Pancake Muffins
When people say 'no offense', they ALWAYS mean to offend. Not that I owe you any explanations, but the healthy part is preparing pancakes in SMALLER portions. Instead of fixing stacks of pancakes, I can just grab 2-3 of these small muffins & pair it with yogurt...
Identifying Tiny Black Bugs?
You can download the Picture Insect app to see if it is in their database. Or try I had to do that with some ground beetles that were taking over my apartment. The site allows you to search in North America, by state or province...
Finding Free Cat Food?
Along with calling your local humane society and food pantry, you can try churches too. They are always willing to help if they can. And in my state of NC, people can call 211 for information about assistance, especially food. Your area probably has something...
Brainstorm: What makes the best stocking stuffers?
I personally like my stocking stuffers to be mostly candy and other food. These include, oranges, nuts, candy cane tubes of chocolate, candy coal (lol), and any other favorites. Little beauty items can be added for adults, like chapstick, make up, mini lotion...
Save Fast Food Condiments
The extra packs definitely come in handy! I don't know how many times I've been out of ketchup and had to use the packs! Plus, they seem to last forever! Lol
Organize Food Pantry With Craft Drawers
Thanks! Yea, I couldn't bear to throw my drawers away. They are so cute! And I'm so lucky that two fit perfectly on the shelves.
Cleaning a CPAP Machine?
I also use a CPAP machine. To prevent slime buildup, make sure to only use distilled water in the chamber, never tap. My pulmonologist didn't express the importance of this when I first received my machine. The tap water causes some nasty mold inside the tubes...
Button Christmas Cards
Awesome! I usually decorate the inside of my cards, but I wanted to do something different this year. I think they turned out pretty cute. Ill definitely try different ones for 2020 too. :)
Pumpkin Pie Garland
Thank you! Every time I walk into my apartment the garland brings a smile to my face. The pumpkin slices were very easy. And the other pies were a little time consuming, but completely worth it!
Better E-Mail Writing
It is very difficult to convey emotion via text and email sometimes. And for some people its even harder to interpret what others mean or how theyre saying it. I know I often text my brother long paragraphs and hell send back ok. I wonder why he didnt respond...
Autumn Decor for Your Refrigerator
Thank you! I had fun putting everything on the fridge for sure! The result was definitely worth the effort!
Exercise Jar
Thanks! Its about time that we start trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I want to be able to go out and do more than work. Hopefully, losing the LBS will help with that and fast!
June Bug on Watermelon
I saw a June bug a few weeks ago, after not seeing one for over 20 years! This photo brings back good memories of summer family cookouts and trying to catch these beautiful bugs!
Frugal Christmas Gift Ideas for Grandchildren?
One year when money was pretty tight, my papa simply made everyone treat bags. We are all grown, so it had candy, a pot holder, and a special surprise walnut. He had hollowed out each nut and placed $20 inside, folded up. Then he closed the walnuts back up...
100th Day of School Paper Plate Gumball Machines
Yes, exactly what Jess said. The 100th day of school is very popular in lower grades, almost as much as Valentines Day! They do many activities to celebrate 100, including craft projects like these.
Heart Symmetry Paintings
Yes, definitely! When I was teaching, I had so many of my students art gifts on my fridge! I miss that!
Glass Jar Party Favors
Very creative! I could see doing this for future events and parties. I might have to skip the spray paint part, as I have trouble breathing at times though. I think the jars would still be a hit anyway! Lol
Preventing Roaches from Traveling Home With You?
Wow! It seems that others did a great job of answering your question! When I moved into my apartment several years ago, there were some baby roaches leftover from the previous tenant. I bought some Combat gel and placed it in the areas given in the instructions...
Use Tarps When Preparing for Snow
I have placed items, like towels and trash bags, on my cars windshield prior to a snow to prevent having to scrape it! Instead, I just lift the snow off! It definitely saves me a few minutes. The past couple of years, I have been worried about falling. I am...
Bejeweled Jewelry Box
Aww...These are absolutely adorable! They are definitely the perfect craft and gift idea for any age!
Candy Cane Hearts
So neat! I have always wanted to try these! And yours looks better than others I have seen online. Thanks for sharing!
Stained Glass Church Window Christmas Card
This is so unique and creative! I keep cards given to me, unless the person doesnt write anything inside. That usually only happens with coworkers Ive know for five minutes though. Lol But your card I think Id have to treasure forever. You spend that much time...
