Puppy Not Eating?
Your little puppy does need a vets attention urgently. It is very serious when they go off their food and the accident may have caused internal injury. You really need to get to a vet. Can you find someone to offer you a lift? I would not delay a moment longer...
Stabilizing a Tea Light in a Blown Glass Holder?
Plasticene would fill in the spaces and allow your tealight to sit level.
Donating Fabric in New York City?
There are many places to consider donating to: womens shelters, church craft groups, senior citizen centres. You can also donate through charity shops. These are probably the least trouble and the most deserving.
Riding Lawnmower Stalling?
Is the ignition set too high so that you periodically flood the engine? If it starts up easily enough after a pause, this might be the cause.
What Is This Garden Plant?
It looks as if it belongs to the nightshade family which includes our common potato and tomato. Other plants in this family are highly toxic. I would get rid of it.
Value of a Set of 1904 Encyclopedia Americana?
I dont think it is highly saleable, unfortunately, though it may indeed be very interesting. You could try eBay for an idea of prices. Perhaps a museum of Americana might be interested.
Puppy Backsliding on Potty Training?
Your poor little puppy is confused with the change in top male! He/she is marking territory all over the place in an effort to get things right. Must have been very disturbed by the change. Just start training again, with love and patience and it will soon...
Dog Urinating Inside?
Id begin by seeing what changes have taken place outside. Perhaps he has been frightened by a neighbouring cat or dog while peeing outside. You need to restore his confidence by making a secure place outside for him to go. Perhaps you could accompany him out...
Birthday Cake Decorations for a Hunter?
You could try making small cartridge bottoms from cardboard - cut a square of the size wanted, and gluing the sides together. A circle could provide the base. Cover this part with silver paint. Then the business part could be a torpedo shaped piece of marzipan...
Identifying a Houseplant?
Id agree that this is a jade plant or sometimes called a money plant because of the belief that it is a lucky plant to keep.
Pre-lit Tree Lights Go Off and On?
It sounds like a loose wire, and the plug can be safely replaced. Judys instructions are as clear as you can get. I wouldnt advise on rewiring simply because our British system is different - we have a third, earth wire for safety. There seem to be many complaints...
Curtain Colour Advice?
A rich Paisley pattern with many colours, red, blue, green, yellow, black would add a splash of brightness and become the focal point of your room.
Using One Outlet in a Room Disables the Other?
Check the wiring in both outlets. Be sure to turn the power off at source! A loose wire in one or the other might be the cause of this problem. If you feel uneasy about the potential for fire, and not happy about your ability to deal with it, do call an electrician...
Getting Rid of Fleas on a Cat?
After treating your cat, you have to keep the fleas from hatching elsewhere. A steam cleaner is probably the cheapest safe option. Just brush over all the surfaces inside with the cleaner. Use any harsher treatments outside, like sprays. Just keep on every...
Package Shipped USPS Missing?
It does sound as if your phone has been stolen. If you pay through PayPal this should be covered, at least to a certain extent.
15th Birthday Party Ideas?
Do some discreet asking among your friends to find out what sort of activities appeal to them. Then you could select one or two and make a group booking. Or you could go for something completely out of the usual - paintballing, orienteering, quad bike racing...
Treating a Dog with Eczema?
You do need veterinary advice on this, and a vet would be able to tell you the most common allergens. I dont know Aristocort, but using steroids on a dog without having him checked out could be risky.
Cleaning Fabric Softener Buildup Inside Agitator?
A simple way to clean this would be to fill the dispenser with an enzyme detergent and do an ordinary wash. When the cycle has finished, open the machine and add vinegar to the dispenser, then run an extra rinse, to help clear both the dispenser and your wash...
Girl's 13th Birthday Party Ideas?
You could do a make-up party, maybe hire a consultant to show you all different techniques? then experiment with some samples she brings.
What Breed Is My Dog?
The.y do seem to me to be very like beagles, small, floppy dark ears and a charming friendly disposition.
