Make-up Storage System
Im going to Home Depot. I love that place. What a terrifically cool idea! Darlene St. Louis, MO :*)
Creative Sink Storage Ideas
I really like this cute and simple idea! Love this sort of thing. Thanks for sharing. Darlene, St. Louis, MO
How to Detangle a Necklace
This will make my life a little easier. I like this helpful tip! :) thanks. Darlene St. Louis, MO
Garden: Green Heart Leaves
I take lots and lots of pictures, and what I just love about your picture is the clean simplicity of it! Its a very beautiful picture. Darlene St. Louis, MO
Keep Bread Mold from Developing
Great! Weve been wondering about this problem for a long time now. Thanks. darlene st. louis, mo
Orajel For Mosquito Bites
Thanks a million. And I mean that, I must have had at least a million mosquito bites over the years. Horrible. Im gonna try this one for sure. Thanks again. Darlene in St. Louis, MO
Getting Help With the Dishes?
I want to thank everyone for all the great advice. I have tried some and will try others. I just want to mention that out kitchen in our very very old house has no room for a dishwasher. Ive tried and tried to figure out many options, but with our particular...
Scenery: Sunset (Devon UK)
Absolutely incredible. What a perfect picture. Just lovely. Darlene,st. louis,mo USA
Home Made Frames
This is a great idea, I love it! I really enjoy Home made crafty ideas such as this, and the picture inspires me to try it. Thanks, Darlene
Scenery: Chester (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Lovely. This photo looks so calm and peaceful. It makes me want to be there on vacation. Very, very nice photo. Darlene
Mocha Cooler
I have been looking for a simple recipe exactly like this one! Thank you. I love it. Darlene
Store Guest Bedding in Tote
Hmmm, yes thats a good idea. However, what I like to do to keep bedding fresh is store it in clean pillowcases and put away in the closet. Darlene
Use Credit Cards for Cleaning
I love this idea. Now if i can just remember to do it! HA. Darlene, St. Louis, MO
Favorite Mac and Cheese
This is really great. Ive tried several home made Mac and Cheese recipes, and this is one of my all-time FAVs. thanks. Darlene
I Love to Cook and Hate the Dishes!
Me too. Same here. Im in mid 50s. My sis and I were taught and (made) to do the dishes after every single meal (Particularly dinner). Mom did most all the other work around the home, so i suppose she figured that us kids doing dishes was nothing! Me and Debbie...