Clock for Mom's BirthdayFor my mother's birthday I took a picture of each of my four children by the clock on my mantle. The hands on the clock were put on the date my children were born.
My Frugal Trip To DisneyWorldI first wrote asking for dining tips for our August family vacation to Disney in Florida. One of the replies to my request was a question asking how I found such fantastic deals. Research, research and more research.
My Frugal Life: Tips from a Save-o-holicI honestly don't know where or how to begin telling everyone how I save money, because it's natural for me. It's an everything day thing. I love to teach others how to save. Saving money is a "rush" for me.
Friendship Soup Mix in a JarI made "gifts in a jar" for family and friends for Christmas and for Birthdays. I have 4 children and each one of them do something to help. It's a family kinda thing for us.
Flip Flop QuiltI made this quilt for my sister-in-law for her birthday. I just traced my daughter's flip flops, I used buttons and ribbons for the "straps" of the flip flops and sewed them top blocks.