think I will try this one! Blessings.
Quick Fix for A Damaged Wedding Cake
Beautiful, you would never had known! Glad you saved the day. Would have been horrible for bride had you not been so cleaver. Nice!
Rum and Butter Grilled Peaches With Ice Cream
Im going to do this one as my cheat for summer. Sounds wonderful. So good for our get together barbecue! I may try using less butter :-)
Cooking With Ground Turkey?
I use turkey for every thing. You do it exactly like ground red meat, it just has so much less fat. Doesnt brown the same color as red meat either. Cook until not pink. I use a spatula over medium to low heat,stirring until done. Youll notice there isnt any...
Reusing Egg Cartons
Thanks for feed back everyone! I only use organic brown eggs. Styrofoam isnt what they come in and wouldnt be what I use. My egg cartons looked cleaned however I would put in microwave for 2 minutes if you are worried. This kills any and everything would cant...
Remedy for Sunburn?
Im so sorry for your pain. May God speedily heal you. You have to be very careful in sun when using retinal (that is what most acne medicine contains) SPF always. When I had a chemical peel which is the worst burn ever, my Dr. said only Vaseline. I had always...
Easy Mascara Removal
You have to be very careful what type of lotion that you use near your eyes. Make sure it doesnt contain anything that can irritate eyes.
Homemade Blush
I can remember doing this when my parents would never have let me wear make up. Beware of allergies, read ingredients in baby powder! I learned the hard way. Love knowing what you used for the shades.
Getting Rid of Acne?
Sorry I know acne is a tough sometimes emotional battle. I have been there myself. My Dr. gives me retinal Rx even though I get it at cost,still I have found things I can make. Works at a fraction of the cost. The retinal would be hard for you if you are in...
Getting Rid of Ants?
I have a post in tips that we just started using and works! I think its in last weeks tip contest. I read an article at my Dr. office went home tried it. Amazed! Now my BF daughter is using it also and no more problems. Chalk, yes any kind ,color of chalk. Just...
In Memory of Jake (Domestic Polydactyl...
How lucky both of you were. God sure does have miracles for different Seasons in all our lives. I read this story and I believe this was meant to be from day one. Blessings to you. May your heart heal however always remain full of all the joy Jake brought into...
Chalk to Deter Ants
Thanks for telling me the why. Yes, I agree chalk does make it easy. Easy, works and is thrifty. Meets all the right reasons for many. I really appreciate you getting back to me,and leaving a feed back. Many blessings and no ants. Luana
Cleaning Rusty Stains in Toilets?
I have had this problem, not fun. Once I did this was amazing how easy turned out. I used olive oil (any cooking oil) and screen. You can buy this screen at hardware stores.Or you can cut larger squares of screen,cutting it into size squares you can easily...
Deciding to Have Another Child?
I really have no idea how many previous posts you have made; that doesnt matter to me. First thing I did was pray for you and the baby. Maybe from what I read you are having a hard time, have other children? I adopted my youngest child, he was the answer to...
Finding a Source for Furniture Vouchers?
I know the Salvation Army gives vouchers for furniture,clothes,kitchen items even toys. Im sorry for your lose, there are many agencies across America that is there to help after a disaster. I would call local churches,United Way even 211 may have local agencies...
Finding Free or Inexpensive Appliances?
After reading the replies the one I didnt see listed was your electric company. Here there is a program where they replace your old ones with new energy saving appliances. Yes free! If you qualify you may be able to get in that program in your area.They weatherize...
Nail Polish Remover Damaged Dresser Finish?
This happens, Im so sorry. The only thing that has worked for me, if it is a small spot, is acetone, yes, nail polish remover. Use a Q-tip so you are only touching the spot. Be prepared to have stain, furniture touch up, or refinishing kit if you wish to do...
Cleaning with Vinegar?
Maybe there are many other things but of all I have tried lemon is the only one that is all purpose. Meaning doesnt leave streaks, or a slight film on floor, counters, and appliances. It is safe to use around food and works great. I love lavender however not...
Use a Washcloth on Dust Mop
I do this all the time. Try looking for sales on micro fiber (at Ace 6 for 1.00) during Dollars Days. Also have these at auto supplies stores. I have seen them, and ordered 40 for less then 20.00 but the ones at hardware, auto stores are larger. Absorb just...
Making a Microwave Heating Rice Pad
I do this! It works great. I have lupus, my regular heating pad isnt as flexible. A friend shared this with me, been doing it ever since! Great post.
Black Spots on Shower Caulking?
Make sure you let it completely dry out before re-caulking. I have used bleach before and it worked. In your case if you have used bleach, let completely dry out before re-caulking then you need to go buy a mildew(mold) killer. At the hardware store mold be...
Getting Rid of Fleas?