Roll Towels For More Space
I do this with both my dish towels and wash cloths. I think it looks so much better and really does take up less space too!
Alleviating Knee Pain?
Thank you for responding! I think knee braces would help, or compression sleeves, but my legs are so big that I cant find any that will fit. Well, I cant find any within my budget anyway. I thought about just wrapping my knees with ace bandages and see if that...
Alleviating Knee Pain?
I am currently searching for affordable compression sleeves that will fit my legs. So far, I have found nothing. Either they are crazy expensive because of the size I need or they are too small and cheap. I think I might attempt wrapping my knees in ace bandages...
Alleviating Knee Pain?
Hey! I will definitely buy some rubbing alcohol and ask the doc about those patches! Thanks!
Alleviating Knee Pain?
I had completely stopped sleeping on my stomach because I have sleep apnea. I cant wear my mask unless I sleep on my back or side, but my knees hurt so bad after being in either position for too long. Instead, I have been trying to turn over on my stomach a...
Alleviating Knee Pain?
Wow! Thanks for all of this! I will absolutely look into all of these. I am willing to try just about anything at this point because of the pain. What worries me is that my knees have only been hurting this badly for about five weeks or so. Before that, the...
Alleviating Knee Pain?
Hey. How long did these take to work for you? I bought some and wore them for several hours, but it didnt help. Maybe I just have too much fat over my knee for it to reach the joint. Or or they something that takes several applications to see results?
Printable Easter Bingo and Stamp Games
It looks like things have been shifted on the site. Click on: 1) 123 Math 2) Numbers and Counting 3) Bingo Stamping Games Scroll until you find the rabbits and eggs.
Creatively Store Kitchen Hand Towels
Thanks! I like storing them this way far better than shoving them in a drawer. They are far more accessible and pleasing to the eye!
Creatively Store Kitchen Hand Towels
YES! And now I am getting rid of my kitchen cabinet, so I am moving my two baskets to the top of the fridge. I have one up there now and IT even looks good! I also fold my washcloths like this, but lay them down in the basket.
Ground Beef Haystacks
Yay! Well, let me know if you liked it! Haystacks are definitely my go-to meal when I am in a hurry, but still want something tasty!
DIY Weekly Meal Planner
Thank you so much! My biggest obstacle to losing weight is that I am an emotional eater. I thought that planning exactly what I am going to eat would ease the stress of having to choose, when I am ravenous. Hopefully, my brother and I can get on the same page...
How to Sort and Organize Craft Beads
Haha! You just had to translate it into male, huh? I love it! And your beads look great too! :)
Fake Play Snow
Very cool idea! Ha-ha! Ill definitely be trying this when I find another teaching job. Those little Pre-k babies will love this! Thanks for sharing!
Keep Up With Household Chores By Creating a Cleaning Schedule
Exactly! I like to feel one step ahead! I also like to literally cross things off my to-do list. Both of these are very gratifying. =)
How to Make Cross Silhouettes
Sorry it has taken so long to reply! My computer is down and its harder to do everything on my phone! Anyway, thank you! I enjoyed making these. I thought about purchasing canvas boards to paint the crosses on and give them as gifts. If you make these, id love...
Organizing Home Instruction Manuals
All my receipts have long expired, except my washing machine warranty. I might just have to put that in my binder too! That makes more sense than keeping it filed seperately.
Organizing Home Instruction Manuals
Thanks for all the info! I currently file all receipts and warranties in my filing cabinet. I rent so the only big ticket item I have to worry about is my washing machine. If I had to purchase a lot of different items, I know my binder would look quite different...
Glitter and Glue Icicles
In step #4, I put that you need to shake the excess glitter off of the page. And the person who commented after you is correct in that these icicles are not ones you remove from the page. After you shake off the extra and allow to dry, the craft is complete...
Glitter and Glue Icicles
Creating a scene beneath the icicles is a good idea! When I did this craft in my pre-k room, the kids wanted their icicles to be so long that there was not room left. Ha-ha And I will definitely be trying the wax paper icicles in the future! Thanks for sharing...
Blessings Jar for the New Year
I agree! I didnt do this in 2016 and I regretted it. I still have my 2015 jar displayed and smile when I think about it. I definitely want to keep up with this tradition!