Identifying Vintage Drinking Glasses?
Here is a site which may help you: http://www.20thcenturyglass.com/glass_encyclopedia_home.htm
Finding Replacement Plastic Stoppers for Crystal Decanters?
Ask at a small friendly antique shop for advice. Could a babys plastic bottle or a small pop bottle be cut down to size?
No Power to RV's Breaker Box?
There must be a fault in your RVs electrics to set off the breaker first. By pushing it in you set up the problem again, whether it is in the breaker or not, and had a complete short. This needs skilled help, an electrician who has experience with RVs. Hope...
Collecting and Using Social Security Survivor Benefits?
Id agree it is best to contact your local SS office; they will tell you what is appropriate, and how your friend can go about claiming. They have a difficult job to do, but to reasonable people seeking information there should be no problem.
Cooking with Peanut Oil?
Here is lots of information about peanut oil. http://www.nutrition-and-you.com/peanut-oil.html
Fresh Cauliflower for 60 People?
Fresh cauliflower has some wastage, unless you plan to serve up the ribs as well. Allow 6 oz per person, about 4oz if there is a sauce. The ribs might account for 1/3rd of the weight. This allowance gives 22 1/2lbs for plain, 15lbs including sauce, so adding...
Fresh Broccoli for 60 People?
Depending on what else is being served, I would allow a small helping as it is a strong-tasting vegetable - say about 4oz per person. For 60 that would be 15lbs, say 20lbs if you do not intend to serve the stalk (which I may say is delicious). But better allow...
Frozen Corn for 60 People?
4oz per person, so that would be 15lbs. As usual I advise a little more to cope with spills or big appetites. A generous estimate would be 3 extra lbs. You must be having quite a party; can I come too? LOL
Cat and Kittens Feisty and Not Using Letterbox?
Well, kitties are lively, but your bunch does seem a bit over the top! Cats have definite personalities, and I sense some rivalry and stress. Maybe Kiki is annoying the others when they want to use the litterbox; separating her from the others when you are...
Outlet and Light in Bathroom Stopped Working?
Youve blown a fuse in the circuit that serves the bathroom and back rooms. You may have to get professional help if there is no obvious fuse system in your meter board.
10th Birthday Ideas?
You could make them a special meal, served to them by you and one other. There would have to be rules about comments and behaviour, and the meal could also be a learning experience - which cutlery to use when, how to respond to waiters, how to pay the bill...
Dye from Dress Transferred to Tights?
Oh dear, one dress no longer useful....I dont understand how the colour could have transferred to tights, but it should be easily enough removable. First see how much comes out in an ordinary soak wash. Then if any remains it wont need so much drastic action...
Re-Dyeing Hair?
I would dye it and not use colour remover. First, its kinder to your hair, and secondly you are applying dye to a colour that is close to your natural hair colour so removing the first colour would not make so much difference.
Lawnmower Won't Start Reliably?
Sounds like dirty spark plug trouble, or you may need a new fuel filter.
Trying to find Thomas Kinkade Wallpaper Border?
There are lots of online sites that might help you in your search. Here is one: https://wallpaperbordersrus.com/gallery.php?category=thomas_kinkade
Porcelain Doll Value?
Here is a site which may answer your question: http://www.zeppy.io/product/us/2/162235893846/hawaiian-porcelain-doll-by-milestone-mcc-1232-malie#!
Trees to Remove in Lumber City?
If you want to sell your trees, contact the nearest sawmill. They may be interested in buying them. Other ideas include craftsmen in wood or other artists, whom you may be able to find online. Im only guessing, but if you live in Lumber City it sounds as if...
What Are These Dolls?
Going by the name on the back, I think these are Katrina dolls. Here is a link to more information: https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Katrina+Doll+Collection&view=detailv2&qpvt=Katrina+Doll+Collection&id=F335A1988B6E2ED8C5102C061CAF8569CE230617&selectedIndex...
House Training an Abused Dog?
