Using Up A Surplus of Food
That really depends. While the sentiment is nice, for example the food bank by us does not want food donations! It takes too much man power and time to sort and organize random Items. Its easier for them to get trucks of items in large quantities of the same...
Pie in a Jar
Ive seen this idea before, but Ive never seen anyone leave room so that they could be frozen. That is a awesome idea! You would look so Betty Crocker when last minute guests arrive. Plus it would make the house smell amazing.
Xora Ryale and May-Zee (Cats)
She looks like a superhero cat because She looks like she is wearing a mask! So very cute
Make Last Year's Dress Into This Year's Blouse
This post sounds wonderful but I cant picture it. Just a couple photos would make all the difference
Craft: Entryway Bench
He should make a bunch of these and sell them in farmers markets or something. Once he made a sort of assembly line I bet he could whip them out in no time. Okay, so I doubt he will end up doing that but Im sure a lot of people would love to have one. What...
Recipes for Dried Blueberries or Cranberries?
I use a basic chocolate chip cookie recipe but add white chocolate chips instead or just chunks of cut up white chocolate. I like ghirardellis chocolate best. Then I add craisins (Im sure blueberries would work just fine to.) Heres what really makes them, Throw...
Recipes for Dried Blueberries or Cranberries?
Also I put them in salad. If you us a balsamic vinaigrette dressing the sweet and sour tastes balance eachother out quite nicely.
Craft: Vinyl Disc Wall Display
I read this a while back and was thinking if you used a very small nail, you could just put it through the hole in the middle of the record. It wouldnt be noticeable, you could easily change the records around to get a new look and it wouldnt be as damaging...
Help With Pimples on Forehead?
Wash your face three times a day if you can. At least twice a day. buy some face wash and a sponge. My very favorite product is clean and clear oil blot sheets. They are blue sheets you rub on your face and you can actually see the color of the sheet change...
Picking Up Straight Pins
When I worked at a thrift store I was I had to price out all of the sewing stuff. Cant begin to tell you how many times I poked myself with straight pins. I finally got wise and started using a magnet to pick them up.
Coffee Can Marble Painting
When I was in elementary school we did something similar to this. We taped the edges of a pice of paper to the bottom of a box lid. Then we put the paint coated marbles inside and tilted the box to make the marbles roll around. I like the idea of a coffee can...
Inexpensive Gifts for Cheerleaders?
I would go to your local bead and jewelery store and buy some nice glass beads (glass beads are beautiful and inexpensive!) using school colors (or varying colors in the same color family) some jewelery wire or sting and clasps. You could make necklaces or...
Being a Parent During Tough Economic Times
You have some great ideas. Some dollar stores have decent things. Others its just stuff that breaks right away and doesnt work. If you buy something cheap and it breaks right away, you have to buy another one to replace it costing more money! This has happened...
Dealing with Adult Children at Home?
Give them a realistic time limit to move out. Whatever you feel comfortable with. (Say a month?) Its frustrating because you genuinely want to help them but you need to put your own health and wellness first. (mental, physical, emotional etc.) Let them know...
Making Spirit Gifts for High School Dance Team?
Buy a bunch of sets of hair clips. Use puffy paint, glitter or small bows of ribbon in school colors to glue on them. How about buying a bunch of those fluffy plastic loofas (you know those plastic bath sponge thingys.) in school colors and give those to the...
Look for Candles at Thrift Stores
I think its important to be careful about the kinds of candles you buy. Ive started to switch over to soy candles and also beeswax ones. You can find cool ones at your local farmers markets or online. I like to get mine at the farmers markets because they are...
Can You Get Sick from Thrift Store Items?
I used to work at a thrift store and I never had any problem but Im not going to say its not a possibility. If you are concerned I would recommend consignment stores as an alternative. They are still a great way to save money but are much more strict about...