Social Security Disability Benefits?
You can go to the Welfare Dept. & get Food Stamps or (SNAP) benefits as well; depending on how much your check is monthly & possibly a check for your child. No harm in trying. Im on SSI & get Food Stamps-(SNAP) but my kids are grown & out on their own. Good...
Tenting a Houseplant?
Plastic bags work well; but do check on heating, so as not to harm the plants. Your library will have books for this or use the search engines on your computer-Google, Yahoo, etc. to look this up. Good Luck.
Buying Fertilizer Online?
Have you tried or or ( By John Scheepers) These Co.s all have great products, online help, Q/A sections, etc. And also have catalogs you can get by mail- as well as virtual catalogs online. I...
Scenery: Snowy Scene in North Carolina
Great Picture-Beautiful. I didnt know youd got snow this year-or was it a few years back when you all got clobbered with it? Thats when a good friend of mine no sooner moved there, & the Big Storm Came. He said you all were Unprepared because you dont get it...
Cute Recycled Windowsill Planters
Very nice & vibrant for those cold winter days. And it makes other things useful too & more interesting to look at. I do that too. You can plant in just about anything! The possibilities are endless.
Planning a 15 Year Old Girl's Birthday Party?
You could make a Bell Bottom Jeans Cake & decorate it w/candy, Piping, Fruit roll-ups for the belt,etc.These are really popular w/Teens & Tweens. Just take a sheet cake & cut at the top of cake in the middle-going down each side to make a triangle. Then turn...
Cleaning Suede Boots?
I was told talcum powder absorbs the grease. Put some on, and rub it in, then brush it with a soft brush. Repeat till spot fades away. Good Luck! : )
Downloading a Free 2012 Monthly Calendar with Holidays?
Go to Click on calendars & pick from the list;its on the right or left of the page & everything is alphabetically ordered down the list. Very easy. They have many to choose from & different sites w/calendars. Good Luck. : )
Asking a Guy to Homecoming?
Honey, just ask the guy! Really do you want to go with him? Then just ask. Tell him someone else has asked you, but you would rather go with him. And keep someone else in mind; just in case he does say no, thats the worst thing that can happen anyway, right...
Shopping for Octagon Soap?
Im not from Texas, but try a hardware store. Better yet, call first around to different stores. That way youll save time & gas. Good Luck. : )
Buying Stick Incense?
Yes, most dollar stores have them & Walmart, Kmart or Big Kmart & little gift shops,Ocean State Job Lot, or any other discount stores, Target, & the like. Good Luck. : )
Finding a Replacement Cushion for a Porch Swing?
Have you tried or do you have a Christmas Tree Shop? I get these things there or at Big Lots or Ocean State Job Lot, & sometimes Sears or JCPenny. You could also try the Home Depot or Lowes-they have outdoor furniture & covers.I got some nice outdoor Pillows...
Nursing Home Crafts?
You could try getting some small branches, styrofoam & eggs with ribbon or string hangers. Hang eggs on it. Or paint it & plant some herbs or flowers in it in a sunny window. Go on, they have tons of crafts for everything! Literally! Hope this...
How Can I Sell Homemade Bird Feeders?
Put sign/Ad on front lawn.Put up flyers at Laundromats, Grocery Stores, etc., with name, address & phone no. on it. Put add in paper, Craigs list, Ebay, etc. Hope this helps. Happy Easter! Karen : D
Free Yarn and Other Craft Supplies for a Nursing Home?
Put up signs in Nursing Home for donations from visitors. Put an add in the local paper. Hope this helps. Happy Easter! Karen :D
Eating After Getting New Dentures?
Doris, I feel For you.I also have to get all my bottoms out; I had top teeth out few yrs. ago, due to Osteopenia, (the start of Osteoperosis.) Im wondering what to eat after dentures are made & in between. Im scared my teeth wont fit, or I wont be able to deal...
How Can I Make a No Sew Wallet?
This wallet is also in the Duct tape Book of projects at your local library. I took it out-but I didnt make anything. Lots of projects in there though.If they dont have it-theyll send out to another library to get it for you to pick up at yours. Good Luck.
Keeping Cats Out of My Yard?
Try buying 1 or 2 Lavender plants & put them in front or back yard-or wherever you see them enter.Its very fragrant-& cats hate the smell. Also refer to my tip for cats in garden in Tip-Contest. Dont know if its true-but also heard Mint & Spearmint work too...
How Late Can I Plant Lettuce?
My understanding is you can even plant lettuce in the fall-but you have to have a coldframe-to protect them from frost. Go to have a place on their website to ask Questions,& plenty of articles & info. Good luck& happy gardening.
Use Styrofoam Peanuts in Bottom of Hanging Baskets
Great idea. I cant lift a lot of weight like I used to,& this will be a big help as I do still love gardening. And thanks to dse77-I didnt know there were 2 different kinds of styrofoam either.
Creating Beautiful Hanging Baskets
This was a very informative article. I dont have much space to garden & was planning to use more containers this year -especially for veggies, but Ill probably use some hanging baskets for Lettuce now too, since Ive read this article. Thanks.
Uses for Recycled Glass Jars
Hi there. I just joined. Great ideas here. Ive been saving jars forever! I use them for everything-& save all jars from little fancy mustard jars to mayo jars.I even save plastic ones from spices. Film containers & prescription bottles come in handy as well...
Plant Markers
You can also buy those Foam squares at The Dollar Tree or other Dollar Store in the Craft Dept. & write on them with permanent markers or paint the names & spray clear acrylic over it after cutting them to the size you want & hot glue to Lg. nails or wood skewers...