Natural way is bathing your dag in warm salt water. Steeping rosemary and adding it to the warm bath of salts will help keep fleas off the pet. I read this somewhere, when I had a dog it worked great. I never wanted to use the chemicals on her. Try this, worked...
Everlasting Mothers Day Flowers - Rooting Cut Flowers
Does this really work? I would love to know if it is just for certain flowers. I love daisies. How beautiful they would be in a flower bed or pot? Enjoy your summer!
Keep PC Dust Free
I also do great! I have found used ones work just as good as if it was one straight out of the box. I dust my blinds after they are cleaned with dryer sheets. They stay dust free so much longer.
Cleaning the Bathroom With Turtle Wax
I always (once a week) clean my shower and bathroom tiles with wax. It prevents mold and soap scum build up. After you do it with the Turtle Wax you can keep it up by just using furniture polish. So great in shower,the water beads off the doors so you never...
Free or Inexpensive Furniture?
I had so many answers then I see you have gotten them already ! They do work be patient,the stuff does show up. All I would add is look for local church, hospital or chamber thrift stores. Many times they have a monthly turn over plan, if they know of a need...
Cheap Dental Work?
First my heart goes out to you! One of the 1st things I ever shared with this site, I completely understand. Dont give up hope there is help out there. I was able to get mine by doing a TV show, before I was blessed with that option I extensively looked into...
Fabric Softener Sheet for Burnt Pots and Pans
I am going to remember this one! Thanks, I enjoy learning new things,ways to save money. Exciting to read one I hadnt heard of before. Blessings to you!
Hot and Spicy Weed Killer
Better late then not..sorry didnt answer the question asked. Maybe boiling water would wilt the weed but not kill the roots of it. This is fool proof; works and most of all kills it at the root. Of course Mother nature will return but that unwanted grass,weeds...
Red Candle Wax on White Carpet?
I always take a paper bag or several paper towels and set my iron on medium to hot setting. Stack several paper towels or cut squares out of brown paper bags (like from grocery). Set bag or paper towels down and put iron on top of it, once you see a spot forming...
Buying a Camera?
I just got into taking pictures and ask same question. Since Im not a computer thinking kind of person, seeing that from sewing machines to cameras it all seems like little computers to me. I ended up getting a Fugi. Love it, it has the point and shoot method...
Getting Rid of Mice Naturally?
The only thing that works great is the things at the store they give off a sound only unwanted guests hear. Mice will not come around at all. I have used them for years,back when you had to order from factory. Places where you may not have an outlet (in my...
Getting Rid of Mice Naturally?
Hi I wanted to come back and tell you that red pepper works also. Any kind of Cajun pepper does the trick I guess mice do not like the smell of it, much less the taste. Once again good luck. I still would take the money and purchase the sound devices. They...
Use A Flower Frog To Display Photos
This will be great for my bills. Instead of laying there until the 1st of the month I can put in order, be able to see them and be more organized with them! Thanks great idea, and spray painting it to match, genius.
Choosing Between a Tablet or Digital Frame for Photos?
Big difference in price. if you need a tablet,can afford it than Id go that way. They are way out of my budget. I gave digital frame for Christmas present. They can be out all of the time, and set only to run when you want it to. Now they are so inexpensive...
Shampoo for Helping Hair Grow Faster?
There is a Mane and Tail shampoo, here its at Walgreens. Made for horses and it makes hair stronger, so it wont break off. Therefore it does appear that your hair is getting longer. The only way to really make your hair grow longer, faster, and stronger, better...
Always Remember Your Own Pen
Thanks for all of your feedback. I do have an auto immune illness (lupus) so I have to be very aware of picking up germs when not necessary. I didnt say sanitize the pens, I said take your own if you think about it, so easy. The man who just went to the restroom...
Generic Debbie Meyers Green Bags?
Yes at our grocery in organics they have green bags, I always get several extra to keep. They work the same. I have found no difference. The ones at the Dollar Store work great, also...just not always in stock. Blessings!
Miracle Whip In Mashed Potatoes
Only way I do it; except I also add low fat zesty Italian dressing to them. So creamy and delicious. I didnt know anyone else did it this way. Enjoy with out all of the extra calories. Blessings!
Making Things Easier for the Disabled
God bless you! I have limitations also. Thanks so much for a pick-me-up. I love all of your posts!
Cleaning Laminate Flooring With a Steam Mop?
I use my steamer on everything!If your steamer had temp. adjustments than maybe you may like to keep it at a medium setting.If it is one without that feature,I personally cant imagine not using a steamer.After all it is the only thing that completely kills...
It's A New Year, Donations Needed
Oh my goodness,I cant believe that happened to you!!I just heard that a web site for each individual school would be posted.That way in a school case, you know exactly which class room it goes to. The teacher(who takes it out of her pocket) can saywe need 10...