I would try to find a quiet secure place outside for him to pee, since he waits till he gets home where he feels safe. Can you make an outside area feel very good to him by taking him there and then rewarding him with praise? Then the next step would be to...
Cleaning Ink and Adhesive Off of a Suede Jacket?
If it is just the name tag then protect surrounding areas with a cloth, and treat the name tag with any proprietary solvent. If it encroaches onto the suede, than it is definitely a job for the specialist cleaner.
10th Birthday Party Ideas?
Only you know your daughter well enough to answer! If she is normally quiet and thoughtful, I would think no, this is not her sort of thing. On the other hand if she enjoys the limelight and showing off a little, then go for it!
Softening a Hard Bagel?
Easy-peasy! Just brush the bagel with a little water all round and put in the microwave on full power for a few seconds. This tip will work with all kinds of bread.
Burnt Sugar on Smoothtop Stove?
You can either harden it or soften it. Harden by rubbing with an ice-cube, and the scrape/ chip gently with a plastic utensil. Or soften by repeated applications of water. Place hot-water soaked kitchen paper over the sugar. Repeat many times. With a little...
Donating Fabric to Charity?
If you have Craigslist or Freecycle you could advertise there. If you want the fabric to go to a charity you would need to make this clear. Otherwise I expect churches would be glad to hear from you if they have active craft circles which work for charities...
Crate Training an Abused Dog?
Poor Bear, but hes lucky to have such a loving family now. Best to train him not to poop inside. Get a clicker and some treats, and click/reward him when he goes outside. Im sure your children would love to help with this. When he poops inside, clean up without...
Looking for My Half Siblings?
I would go with the other advice and try Facebook. Perhaps you have a site called Friends Re-united? I would be cautious about using a newspaper, because on Facebook you can maintain some anonymity while getting to know anyone who answers.
Jar of Minced Garlic Froze?
No reason why it shouldnt be OK. As everyone has said, it will be a little softer, but probably also tangier as freezing exaggerates spicy flavours. So less may need to be used, but try it first to see.
Breaker Won't Reset?
Beware! This sounds like real trouble to me, and you probably need re-wiring. Sparks coming from a breaker sounds ominous, and definitely not something to tackle by yourself. Do call an electrician.
Clothing Dye Ran in the Wash?
If the red has run, then it might run again in the next wash. Id be inclined to spend no more time and effort on it, though if you are determined to have a go, then the suggestion of an oxygen based bleach is your best bet
Shelf Life of Frozen Sweet Potato Hash?
If you are uneasy about it, you could do a trial run and check one of your packages. If it is Ok then the rest will be, but if you are unsure you could defrost and bake the lot, and then freeze the baked hash.
Puppy Has Fluid Filled Bump on Head?
It probably needs to be drained off. If you have a good vet, and explain your problem to him/her, then Id hope you can reach a compromise. Or you could go online and try to diagnose it yourself. It may just be an accumulation of fluid from a recent infection...
Making Chocolate Peanut Butter Marshmallow Fudge?
Here is a link which may help you. There are 10 recipes to choose from and the site is very clear and easy to use. http://www.yummly.co/recipes/marshmallow-chocolate-peanut-butter-fudge When you have made it, can I come over? LOL
Value of Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedias?
Try somewhere that is interested in vintage Americana - some museums and small collections might like to have them, but Im sure they wouldnt pay a lot.
Removing Stains in a Kitchen Sink?
I agree entirely with Anne, the previous poster. Chlorine bleach will do a good job and kill germs at the same time.
Resizing a Men's Crocheted Skull Cap to Fit a Child?
Measure the mans size hat, and calculate the number of stitches per inch. Then measure the childs head, and calculate the number of stitches you need. As it is tight-fitting, you dont need to have extra. Then work for about 4 before beginning decreasing. Work...
House Training a Puppy?
Your little dog is trying hard to comply with your demands but she has got very confused. Perhaps she thinks that just pooping or peeing is enough to be rewarded for, thats why she barks to tell you! Get a clicker and some treats, a place for her to go in the...
Brother Embroidery Machine Won't Sew Decorative Stitches?
It really sounds as if your machine needs a good overhaul. With complex electronics, there often seems to be little you can do yourself any longer. I would bite on the bullet and contact your nearest Brother manufactory to see where you can take your machine...
Singer 6110 Won't Wind Bobbin Completely?
Could it be a tension problem? Sometimes the threading can cause sticking and pulling. Also I would try letting the machine run as if sewing while bobbin winding, in case the problem is in the switch. Another cause might be in the winder itself; Id check to...
Cleaning the Outside of a Stainless Steel Coffee Percolator?
Just use whatever cleaner you normally use to take off burnt-on stains. Ammonia or oven cleaner would be my choice.
Feed Dogs Not Advancing Fabric?
Most machines have a switch for dropping the feed-dog. Yours seems to be stuck. Try a general clean with compressed air, and then apply a little oil.
Tension Problems on Janome Machine?
Is this a tension problem or perhaps a stitch problem? It sounds as if the machine is making a type of basting stitch. If you are quite sure this is not the problem then try turning the tension control over to manual and see if the same thing happens. Beyond...
Cleaning Kitty Litter Off Shoes?
Just scrub shoes with soap and hot water, they wont take any harm. For the future, you might need a boot scraper to winkle those hard little pickles out of the treads.
Can't Change Settings on Ford Ranger Heater?
Sorry, it is just not clear enough what the problem is. We need more information. Does the switch just stick? A little WD40 might help. If the switch works but the temperature doesnt change perhaps you need to check the hoses. Hope this helps.
Light Bulb Socket Sparked and Smoked?
I dont understand why your circuit breaker didnt cut in - theres a live wire loose in that bulb socket, and it should have. I think, unfortunately, you need an electrician as soon as possible to check on loose wires and maybe faulty circuit breaker.
Curtain and Carpet Colour Advice?
I think maroon would work fine, except that the walls are painted white, and to me that is the real problem. If you are looking for a muted colour scheme, youd need to tone down the walls a lot. Parchment might be better. If you like your white walls then maybe...
Cleaning Ink Off Leather Purse?
It will be difficult to remove an old stain like this without losing some of the colour. As the previous posters have suggested, alcohol might do it but theres a risk. Perhaps persistent rubbing with a leather cream could work, but I rather think the ink has...
Dog Clothes Don't Fit Well?
Sometimes improving the diet can help with shedding; certainly constant grooming does. A diet rich in fat will help, also fatty acids in cod-liver oil and other unrefined vegetable oils. Id also try an egg beaten in milk twice a week, and check his current...
Weaving a Scarf on a Cardboard Loom?
Without knowing what the loom is like, this is difficult to answer! But the general idea of weaving is to start with a number of threads strung lengthways and fixed at both ends. The length should be the length you want your scarf. In proper weaving there are...
Sewing Appliques Onto a Quilt?
If you have marked out the position of each petal I cant see that it matters. Just sew in the direction that means least manipulating of the fabric.
Dog Aggressive Towards Owner?
First of all, check her health with the vet. Perhaps she simply felt pain on being picked up. If she is OK, then ask yourself what is the difference between the two environments. Is one livelier/quieter than the other? Are there children who might tease her...
Repairing Heat Damage to Velvet Fabric?
As long as the nap is not too damaged, you should be able to cover it with colour - ink, crayon, even paint. You may have to replace the colour frequently. Getting a match may be difficult - try combining colours; a bit like painting!
What Is This Houseplant?
The String of Pearls or String of Beads (Senecio rowleyanus) has a creeping growth habit and fleshy round leaves growing from thin stems. This cascading succulent has tiny white flowers. Those stems look a lot like a succulent to me, though the leaves are much...
Homemade V-8 Juice?
Do you have a juicer? If so, easy peasy. If not, the fact that your produce is frozen is a great help. Put it in a plastic sieve over a bowl to defrost, and when it is completely soft, push as much of the tomato through the sieve as you can. You will have lovely...
