Asking 12 Year Old Boyfriend to Movies with Family?
We struggled with this too with my daughter is 12. We ended up taking her to the movie and staying there a few rows back and the boy and his older sister came so it was more a friend thing! Its so hard these days she will not be allowed to date for a while...
My Frugal Life: Pay As You Go
I am the same way my husband and I had credit cards and a lot of debt for a long time when we first got married but after finally managing to clear that all out we decided we were only paying cash. Thats it. No cash, no get! we have been doing this for the...
Keep Chocolate From Dogs?
Heres a hint and I hardly ever go to the vet because they rip you off. Hydrogen peroxide a few teaspoonfuls or cap fuls and the dog will vomit instantaneously. My dog ate 2 bags of choc chips I had sitting on the counter never thought in a million yrs my dog...
Buying Mistake Paint For Less Than Half Price?
I call it opps paint and they usually have it on the end caps or near the mixer on a stand with a dot of color on the top and you can always ask where they keep the opps paint.
Christmas: Fallen Ladder Joke Decoration
Maybe if you made that guy hanging on Santa Claus it might not have caused such a stir lol They would actually get it! lol Ya, I think by the way the guy is hanging no feet swinging or no yelling people would get it sheesh!
Terra Cotta Garden Birdbath
What did you use as a base?? I have a terra cotta tray part but I dont have anything for a stand and I dont wanna use glass.
Making a Fake Campfire?
I think the previous idea is a good one and i would add to that use some glitter in like red orange and yellow on the flames to make them look realistic. You could also get one of those witches cauldrons the black plastic pot and then put a piece of oasis (floral...
5 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas
Hi there. What is the theme of the party? I have done all kinds of parties for my kids through the years and have done different on older and younger. There usually werent too many older kids just usually family members. I would look at all dollar stores and...
Gift Ideas for 40th Birthday?
If you are looking for gag gifts i did this once; filled a over the hill bag with products they might need. I used Geritol vitamins hemorrhoid cream wrinkle cream Put some jelly beans in a pill bottle and labeled them over the hill supplements I did all kinds...
Reusable Cotton Menstrual Pads
I am sorry but since no one else said it, I will be the first to say it! I find this really appalling and gross, the whole idea of making menstrual pads! I dont like pads at all because they are bulky and inconvenient and there is the smell factor but at least...
Dealing with Adult Children at Home?
I think you are a wonderful person for letting them stay with you but I think on this you are gonna have to keep mum and let them live and learn! We all had to do that at sometime and unless you see something that is neglectful or harmful bite your tongue!
Asking Wedding Guests to Bring Finger Foods?
I am sorry I have to be honest because you asked. I think it is extremely tacky to ask guests to bring their own food because basically thats what you would be doing. Might as well say please come to my wedding and bring your own food and drink! I say have...
Revamped Chandelier
I did this once with a old chandy I got for 5 dollars at a thrift. I am in to shabby/ cotttage so I apinted it out white added beads and crystal drops usually in a thrift store there are old lamps with a few crystals missing I look for these and buy for parts...
Revamped Chandelier
Candle shaped bulbs are everywhere pretty much and I get them at the dollar tree just be careful the wattage you put in there!
Turkey Tetrazzini Recipe
I usually cook my turkey or chicken first (usually chicken). I then add peas, carrots, potatoes, frozen veg. mix. Then add 1-2 cans of cream of chicken and add 1 can cream of mushroom. Mix it all together, sprinkle bread crumbs on the top, and a little mixed...
Biskit (Yorkshire Terrier)
Aww! I too got my yorkie off craigslist about 8 months ago!! Dakota was her name we decided to keep it she is truly a little sweetie she looks like biscuit we dont think though she is PURE yorkie because we never have to have her hair cut it doesnt grow long...
Puppy Seems to be Blind?
I know my cat had kittens twice and they take a while to open eyes and arent supposed to be taken form the mom til like 6-7 weeks at least it takes a while to open their eyes and even then they dont see well is it possible she was just taken to young and perhaps...
Poem for Gift Bag of Small Items?
