Rotate Your Sponges
I have to disagree with your ideas. Anyway you look at it a sponge is a magnet for germs. The first time you use it to wash dishes it is contaminated. The only way to disinfect a sponge is to place it in a diluted dish of bleach and place it in the microwave...
"Restful" Paint Color?
Blue and green are restful colors. They dont promote alot of high energy unless you get into the more intense shades of these colors. Lavender is also a peaceful color but one that is definitely feminine. Consider colors such as blue/gray or blue/green. In...
Painting Kitchen With Sage Green Counters?
You have to ask yourself if the counters are a true preferance in color. If you can honestly say NO then you need to make them look as if they were chosen intentionally . Add more green to the room. Choose a wall color that is one to two shades lighter than...
Hang Shirts Directly From Washer
Hi Brenda, G Great suggestions. Yes, it may take a few minutes to do but will save lots of time in the long run. I use this EXACT process my self and as a professional organizer I offer these suggestions to my clients as well.
Use Plastic Bags As Temporary Gloves
Great topic. I reuse plastic bags for many things. Handling meat is always a given. The paint brush idea also works well. Another use is for paint brushes that have been used for staining. I learned while doing an extensive staining project that I could save...