Fertilized Lawn Turned Brown?
I would guess that it was a cheap fertilizer which wasnt time releasing very well. Feels like the grass got a burst of nutrients, started to root out, froze and then went dormant. Itll most likely hld nutrient, and be back with a vigor. If it was me I dont...
Homemade Ricotta Cheese
About that last comment. I dont get it. Yes, you might need to buy a big bowl if you dont have one, or a collander, cloth, etc... but those are one time costs. You dont buy the gear each time. Have you priced a pound of Ricotta at the store lately? It isnt...
Tomatoes Turning Brown on Bottom?
Yes, Blossom end rot. Agreed, but calcium deficiency is only one effect or cause. Also irregular watering can bring it on. Once you have it (Blossom End Rot) .. I know of nothing to reverse it. In my case, I cut my losses. Chose a different plot to plant them...
Tomato Leaves Turning Yellow?
It is my belief that what you are describing is Tomato Blight. It is a disease which can turn all the leaves yellow, then brown. Interestingly enough, it doesnt seem to affect the fruits. Its almost impossible, at least for me it was, to do anything like apply...
Crepe Myrtle Tree Not Leafing Out?
Dig a hole by the sick tree 1 foot by 1 foot by 1 foot. Turn the diggings onto a tarp. Sift through the soil and sod, and see what bugs you find and how many. If there are more than 2 grubs or beetles in that square foot, get you a grub killer or a beetle killer...
Keeping Flies Off of Goats Naturally?
Instead of treating the goats, why not kill the flies? Buy some Beneficial Nematodes, and let the microscopic buggers kill all the fly larvae before they even become flies.
Plants That Repel Flies?
Tell him to go to Costcos or a Garden Centre etc, and order some beneficial nematodes. There are different kinds, but the ones that do flies, also kill off Japanese beetles and grubs. They are micro organisms which feed on the larvae in the soil. You cant see...
Growing Red Potatoes?
Go to a Garden Centre Buy Pontiac seed potato (or other red potato) Cut so each piece has 3 eyes minimum plant water pick potato Beetles and kill harvest
Using a Crockpot Liner in the Oven?
Of course you can. Its stoneware. It gets heated while in the crockpot base. What is the difference if the heat source is now the oven? There is none. Use it freely. To be cautious, check the surface of the glaze in between uses to look for checks and cracks...
Brown Spot on the Base of Ripening Tomatoes?
Its called Blossom End Rot. There are several causes for the disease, and it takes some experimentation to find the cure. In my case it was calcium deficiency. Most commonly its from irregular and or improper watering. To cure my occurrence, I simply added...
Keeping Birds from Eating Berries?
Scarecrow, tin pie plates, fake owls, falcons, eagles, snakes, etc., Any kind of streamers, wind socks, sparkly tapes, noise cannons, cymbals, noise makers, an old radio. Last but not least a gun.
Freezing or Canning Bell Peppers?
And they can beautifully too. See this site (Thrifty Fun) for canning instructions.
Getting Rid of Cucumber Beetles?
Yes. Wait till evening. Bring a bucket with some water and a couple squirts of dish soap, with you to the garden. Start with potato and squash plants, (usually where they start) Hand pick the visible ones, tossing into the bucket where they will drown. Turn...
Pumpkins Bloomed But Did Not Set Fruit?
Just take a pollination brush, or a thick makeup (blush) brush. Carefully open a male blossom, dip the brush inside, wiggle it around a bit, the pollen will collect on the brush fibres, then open a female blossom, and wiggle the brush around in there and you...
Remedy for Leaf Curl?
Tough to answer. The picture posted does not show any leaf curl but some sort of blight on the leave. Two completely different things.
Garden: Bottle Tree
Is this for real? If so, sorry. Its lost on me. Looks like something youd see on an episode of Cops. What next? Beer bottles on ropes hanging from trees? Im sure this must be a prank post. I hope so, I dont mean to offend. Anyways its just an opinion. Not right...
How Do I Remove Green Mold From Concrete Near Garden?
Bleach 50/50. Spray on, leave overnight, hose off next day.
Product Review: Black and Decker MX217 PowerPro Mixer
You bought it for your daughter specifically, then kept it for yourself?? And now have a second one, with which you are delighted, but she has your old one? Still not one for her, after six years,as your heart initially intended? Was it just because it was...
Homemade Weed Killer
Seriously! Vodka! 50.00 a litre Vodka, on 3 acres of weed! Great tip, Heres one for you, To crush egg shells for use in the garden, why not buy an old Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus Elephant? If you follow them around the yard you can quickly place...
Origin Of Buffalo Wings
I am not sure when the celery became a standard to serve with them but they are a perfect companion. If anyone knows who introduced the celery I would love to know. :-) Oh, ..well, that was back in the year zero. It was introduced by a gentleman by the name...
Origin Of Buffalo Wings
I am not sure when the celery became a standard to serve with them but they are a perfect companion. If anyone knows who introduced the celery I would love to know. :-) Oh, ..well, that was back in the year zero. It was introduced by a gentleman by the name...
Sources for Free Garden Seeds?
Seed exchanges are really popular these days. Search google for one near you, and contact your local Garden Club
Cracked Tomatoes?
Tomato Cracking is usually from excess rainfall, or from hand watering from the top of the plant. Tomatoes prefer to be watered at the bottom, ie, drip line, bubbler, running hose, etc. Watering from the top during the day, makes the tender skin crack from...
Homemade Paint Texture Powder?
If you go to any Pro Paint Store, (General Paint, for example), they will sell you a small bag of ground walnut shell. Add it to the paint, shake 5 minutes, paint. It is most commonly used on floors and walkways where traction is needed to prevent slipping...