Georgia Christmas Charities?
The charities that you may want to check out in your neck of the woods are Salvation Army and Toys for tots. In our area (Wisconsin), Salvation army will probably do an adopt a family program. Your and your kids names will be hung as an ornament on a Christmas...
Removing Cigarette Stains and Odor from House?
A good way to get the odors out of your house is to open the windows on a nice warm day. Plants can improve the air quality. There are sprays that get rid of smoke in the air too. You may want to put baking soda in bowls around the house. Cinnamon, orange and...
Perspiration Stains on White Clothing?
Using vinegar to get rid of underarm stains is recommended. Soak the shirt overnight in vinegar. Throw it in the washer when you are done. It should get rid of the stains plus the smell.
Removing Lipstick from Washable Fabric?
Try a product called Goo Gone. Goo Gone is sold at WM and it is natural.
Bumps on a Coach Purse?
To see if its a knockoff, look inside the bag and see if there is a coach leather tag sewn inside the bag. It should have a description of the company, leather used, and a serial number. If not, then I would think its a fake.
Charities To Help With Christmas
I agree with the posters on share/angel ministries. I know that ours will do a Christmas dinner package for $25 that includes a turkey, a pie, vegetables, etc. Food stamps/SNAP are accepted at share/Angel ministries. So it doesnt hurt to check out the share...
Eyeliner on a Coach Purse?
I have been told that Wilsons (the leather store) leather cleaner and moisturizer is a cheaper substitute for the coach purses and other leather ware. It supposed to work just as good as the coach cleaners and moisturizers, but for less money. I have never...