Removing Dye Stains on Leather Couch?
I rather like the leaf stains, and Id just go with them. I cant think of anything that wont harm the leather, sorry. Avoid alcohol, acetone and ammonia - and these are just the things that might work! So Id rather have a pretty pattern than damaged leather...
Removing Ink Stain on Clothes?
Methylated spirits - wood alcohol - should work. Dab it on and gently rub until the stain disappears, then rinse and wash. Pungent stuff, but effective!
Container for Disposing of Kitchen Grease and Oil?
You can also recycle fat! A bucket of sand with old oil poured in makes a handy cleaner for garden tools. Just plunge them in the sand, and they come up clean and shiny. Then you might be able to think of a winter use for the sand; maybe as an aid when your...
Moving and Not Taking Fleas With Me?
Hire a steam cleaner and go over all your stuff. The temperature should be enough to kill the fleas. When you have moved keep on doing the same thing to all your furniture and bedding and curtains until finally you will be free. What a horrible thing for you...
Getting Nail Glue Off Glass Lenses?
Because the lenses are glass and not plastic you will be able to safely try most methods of removal. A light scraping with a plastic utensil; repeated washing with soap and warm water, or enzyme detergent; isopropyl alcohol; acetone; even a brief freeze and...
Gluing Glass to Glass?
You might need the glass sealant they sell for aquariums. Should be strong enough for your display boxes too.
Home Repairs for Low Income Families?
Borrow books on repair from the library. Treat it as a challenge, your kids might get interested and help. If you can learn to do simple repairs around the house, it will always stand you in good stead, and also your boys. With the exception of electricity...
Curtain and Throw Pillow Colour Advice?
A brown and white print for the curtains, and accents in mat/cushions of leaf-green.
Removing Cat Urine Odor from Couch?
Enzyme detergent would work too. Use an essential oil on a cotton ball behind the cushions to deter the cats in future. Lavender or orange would be good; nothing that has a similar basic smell to cat urine, as this will attract them back to the spot. Im thinking...
Replacement Controller for Sunbeam Electric Blanket?
I would be slightly worried about this, as you dont know if the used replacements might be faulty and a waste of money. I think also theyd be hard to find. Maybe time to bite the bullet and for safetys sake as well, order a replacement from the manufacturer...
Cleaning the Fabric on Patio Chairs?
It sounds rather as if chemical changes have occurred in the fabric due to strong sunshine or storage. Id give it one last try using an enzyme detergent and a soft brush. If that didnt work, you might try recovering the chairs with canvas, quite a difficult...
Frozen Brussels Sprouts?
Of course. Unblanched veggies have a much longer freezer life than originally supposed. I never blanch mine, but they are not kept for longer than a few months, and Ive never found any problem.
Refrigerator is Freezing Food?
My freezer-fridge will freeze food if the thermostat is beyond 2! So I keep it at 1 in the winter and 2 in the summer. Your problem is probably a faulty thermostat switch, and I fear it should be replaced. Difficult to say not knowing if the switch is mechanical...
Potty Training a Puppy?
Try using a clicker and small treat when she does perform outside on a walk. When she associates the two - click, treat and pooping outside, use the same method inside when she wets the pad. No notice or reward or scolding when she poops inside, unless of course...
Asking a Guy to Winter Formal?
Now we know how men must feel when first asking for a date! First of all, Id ask him if he is going to the formal; if he is already booked then you both need not be embarrassed by a refusal. Be interested in his response, and say you havent quite decided yet...
Car Heater Blowing Cold Air?
Check the hose connections in the engine to the heater, from the back of the dashboard, they may be loose.
What Is This Houseplant? (Amaryllis)
Definitely an Amaryllis and I think its Apple Blossom. Here are some tips about aftercare. Your bulb will continue to grow and have more flower stems if you feed and water it in the right way, and give it the temperature it needs. http://www.miraclegro.com...