Makeshift Meal Tray on Walker
Get a roll of that spongy shelf liner from the dollar store to put on the board. It will keep the plate from sliding. Just toss in washer to çlean it. I did this when my mom had a stroke.
Using Cat Litter for a Rabbit?
Please DO NOT use clay litter. It contains a lot of dust, and with their mouths and noses so close to the ground, they will inhale it. Yesterdays News is the litter recommended by the House Rabbit Society. You can find it in the the cat litter aisle. It is...
Update and Print Personal Medical History
I have a similar list on my computer for my mother (I am her caregiver). It is on my computer with printed copies in my purse, her purse, and taped on the inside door of the medicine cabinet. It was priceless when she had her stroke. I have never had anyone...