Its like this teachers kit I do for my fellow preschool teachers but you can taylor it to whatever Hope this helps!
Christmas Craft Ideas for Kindergartners?
You want ideas, I have them. I am a preschool teacher. We used toilet paper rolls to paint with glitter paint or you can paint them glitter and make a little flame out of orange or yellow paper so cute. Make a wreath with cotton balls spray painted green, glue...
Hydrangea Flowers Have No Color?
Hydrangeas I have had for years in all variety of color it depends on how much acid and some root tone you add to it although my mom gets beautiful ones by adding coffee grounds and banana peels and egg shells to hers all the time! she swears by the coffee...
Halloween Popcorn Hand Party Favor
i make these too but i drop candy corns in the fingers first of each hand and then add popcorn i also drizzle red choc over the pop corn looks like blood and then i add spider rings on the hand 1 or 2 and tie off with halloween ribbon always a hit!!!
Painting Wicker Furniture?
I have sprayed 3 different sets of wicker I have found curbside. I use a wire brush to scrape the chippy paint if need be and then I spray paint white. I always use Rustoleum or Krylon spray. It always works well!
Barbie Themed Birthday Party?
Make a barbie birthday cake use a small bunt pan and insert a barbie and just piping frost the barbies dress in your choice of colors and theres your barbie cake or how cute is this. I did this one year with mini bunt cakes. I got kelly dolls that I found at...
Locations to Host an Engagement Party?
Usually a church hall or a VFW hall are reasonable and you can also check with any kind of condo or apts nearby if there is a party room avail? Does your apt have a party /community room available?
Girl's Guitar Themed Birthday?
what about the dollar tree?/ i always find unique things there?? i did get my daughter a guitar cake made with cupcakes from walmart it was hannah montanna but you can just ask them not to put the kit on and you save a lot anyway just do it in the colors you...
Convert An Old Dresser Into A Bathroom Sink...
you can basically use a marine poly and do it a few good times to seal it and then this is the hard part not use it for a day or 2 til it dries really well!!!!
Giving Furniture a Distressed Look?
I do this all the time and do it as a job sometimes. Paint it the color you want ivory or white. Sand in the areas you would normally see wear and tear corners and around the doors and sides top bottoms with sand paper. Then if you want add old English furniture...
Harvest Festival Ideas?
You can have you hubby or someone make a big pumpkin out of wood paint it cut the eyes and nose and mouth out and buy lil mini pumpkins. Number them with a black magic marker and that would be the number points do lil prizes or trinkets for a certain score...
Sanitizing Washing Machine?
i can tell you first hand i NEVER ever would go to a lundry mat unless i was desperate my best friend and her family owned one and she confided in me that since they had a dry cleaning and laundromat they would get t eh funeral homes nearby with bags of sheets...
Musty Smell on a Stuffed Toy?
I take all our stuffed animals and put them in a pillow case secure with a scrunchy and then toss in washing machine cleans really well and does not mat the fur even the ones with the fluffiest fur I dry them the same way too!
Painting Over Brown Bag Wallpaper?
Sure can i did this at my farmhouse it was simple and looked like expensive treated walls!
Making a Juice Box Holder?
i always bought juice box holders cheap at marc stores or any other discount stores when i saw thenm and kept them in the diaper bag or on the go bag they are pretty cheap i think no more then like a dollar something
Are Grounds From Flavored Coffee Good For Roses?
yes they can!! my mom has several varieties of rose bushes in her yard climbing tea mini and different types she uses grounds all the time and we go to strar bucks for the free bags they give out of them for your garden!!!! they are so tich and dark in color
Removing Lime Build Up on a Faucet?
CLR works great, or at the dollar tree, they have a similar product says calcium lime rust remover.
Eyeliner Tips?
I use the Covergirl one that has 2 sides with caps. One has the liner that you sharpen and the other has the smudge sponge on the other side. It stays put and you can make those smoky eyes that are so popular now. It is around 4 bucks. Cant beat that! I use...
