Making Homemade Biscuits Without Shortening?
I had the same question and googled it. One recipe had like 2 to 4 tbs. mayonnaise to about 2 cups self-rising flour and some milk. Another recipe incorporated mashed potatoes--like one cup to two cups flour with baking soda. I am a vegetarian and was thinking...
Ideas for Selling Handmade Jewelry?
Here is a site for more ideas at
Storing Soy Milk Without Refrigeration?
I tried this as a water bath canning method. It does great in the fridge, however does not do so good outside storage - tried one and it failed - it unsealed itself. It turned into this thick jelly-like substance after about a week. So then not to waste it...
Craft Book For Making Rhinestone Jewelry?
Try you-tube to try to find this answer. Thats what I generally do and save the video- for later viewing. I do not think its a good idea to use lead type solders. However they make silver type solders, which would be better suited to jewelry - I think! I am...
Craft Book For Making Rhinestone Jewelry?
Here is a basic soldering video I found interesting at this web address: