Don't Throw Away That Pumpkin Yet
Thank you for the article. I cook pumpkins every year for my Thanksgiving pies and my family says they are much better tasting. Ive never tried the crock pot method, but now I will. Ive had better luck boiling my pumpkin than baking it. You do have to let them...
Little Snowmen Ornaments from Yogurt Bottles
These would look cute as tree ornaments too. Youd just need to make a hole for the hook through the top of the cap. Great idea to reuse something rather than it going into the landfill. Thanks for sharing.
Shop at Home to Save Money
I too like to buy in bulk or in large quantities when on sale. If you make the effort to use up what youve stocked up on, its an opportunity to get creative and save money. Today I made brownies with some hot breakfast cereal Id stored in the freezer. I searched...
Make Use of Whatever Comes My Way
I loved your article because I too hate to have anything go to waste. I also have a husband that rolls his eyes whenever I accept someones gift or hand-me-down. Do you share your jam recipe? It sounds amazing! Many thanks.
Homemade Greeting Cards on Your Computer
Ive made personalized cards on Shutterfly and Treat. Its so much more personal and actually costs less than a store-bought card. You can purchase a stamp and they will mail it directly for can also buy gift cards they will enclose as a gift. Im going...
Homemade Dryer Sheets?
This tip I read in a magazine has worked: You need liquid fabric softener and a washcloth. Pour about a teaspoon in the softener cap, then put a clean washcloth into the cap to absorb the fabric softener liquid. This washcloth is your dryer sheet! I use the...
Canning Jalapeno and Banana Peppers?
I had the same situation and used a quick canning recipe I found on the Food Network site. I was very pleased with the results. I had some red chili peppers and I added a few slices into each jar to give them some kick and was very pleased with the results...
Reusing Spice Containers
Save those spice containers and buy more from the bulk section instead of an entire new jar. Its usually much cheaper and you can buy a smaller amount so your spices are fresher. In my area, Sprouts markets have dozens of bulk spices sold by weight. Its a great...
Getting To Know Earthworms
I have a worm bin or red wigglers a friend started for me. Its great because they eat leftover/old/spoiled plant-based waste that would otherwise end up in the landfill. Their castings create beautiful fertile soil and excess water that drains from the bottom...
Putting Citrus Peels in Your Compost Pile
Ive avoided putting citrus in my compost in the past, so I appreciate this advice. Does anyone know if its ok to put dryer lint in compost. The lint from a load of towels should be cotton fiber. Thanks.
Saving Money on Dryer Sheets
Dryer sheets are very bad for the environment; they do not decompose. I use old washcloths soaked in fabric softener as well. Its a cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative.
Organic Produce Delivery
I am in Southern California and get a box every two weeks from Farm Fresh to You. I am able to customize my box and love the quality, variety and freshness of the produce. It has helped me become a healthier eater and try new foods. Its a little more expensive...
Microfiber Furniture Advice?
I bought a microfiber sofa and would never purchase one again. Though you can remove stains and marks pretty easily with a damp cloth, the fabric wears and looks its age. I bought a leather sofa at Ikea at the same time I bought the microfiber from Plummers...
Microfiber Furniture Advice?
I would not recommend buying a microfiber sofa. Though it can be cleaned the fabric shows wear easily. I would recommend leather. Its far more durable. Make sure its genuine leather, not composite leather.
Grow Your Own Food
Growing your own food is amazing! You can start small and dont need a lot of space. You can use containers, which cuts down on pests and weeds, but may require more watering. I like growing a wide variety of peppers and tomatoes, which I incorporate into dinner...
Bioplastics: Growing Plastic from Plants
This is very informative article. I didnt know that these required special processing to recycle. Ive put some of the cornstarch silverware in my compost and it did take a very long time for them to decompose. Remember those noisy Sunchip biodegradable bags...
Identifying and Eliminating Pantry...
We ended up with moths in our pantry cupboard. I think they came home in some food I purchased in a bulk barrel at the grocery store. I now store grain items like flour and oatmeal in my freezer when I first bring them home. This seems to kill anything them...