Recycled "Wave" Petunia Baskets
very cute! i like the shower idea as a centerpiece in the middle of table how about water can sprinklers as a favor??
Cat Is Dragging Laundry Around House?
hey! A cat that wants to do the laundry lol. Maybe he smells your bodys pheromones and he is like how a female cat gets when she is in heat. My cat went through it and howled and wailed like that in evening for like 2 weeks she must have been in heat. We accidentally...
Towels That Recommend "Avoid Contact With Skin Treatment Products"?
I thought maybe she was talking about the tanning treatments people use at home hmmmm?
Making Party Favors Using Candles?
if you are putting in a votive holder get some pretty floral tissue and modge podge it on brush the mixture on and then add paer and brush over that!! it would be pretty you can make your own modge podge with glue and water make it thin pretty and reuseable
Selecting An Eyeliner That Doesn't Run?
i use the cover girl one i deep brown it has a smudge puff one one side so you can line your eyes and then make them smoky looking or darker where you want it is a 2 sided pencil can be sharpened and costs around 4 dollars!!!
Getting Over A Break Up?
Throw yourself into a good book and surround yourself with good friends and realize that you need to take care of you! You will get over it and move on again although it doesnt seem like it at the time! I know from experience, believe me. I had dated a guy...
Toddler Mother's Day Craft? This is cute. I did this with a small box and ripped color tissue up made a mix of glue and water like modge podge. Let then brush glue on or you and they can stick paper everywhere and then print...
Gardening at a Rental House
heres the scoop my mother can start anything from a cutting clipping etc she has grown rose bushes and trailing roses from a clipping and started about 5 lilac trees from just a forked branch my mother uses coffee grounds paper and all and egg shells and she...
Recommendations For Solar Lights?
do you know if those take batteries i hate to sound dumb i have one that went i wasnt sure have no previous exp with them or are they just done with in that case i got them from walmart and was so anxious to use i tore open and set up and threw the stuff directions...
Federal Law Regarding Refills On Vet Meds?
I think it is another way for vets to jack up prices. I quit going unless needed. I did my own pets shots and got heart worm from tractor supply they have all that stuff there! No problems ever with our dogs /cats at the farm!
Decorating In Cottage Style
my whole house is cottage style furnished ala thrift and curbside finds and cast offs!!! i made a headboard with old painted shutters drped sheer floral swags over it with a garland of pinky and burgundy colored roses made candle sconces from ones i got for...
Teaching Letters and Numbers?
As a preschool teacher and stay home mom I use lots of tricks tactile ones are the best get a baking tray and use anything you can spread shaving cream, pudding, etc and draw out letters maybe even you with a tray draw it out and ask her to do it on her tray...
Game Ideas for Birthday Party At McDonald's?
i had hubby make lil tool boxes simple wooden ones we painted and i then put names on when they died kinda fancy big letters kids in my preschool class loved taking these home..if anyone has an old polarroid camera the ones that print the pics you could have...
Craft Project: Easter Deviled Eggs Tray
i do this with things from the dollar store and i also do this with tea cups and saucers i just use epoxy in a pinch i use hot glue if it comes aopart i figure i can always reglue!!!!!
Olive Oil Stain on Bedding?
simple green works on this dont rub in though rub opposite way i have also used wd 40 on oil stains in clothing believe it or not
Perler Beads Christmas Village
We love perler beads here cant keep them in the house even my sons 10 year old friends will bead with me. We went a few months back and got the huge tray because we needed more colors and I swear by end of the day, it was almost empty. Kids love to make things...
Ideas for 6th Birthday Party?
ok i have done so many themed parties from strat to finish so i have all kinds of ideas last summer i did a hawaiian lua dollar tree had all kinds of things from leis to flip[ flops the girls decorated paer plates blow up palm trees and flamingo parrots etc...
Shiny Glam Easter Eggs
wow i did this with kids they did like 2 and were done i have done about 25 so far and displayed in apothecary jars miljk glass dish and various crystal dishes i did the shinner irredescent eggs from walmart but sheesh went back 2 times spent a fortune on beads...
Keep Car Keys on Bedside Table
i always do that in a parking lot but what a good idea for the bedside table i never thought of it!! that sure does make sense thanks for all of us on this board for passing that one on!1 sometimes the best thing to protect us is there all along and we never...
Using Empty Oatmeal Canisters?
i made them into drums with my preschoolers for music week but i got a few rubber raincoats at goodwill and puched holes into a few places and punched holes to match in canister and we tied the rubber part to top and then we covered the drums in paper and let...
Using Empty Oatmeal Canisters?
i also have decorated these with really pretty paper from dollar stores etc real florally paper and hot glued flowers to the top and put bath lotions and bubble bath in and then they can keep the preety almost hat like box for storage!!!!!
What Type of Dog Is This?
did you go to the vet yet?? for a check up they can usually tell i got a dog once out in amish country never again she was some kind of weird breed people kept saying she is shepard and maybe elk or and some of the amish in our community said part wolf i was...
Ask Kids to Not Bring Gifts to Birthday Parties
I cant go to a childrens birthday and NOT bring a gift! Kids look forward to that. Dont you remember being a kid? I usually take time to see what the child likes and if with in budget try to find it another thing would be to ask for books instead of a gift...
Saving Money on Baby Clothes
our salvation army and good wills are great when my son was born i used to go to the hugh end stores and buy but that didnt last long after i found these same brand mall names clothes at the thrifts and i have bought baby blankets named brand clothes and shoes...
Centerpiece Ideas for 'Purse' Themed Party?
i saw some adorable picture frames that were purses at the dollar tree can be used as parting gifts
Caring For Cut Flowers
i was a florist and we even used a tsp or two of hydrogen peroxide give a fresh cut every day or other day and buy the buds closed up they last longer i always used my floral knife or any sharp knife to cut at an angle the way we do to fresh cut flower in the...
Using Loreal's Mineral Powder Makeup?
I use it as the bare minerals swirl it tap it in lid and brush it on in a round circular motion. I have ordered sheer cover and am a true believer so I only use that much cheaper then the bare essentials! loreal does work well if you apply it in a round, circular...
Hairspray for Fine Hair?
I use treseeme it is a professional line but can be bought at dollar general and like drugmarts or small stores where ever you are works well! I use the strong hold one.
Making Yard Art with Broken Gardening Tools?
if you have a bunch of old tool and have a shed or garage or somewhere you can hang as a display kinda prim country style i did this on my milk house at the farm but shovels can have bird houses attached to them pint them out add barn type wooden stars etc...
Location for a Child's Birthday Party During Hot Weather?
how about a little pool party for her friends i was in a playgroup with my kids from infant up and we would do it at the house in lil pools we put out so kids could splash and play the dollar tree has all these great inflatible pink flamingos and plam trees...
Jack (Irish Glenn of Imaal Terrier)
aww what a cute dog!! i have looked into a west white highland terrier i love these kind of dogs!!! do you have any children?i hear they are good with older children mine are 9 and 10 they are very pricy i am usually a pound puppy gal myself tend to rescue...
Silk Calla Lily Centerpieces?
I would buy your flowers and go to the dollar stores. There are nice clear glass vases in all sizes. Add some of those glass rocks for vases and fish aquariums. Get the irridescent shiny ones and fill a little bit in the bottom for an elegant look. They also...
Have Them Pick Their Own Gift From Thrifty Finds
i like that idea my mom is constantly buying my kids things at the thrift stores my kids are always complimented on their clothes my daughter proudly goes i got it at the thrift store the kids say wheres that?? i wanna go!!!!!! lol i definitely love them too...
How Do We Help a Friend with Metastasized Cancer?
just be there for her when you can and let her take comfort in that read to her give her cards with poitive sayings etc i think thats all that matter she is so lucky to have a friend like you!!!
Decorating a Church Sanctuary (Gym) for Easter Sunday?
what about twinkle lights and some garland flowers from the dollar store intertwine them where ever you can sounds like ceilings are too high could you use pieces of lattice to stand behind stage and wire through the flowers and lights maybe some cheap baskets...
