Potty Training a Three Year Old?
My grandson was almost 4 before he was even interested in going potty. Dont worry about it, she will go when she is ready. Just make sure you keep the potty chair in the bathroom and take her with you when you go. I know, no privacy but this will help her understand...
Inexpensive Decorations for a Fall Themed Wedding?
My daughter was married in October so we used the fall leaf colors. Everything came from dollar stores. We used a square mirror trimmed in gold, put a tall cylinder vase filled with glass stones with a candle in the middle of it. We sprinkled silk fall leaves...
Removing Red Stain from Carpet?
I have in the past used Windex on a red kool-aid stain. Spray first somewhere to test for color safety. I sprayed the stain liberally, placed a towel over it and laid a couple of heavy books on it. It took several treatments but it did remove the stain.