Erasing Permanent Marker from Laminated Paper
When I first started teaching, I was amazed at the nail polish remover trick for removing marker. Haha I now use that or hand sanitizer at my current office job and at home. It is a fabulous way to limit paper waste; thats for sure! And the kids Ive tutored...
Blessings Jar for the New Year
I like this idea too! I implemented something similar in my Pre-K classroom. When I caught a student helping others, following directions, being a friend, etc, I wrote it down on a post-it with the date. Each student then placed their post-it on a large board...
Easy Marble Maze
Thanks! I know kids would enjoy constructing and playing with this because I did! Haha
Tea Light Snowman Ornaments
Youre welcome! I love making them! They all turn out so adorable. The last couple that I made, I didnt glue the ribbon down on top of their heads. I just held it in place after gluing half the pipe cleaner in place. Then as I was holding the ribbon, I glued...
The Best Way to Store Christmas Tree Lights
Good idea, too! I think I will stick with my paper towel rolls because it has worked very well for me over the years. And I have designated Christmas totes that I put all of my holiday stuff in, including the lights. And I have been fortunate enough not to...
Removing Mold from Dish Drainer
Yes! I have been going crazy cleaning everything with bleach lately! I try to soak my dish drainer every two weeks, including the board. I also soak my stoppers, food catchers, and sponge holders. I love how white, fresh, and clean the surfaces become. And...
Kill Fleas Fast
Well, every dog is different! The Dawn and Murphys both work well for us at killing current fleas and keeping them off, when used every two weeks. I didnt say to only use these products. I said they kill and deter fleas that pets still get, even while using...
Amber and Pearl (Chickens)
Oh my goodness! They are precious. Thank you for taking in these girls! People take many animals for granted, like chickens. They feel pain, fear, and love like normal pets. I should know! I received my first pet when I was three, on my family farm. I named...
Finding Assistance After a House Fire?
Usually police departments will help or at least put you in touch with others who can. You can also contact your local health department for assistance with temporary housing and any outreach centers for clothing and food. If you are not sure what is in your...
Paper Toadstool
These are adorable and definitely something I will try to incorporate into my classroom when I teach again!
Crescent Pizza Rolls
No worries! The Hunts Meat Sauce serves as my pizza/dipping sauce. I like the taste of it better than traditional pizza sauce. And you feel free to tweak it and add sauce inside the crescents. I like dipping mine better. It makes them more like pizza cheesesticks...
Leaf Puppets
I know, right? I love Pinterest and I cannot wait to use this craft when I start teaching again!
Some Unusual Pets
Cute! My first pet was a chicken, when I was three years old! I named her Dibee Dibee! lol A similar scenario occurred, as with yours, and that chick stuck to me like glue!
Halloween Candy Craft
I like this idea! It is simple and inexpensive, yet insanely creative! Thanks for sharing! I might actually make these for Halloween!
Brilliant Lotus
Oh, and I really like how you captured the reflection of the flowers, one in the foreground, as well as one in the background.
Brilliant Lotus
I love it! I am partial to frogs and anything related to them, including lotus leaves/flowers!
Natural Wood Photo Display
These are adorable! I have always wanted to make items with wood and I admire people who do!
Domino Clock
I love this idea! Looks like I found a new craft project to tackle! lol Thanks for sharing!
Lala (Mixed Breed)
Aww! This is a precious picture of your baby! I chuckled when I first saw that little tongue sticking out!
Hide Money for Teens Inside Glove Fingers
Hahaha My grandpa always gave us a bag of candy with a pot holder inside. I dont know why the pot holder, but I used them! Wed also just be handed money in a bank gift envelope. Well one year he decided to put a walnut in each treat bag. Okay. No big deal and...
Home Remedies for Gaulding?
It definitely works and definitely burns like hades!!! But when I need a quicker fix, I still do it.
Home Remedies for Gaulding?
I am obese and Ive tried all but four things from this list. Heres my experience with ideas mentioned in the comments. I used them all under my stomach. 1) Put a cloth between skin folds: ******I tried diaper wipes, paper towels, cloths, pads, etc. Most of...
Home Remedies for Gaulding?
I dont know if youll get this since your comment is five years old, but thank you! I needed something that dries after applied. Other ointments tend to make it worse! Im definitely going to try this!
Use Vinegar for Cleaning
Yes! I clean my microwave with vinegar too. I pour some in a bowl, on five minutes and any stuck on food wipes right off after! I would use it for more things, but the strong smell gets to me. I might have to try the lemon drops next time!