Boy's 13th Birthday Party Ideas?
You should have some type of basketball shooting contest. Buy one of those portable baskets at Toys R Us and have a 3 point contest or something.
Family Birthday Party Ideas?
Go to the movies as a family and then dinner. Or rollerskating, ice skating, bowlling.
Finding an Inexpensive Hall for a 1st Birthday Party?
I agree, have the party at home. But, if your home isnt big enough and you live in a community with a club house inquire about renting it for the day. Typically your community clubhouse will be inexpensive and the money goes back into your community fees.
Dark Circles on My Elbows and Knees?
Use lemon. Cut lemon in half and sit each elbow in the lemon for about 10 minutes. Then wash with water. This helps.
2nd Birthday Party With Disney Car Theme?
I found a good Disney Cars page. I used this site when I planned my sons Disney Cars/Thomas the Train party. And whether he remembered it 3 hours later or not did not matter because in the moment he loved it! And the joy he expressed when he saw all those decorations...
Ideas for a Birthday Party at School for a 6 Year Old?
Goodie bags but filled with small toys instead of candy. Games that can be played in class such as hot potato, musical chairs, pin the tail on the donkey, etc.
Teen Birthday Party Themes?
Glamour girl party. Rent out a spa and get the girls hair, nails, makeup done. Let them get facials etc. Or do it at by setting up stations.
Ideas for Boyfriend's 25th Birthday?
If youve been together a while and are willing to spend the money a trip is fun. Surprise him with a trip somewhere and dont tell him where you are going. I did this for my husband before we got married and I didnt even let him see the tickets when we checked...
Easy Cookie Recipes?
Ive tried this recipe and it is easy and delicious Basic Sugar Cookie Ingredients 2-3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup butter, softened 1-1/2 cups white sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions: 1. Preheat...
Easy Chocolate Dessert
A delicious chocolate dessert with bananas, that I made recently. Its great. Ingredients: 1/4 cup smooth or crunchy peanut butter 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips 1 to 2 tablespoons milk 1 flour tortilla, 8 inches 1 large banana peeled Directions: 1. Combine...
Holiday Cookie Recipes?
This link has general cookie recipes and a link to holiday cookies
"Flower Garden" Themed Birthday Party?
I dont agree with enteraining adults at a kids party except for the 1st and 2nd birthdays. Those parties are mostly for the adults so I think you should ave some games for the adults to play and food they would like to eat.
Gross, Yucky, Creepy Halloween Recipes?
Here is a fun recipe. And they really do look like eyeballs! Dried apple rings Dried apricots Raisins 1) For each eyeball, flatten 1 dried apple ring with the palm of your hand. 2) Slice a dried apricot through the...