Buying Lamp Oil in Bulk and Inexpensively?
If you are using the fuel in an oil lamp, you will want to purchase a fuel with a flash point between 124 and 150 degrees fahrenheit. This will ensure the best light and it will not gum up the wick. Firefly Fuel sells bulk fuel (5 - 5,500 gallons) with no odor...
Cleaning Hurricane Style Candle Holders
You can also use refillable oil candles and fill them with eco-friendly lamp oil. No melted wax, no soot and no smoke.
Tiki Torches Won't Light?
Im not exactly sure what the problem is but your wicks have been contaminated with the fuel. Perhaps the fuel was bad. If you change to an another fuel, you should purchase new wicks. Sorry. The best, economical fuel for your tiki torch is tiki torch fuel. There...