Dr.Ho's Muscle Therapy and Oreck XL Professional Air Purifier?
I love, love, love my Dr. Hos! I use it quite regularly. And it does a great job. I would definitely recommend it. :o) I wouldnt know about the air purifier as of yet. But that will be our next purchase.
Cleaning Dog Saliva from Microfiber Couch?
I would try Windex it has done awesome for us for our micro fiber couch.
Best Way to Clean Textured Linoleum Flooring?
I bought a H2O steam mop and I havent used a mop since. Its one od the best investments ever. I couldnt imagine life without it.
Removing Pet Odor from Furniture?
If you have a Walmart in your aresa there is something called OUST it works very well. Trust me I know because I have two dogs and two cats. It works wonders. Try it.
Removing Hair from Legs?
You should try this product called Coochy shaving cream. Believe it or not I think it is what you use for shaving cream that makes a big difference.
Does Microfiber Absorb Pet Odors?
We have pets as well. Two cats and two dogs and we wouldnt trade them for the world. We also have a microfiber couch and chair and we havent had any problems with odor. Mind you we are in a non smoking home as well. Maybe thats the difference. We do have a...
Removing Teflon Liner from Oven Bottom?
You can try Mr. Clean Magic erase.It pretty much takes any type of stain out. It is amazing.