Decorating a Church Sanctuary (Gym) for Easter Sunday?
opps apparently i cant type if you need any other help email me KimmyLynn2u2 AT
Machine Washable Throw Pillows?
i always buy throw pillows at the thrift stores and then make covers or i find zippered ones there sometimes to put over the pillow i bought cheap and washable!!!!
Pit Bull Puppy Keeps Biting My Daughter?
i am sorry i agreee my son was 5 when he was mauled by a neighbors pit bull and it was awful i will not go into details but i made sure that dog was put down i dont like them i dont care what people say they are and can be mean my son and i were riding a bike...
Removing Smoke Smell from Duplex?
I have this problem with my neighbor next store. We are currently renting a townhouse this year until we find a home here in town. We moved recently and it kills me the smoke, they smoke all day! I tried to no avail. I gave up and I just bought the glade wall...
Advice for Dealing with Lazy and Abusive Husband?
Get out! Forget society, there is help too even if you are working. I had a friend that was a single mom and worked and she got help from jfs services it wasnt like a hand out she was working! Mental abuse is still abuse even if he doesnt hit you! Your daughter...
Christmas Shopping at the Dollar Stores
i have been doing this for years it saves so much money but if you are like me can add up too i went in to make the adorable snowman vase jars that light up and by the time i got all supplies it was like 40 bucks for just that!!! but i do get all my lil girls...
A Thrift Store Christmas
My god this is post is all about me lol! i live in the thrift stores. i have furnished a big farmhouse with all thrift store and curbside antiques and treasures. i love finding things. it is the thrill of the hunt, and bagging a treasure! i dont really shop...
A Thrift Store Christmas
o and i wanted to add to that post i am a preschool teacher and i am saddend at the lack of happiness on a teachers part who gets a cute trinket from a child i love any and all the stuff i get!!! i even let my kids put some in their room to display it is the...
Cocoa Jars for Christmas
i am doing this for the kids teachers they have 3 eac and i am calling it the snowman soup i am gonna give it with a cute snowman mug i buy at the dollar store!!i am adding coco and coffee creamer to mine and a layer of marshmallows too!!! and copying that...
Saving Money to Go on Vacation?
this is sooo sad but i ive it to my mother to hold and i am a grown 37 yr old woman but i tell hubby if we wanna save give it to her!! plus if i wanna go shopping i always go with her she never wants me to spend on things i want lol
Removing a Seed Wart?
I used the remedy in the store by dr schools. It is the freeze one. i did this twice and the wart has not returned. It does sting a lil and works quick!
Keeping a Pit Bull?
i would never reccomend these dogs i am opposed for anyone to have the option to have this dog my son was attacked and mauled at age 5 by a pit bull we live in the country on a farm and we were innocently riding our bikes when a group of 4 came after him i...
Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas for Pre-school Teacher?
i saw adorable vases painted white and sprinkled with glitter all you do is get fabric fleece and you make hats and a scarf for the snowman the kids can paint nose and eyes mouth etc!!! i made them and they were a hit!!!
Pricing Baby Clothes for Yard Sale?
i would not personally price clothing any more ever then 5 an outfit people dont wanna pay it good will here charges 1.29 a piece baby outfits and kids are 2.29 a piece i had all my sales and charged no more then 3 i sold almost everything and i donate alot...
Maggie May (Golden Retriever Mix)
awww my first dog was named maggie may i miss her!!! yours sure is a cutie!!!!
Old House Needs New Paint in Kitchen?
How about a light greeny color. I also love sage green. I plan on doing my kitchen a light greenish color with white cabinetry I plan on painting.
Frugal And Green Laundry
o my !!!well your family must not get that dirty then because to me thats washing clothes in water thats already dirty!!!my kids get pretty dirty outside and i would never wanna rewash in that water sounds like it works for you
Reception Hall Ideas?
my sister did one at a church hall they catered and all it even had alcohol it was pretty reasonable a vfw hall is cheaper too hope that helps what about a rec center or ooohhh i know do you have a friend that lives in a condo or apt with a rec center there...