Polish Peasant Recipes
I love cabbage and noodles! The only difference in my recipe is I saute onions, then throw in the cabbage. Dont even get me started on a pierogi conversation...they come in a close second! (I fry kielbasa and then onions and pierogies)
Tips for Frying Chicken?
My first tip is to add corn starch to your flour/spice mix(salt, pepper, garlic, etc). I use a large ziploc bag for this. Wash and dry the pieces and then shake in the flour/spice/corn starch mix. Place the chicken on a foil-lined cookie sheet and place in...
Recipes Using Mashed Potatoes?
You can add an egg, a little salt and flour to them and mix until like a dough (the amount of flour is dependent on the amount of potatoes you have). Then roll the dough into a snakelike form, cut into 3/4 to 1 inch pieces. Then steam or boil them (I prefer...
Sewer Smell Coming from a Faucet?
I am interested in the responses to this inquiry. I am having the same issue...only the upstairs bath. The one downstairs seems to be fine. I called the local water company and they did not have a clue what could cause it. Sure would like a remedy! To pre-answer...
Prepping Formica To Paint?
I did not need to sand. I bought a small can of Zinsser B-I-N primer (Home Depot). This stuff sticks to ANYTHING. It is the same product that I used to prime and paint the 1950s pink tile in my bathroom (now a high-gloss white) and the horrid tile backsplash...
Painting Fiber Glass Shower Walls?
I am actually going through this myself. At Home Depot I found a product called Magic ReNew Tub and Tile Refinishing Kit. I found it on an endcap near the paint department...maybe $28. Anyhow, it comes with a cold can and a hot can. They are spraypaint can...
What Is This Flower? (Wild Rose)
We always called it a wild rose (I happen to have gone to HS in Stafford BTW).
Looking For Salmon Dip Recipe?
I made this one from the Food Network...it was GREAT! http://www.foodnetwork.com/food/recipes/recipe/0,1977,FOOD_9936_32581,00.html (BTW: I am in Dist. Hgts./Forestville...howdy neighbor!)
Never Fail Hard Boiled Eggs
I use this same process...but I throw in some ice cubes to cool down the eggs. Also, I have found that if I use salt in the water that the shells peel off even easier!
Refinishing Hardwood Floors?
My partner and I bought a 50+ year old house that had original wood floors under the stylish shag carpet. What I have been doing as I take the carpet up is to clean it really well, then I fill in any gaps with (b)(/b)clear caulk(b)(/b). Once the caulk dries...
Spiegel Deferred Billing Code?
I got 405 for deferred billing until May 2008 on purchases more than $100 http://www.retailmenot.com/view/spiegel.com RetailMeNot.com saves me a lot!
Recipes for Meals to Fix and Freeze?
I agree with Darlene on this one. Whenever I cook a big meal (weekends, normally), I prepare two and freeze one. I do this for lasagne mainly. Instead of having one huge one, eat it for a few days then freeze, I make several smaller pans. Glad makes a plastic...
Recipe for Gritzwurst Using Pork?
I found this with a Google search....sounds pretty good! Gritzwurst (German Breakfast) Ingredients: 4 1/2 lb. beef 2 1/2 lb. pork 1/4 cup salt 1/4 tablespoon pepper 1/3 can allspice scant 1/2 lb. oatmeal or steel cut oats Directions: Cook meat and take meat...
Easy Fondue Recipe
I watched this episode on the CBS Early Morning Show last week...they had several fondue recipes (including a chocolate one that sounded great!) http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/12/20/earlyshow/living/recipes/main3634790.shtml MtM
Keeping Tuna Salad from Being Dry?
Dill pickle relish, celery seed, onion, mayo and sour cream for mine....if I am in the right mood, some diced jalapeno or green chiles! MtM