Home Remedy for Heartburn?
I am no expert on health care, but I am an advocate for being proactive w/ your own health and recovery. Doctors mean well, many are bound by rules that restrict them from using a common sense approach to GERD and heartburn. Esp. when science and pharmaceutical...
Free or Low-Cost Veterinary Services in Sacramento California?
With the over 13,000 animals taken in this year by the Sacramento SPCA, maybe half were adopted. Many were rescued by various rescue groups. SPCA, rescue groups, you and me, need money to help any animal. This is done by the generosity of the folks donating...
Identifying Recycle Items?
Dont give up so easy. Just do your homework first before you go out to recycle. Youd be surprised, theres always some place taking whatever you have. Check your local online resources. At my countys website theres a lotta info and links to local recycle stations...
Homemade Remedy for Dog Ear Infections?
I highly recommend taking your dog to the vet to get an answer to your question. Often whats going on in a dogs ears may not need to be treated with antibiotics. He/she could have allergies, or dirt and oily build-up which a mere ear cleanse and cotton wipe...
Shopping for 20 Mule Team Borax?
I live on the West Coast and find it when I shop at Winco. Winco is a warehouse supermarket thats employee owned (as shareholders) and operated. Perhaps a store like that or you can try an online grocery shopping site like alice.com, where even if they dont...
Scheduling Dog Meds On Calendar
I do the same thing! Not only do I use the calendar to keep track of my dogs flea/heartworm apps, I also jot down latest vet visits for annual shots, licenses due, etc. If shes given a med treatment I jot down the med name and whats shes being treated for, the...
Reusing Paper Towels
Im much like aloham58. After washing and drying hands, I save the paper towel for later. Before I toss it I can use it again for either wiping away drops of water on the counter or splashes on the mirror. Or I hold onto the damp paper towel to wipe my hands...
Change Pet's Water Daily
Thanks for posting this tip. However, I personally dont use metal dishes. Instead, I use ceramic crock dishes for my birds and my dog, which wash out quite nicely. I trust them to be safe, because I also eat and drink from these type of dishes, without any...
Removing Bird Droppings From Fabric?
Hard to advise not knowing the size or specific species of birds youre talking about. I have 2 tiels and 2 budgies and I can tell you this it doesnt take all day for the poo to dry (not sure about your larger parrots)....what I would do if my birds werent so...
Computer Tips for Seniors
I keep passwords of all the sites I visit in a loose leaf binder notebook. Its not labelled, although I have slipped in a photo of my pet on the front cover. I section it off alphabetically w/tab dividers. I keep it in a bookcase, along with many other books...
Start Your Day With a List
Its amazing what a difference having a list does for the head. If I dont have a list to go by, and I forget to do something, I kick myself over and over about it. But when I have a list written out, and I wasnt able to accomplish a particular task, I simply...