Keep Toothbrush Germ Free
I am a germ a fob so yes I have read, seen TV, and researched how many germs are in bath rooms. Scary to me, and should be to others as well. I just put a empty plastic bag (zip lock kind) over my electric tooth brush. It works great! The only thing about using...
My Frugal Life: Small Town Lessons for Big City Life
Thank you so much for your feed backs! May God bless you.
Treat Bamboo Cutting Boards with Olive Oil
Thanks so much for your feedback! Yes I know since I only eat organic my olive oil is. So sorry if I didnt get that across. Great for others to read it. Mineral oil is wonderful. Thirty, years and still have wooden spoons! Awesome. I used mineral oil on wood...
Shopping for Comfortable Clothes for Female Nursing Home Patient?
I agree with all of these posts.Watch very carefully how your Granny is being taken care of. Things happen in these places that should never be allowed. Unless someone is checking everyday, talking, keeping records things will keep going the way it has. Its...
Removing Scuff Marks from Matte Painted Walls?
I love Mr.Clean Erasers also. I however have a thrifty, low cost scrub I make that works wonders. Take 1/2 tooth paste with 1/2 baking soda making at light,nonabrasive scrub (cleanser). I use it on walls, base boards, even tennis shoes. It always works and...
Removing a Castor Oil Stain on Faux Suede Couch?
If its just an oil stain, you may be able to use baby powder to remove the oil stain. I use this on leather, on my car seats, and even carpet. It will not fade the sofa or bleach out anything. It absorbs usually on 1st try. If not leave it on for a few minutes...
Nail Polish Remover on Table?
Sorry, I have been there. The way I fixed mine by trial and error was to finally scuff the polish stain down. Making surface smooth again. Followed by matching color of table best that I could the after that dried I put on new clear coat. Never could tell it...
Freezing Lemons?
I wrote a post on this very thing a few months ago. I use lemons from cleaning to putting in my water. In CA as in FL, we have some beauties! What I do is have several sizes, one I just clean, slice and freeze. Before I freeze I lay them on a paper towel; this...
Homemade or Inexpensive Christmas Gift for Boyfriend?
Making a gift is special. My ex was professional in the industry so rock n roll is how I would go. You dont have to buy anything. Make copies of his favorite bands, or lyrics to a song you both enjoy together. You could frame it, make a collage if there are...
Gift Ideas for Girlfriend?
I agree with the last answer personal is always better. Memories cant so easily be tossed aside, since you have been together for awhile your gift will be special. So making memories out of it may be something you look back on. Meaning pictures of whatever...
Problems Cashing an Old Money Order?
Im so sorry! Im afraid you need a miracle, due to laws. Not saying there is nothing you can do hopefully bank manager can help. Just last year I had to do research on money orders. You didnt say if you got the money order or if it was written to you as a gift...
Remedies for Dry Skin
Thanks you guys on your feedback.Yes patting dry is important. I always put on a terry robe after bath. Sorry left that out. This year it is so much worse than I remember anyway. I will think of this feedback making sure I let my hands stay moist before anything...
Buy Now Pay Later Sites?
The only places I know of that do not charge fees (interest) allow you to make payments, that are safe is Home Shopping Network or Shop NBC. Home Shopping Network I feel has some great deals but not the selection of HSN. Other difference is at HSN you must...
Entertaining "Table Covers"
Cricketnc. I would love to see that table cloth..what memories! This is and still one of the fondest memories I have. Just puts my special everyone is special spin on all events. In my World money doesnt buy class or happiness, everyone has something to write...
Getting Rid of Moisture Buildup in Closet?
I know exactly how you feel. It is how the back of my closets are. If you look I have posted a entry in mold prevention. It list ways to help. Its rather long but if you can take a look under tips; I really feel it would help you out. This can do damage to...
Re-dyeing Hair?
If you give it a really good hot oil treatment you can but why not first try to get some of the red out. Use Dawn dish soap and wash your hair, maybe it will take 2x but I have heard of this being done. It should take out the redness down to a nice shade. You...
Wrapping Bulky Items?
You never said if it was to be shipped or not? If it isnt why not just put in a bag. You can even decorate it anyway you like. They are free.
Recycled Cornucopia
Beautiful...I could never do this. It is beautiful, amazing how crafty you are. The cost is surprising also. I admit would love one on my table top! Great job.
Removing White Marks from Wood Table?
I hope you get them removed. I used mayo for drink rings left on tables I have picked up so I never let that stop me from getting one in the past. If its from that this method usually works.No knowing more information about what they are from. I hope this works...
Finding Assistance with Medical and Prescription Drugs?
I have this same problem,on fixed income, not close to 65, so you have to do the work. Find the manufacturer they will help if Dr. writes a note stating your income, situation and you are a patient. I think they need this for what will be tax right off for...
Finding Free Furniture?
I know bigger churches, Salvation Army and some Am Vet places give vouchers. You have to contact the office, not in the store. This is where you volunteer usually is where the main offices are. Calling 211 may have numbers, addresses for you. If you have a...
Removing a Burned Smell from a Microwave?
I use my if nothing else works paste; it is 1/2 toothpaste and 1/2 baking soda (I came upon it because I was out of cream of tartar) scrub it out good. Then put a bowl of baking soda in it. If any of the odor isnt cleaned from the microwave nothing you do will...
6 Month Rule For Clutter
If you can use your old plastic containers for the freezer; thats great! However with my cabinets I found its so much better to have ones that are in great condition, can be stack,and allows my food to stay fresher longer (live alone). I had so many that my...
Cleaning Wood Dining Chairs?
I have redone house (wood work included) it does get build up. The dresser I have in my bedroom is way over 100yrs old, maybe I can help. If its just build up from every day living like you said I would try plain vinegar (if you want to put lemon you can) maybe...
My Frugal Life: Saving Money When Shopping
Pamphyila, you can save so many ways if you just ask. I like the way you husband thinks. Surprisingly if its the right time, where its at they will clear space for other things. I always go in with a :Prayer: and enjoy my treasure hunting. LOL Make life fun...
Do Your Homework Before Eating Out
I hope they was able to get this so I could pass it to you at Facebook, these are good tips I did my research and put it to the test. Its the only way to really eat healthy outside your house. Important always enjoy yourself when eating out. If the www.http...
Cooking Acorn and Spaghetti Squash?
I love it so much,its very easy to cook. Wash, cut in half.face open side down in like a cake pan.cover or wrap in foil put in a preheated oven of 350 for about 20minutes. Take it out and let it continue to steam (when you wash it off make sure you leave it...
Remedy for Athlete's Feet?
Potato is the only cure which worked for my son and my ex-husband. Cut it in half rub over clean feet 2-3 x a day, keep feet dry very important. The enzymes in the potato is what works! We visited Dr., bought RXs etc. it always came back. This cure worked on...
Burnt Popcorn Odor in Microwave?
I posted if nothing else works cleaning paste. It is what I used to use when my son did this quiet often (was in last weeks). It really works on so many things. You mix same amounts of baking soda to whitening toothpaste (cheap kind is fine) it will lightly...
Preventing Halloween Candy Overdose
JustPlainJo, thanks so much I always enjoy reading your posts! I thought this was so great. I like the idea of the troops Im going be posting about Christmas where we do that.Halloween is a great idea! Living in a town where a huge percentage is Military I...
Christmas Charities?
The other post said some of what I would suggest like calling 211 or if you dont have a church call a larger one with a youth group, ask for the youth Pastor. I so understand youll never know; yes 13 is old enough to understand,it also is the time where we...
Pet Friendly Mouse Control?
I have had this problem years ago after so much more rain then normal. I hate mice so I needed help. My daughter years later used the same thing I did however now its very easy to buy at your local Home Depot type stores. It plugs into the outlet, send out...
Earning Extra Money While on SSI?
Every State is different here you cant get food stamps, and they have cut back over 100 dollars per month. Look at the sites suggested. It also depends on your disability. I would think if you are able to help make money its worth looking into. Good luck!
Dental Health Tips
I have an auto immune disease which is very bad (things I cant control) however I have found many things I do have control over. Eating healthy, my environment and dental health well, is one I have to keep up on. I thought it was just me however as in the other...
Tips for Cold Prevention And Treatment
I hope this helps you,but forgot one important thing; make sure you get a new tooth brush if you have been ill. Need to keep you mouth clean but the germs will still be on the brush you were using. Be safe-throw it away, feel better soon!
Tips for Cold Prevention And Treatment
Thanks for all of your information. I didnt have to buy haha! My Neti pot would have cost a lot more money if they had known what it was. It really helps me in prevention. I am like you, its very hard once I come down with anything. Stay well.
"If Nothing Else Works" Cleaning Paste
It works best on white sneakers. I had a son who couldnt stand any marks on his shoes. Then I tried it on other things like tub, base boards, etc. Let me know how it works for you. Its my magic wonder around here.
Spring Neck Exercisers
My friend bought this and it didnt work at all for her.I guess maybe it may depend on each person(?)She couldnt get her money back either after trying to return it. I would ask what info. commercial but this was in the summer so time is ran out. Glad you are...
Controlling Silverfish
At the grocery where the spices are. You can sprinkle ground cloves or do like I do and get a piece if Styrofoam put whole cloves in just like you would food. It works and is safe! I actually used a piece that was in packing in a box last time.