Removing Pet Stains from Hardwood Flooring?
If its smell, Im using straight febreeze, I washe my floors in venegar, let them dry and then poured febreeze on them and brushed it in. im a foster home for the Humane Asso and when I get pups they are always having accidents. Ive tried Natures Miracle, and...
Pattern for Ivory Soap Bottle Mr and Mrs Claus?
I just bought the book with all of the Ivory soap bottle dolls patterns. Now its impossible to find the faces, hands. Do you know where you can get the faces and hands? Ill share my patterns with you if we can find them.
What Vegetables Grow Well in Western Tennessee?
Hi Ellen, I live in Decaturville Tn and we have found that chert grows green beans, corn and tomatoes grow very well. We usually are over run with green beans ad tomatoes.Also cucumbers.
No Gardening Yet in Maine!
Now i know that I do not miss living there! we moved almost 6 years ago to Tennessee. We get snow but its usually gone in a few hours. But, I remember those blizzards in southern Maine
White Bread Recipe?
This is from Bernard Claytons Bread Book Two Medium or three small loaves Ingredients: 5 to 6 cups bread or all purpose flour, approximately 3 T sugar 2 t. salt 1 pkg dry yeast 1/4 cup nonfat dry milk 2 cups hot water (120*-130*) 3 T shortening room temperature...
Stye Remedies?
Our family has always used a warm tea bag. Just heat up a cup of water and place the tea bag in it. Then use the moist tea bag on your eye. It doent hurt and usually its better the next day. This has come down through the generations in our family and it works...
Toning Down the Taste of Wild Game
When you are cutting up venison, have a clean cloth, bowl of white vinegar ready. As you cut the meat up whipe it down good with the white vinegar, it takes the gamey tase out and helps if the meat is tough. Also, with birds if you soak them in a solution of...
Recipes Using Potato Flakes?
I make some instant up ahead of time and make potato doughnuts with them. I also add sour cream and chives and a dash of garlic salt to them for meals.
New England Travel Tips?
The northern part of Maine is beautiful in late Sept. If your there when Fryburg fair is going on that I think would be a must, there is so much to see and do. Sebago Lakes region is beautiful and on a clear day you can see the White Mtns. in New Hampshire...
Shoe Strap Won't Stay on My Heel?
Yoou could try a piece of moleskin on the inside of the strap, this is what we use for blisters on the heal. It should work.
Mud Puddle Stains on a White T-shirt?
I use a product called M-30 on my husbands jeans and t shirts. The price is $1.00 and its a paste you just rub on and I let it set for maybe 15 minutes before laundering. I was very surprised how well it worked. You can get it at Dollar General or Wal-Mart...
Helping a Rescued Dog?
I went through that with puppies that we rescued, needless to say they did not make it. Their insides was full of magots to, so yes take him to the vet asap!!!!
Fondant Chocolate Cake?
Have you tried Theres a lot of information there and you can ask questions and get great replies.
Making a Giant Christmas Wreath?
Im originally from the cold country of Maine and I always made fresh balsam wreaths every year. Some of them I have made have been to put on peoples barns and they were double sided wreaths, meaning the boughs were on both sides making the wreath thicker. I...
Throw Up Smell in a Car?
I had a problem with cigarette smells in a car I bought and having asthma I couldnt stand the smell. I took it to someone and had it cleaned no luck, but, a car dealer told me to take a bowl of fresh coffee grounds and a quater slice of an apple and put the...
Going Back to My Mama's Ways
You go girl! That was the good ole days when familys ate together. The food back then tasted a lot better and was better for you. We eat like that all the time, that is also how I brought my daughter up.
Advice for My 16 Year Old Daughter's Party?
Sounds reasonable, what about a slumber party with the girls, send the guys home at 11:00 and have the girls stay. My daughter wanted a hippies theme, tie died cake, and, anything that we did in the sixties. Some of the styles are coming back and they could...
Growing Plants in Chert?
The only thing I have found for sure is bulbs. I have dafodills and irises growing on mine. Also. herbs seem to be doing well. But, for sure I go with bulbs. Chert is not like any kind of soil Ive ever seen. After moving here to Tn and being used to Maines...
Cloudy Coffee?
It could be the water in S.Portland. My cousin lives in Westbrook and has had that problem, they installed a water purifier to the faucet and that helped. We lived in Standish before moving to Tennessee and once in a while we had that problem when there was...
Dakota (Shar-Pei)
I have a hound shar pie mix and I would not part with him for anything! He is the most loving, cuddley dog Ive ever had. I hope you will enjoy yours as much as I do mine(Rip Van Wrinkles) hes a little over a year old now.
Wally (Shar Pei/Border Collie)
I also have a shar pei/hound mix and he is so faithful. Hes like my second skin because he stays so close I cant move sometimes. He wont let anyone near me unless I tell him its o.k. . Hes the best . So I understand Wallys commitment to you and just thank God...
Old Fashioned Doughnut Recipe?
This is a recipe from the Shakers Sabbathday Lake in Maine. It is an old recipe I believe and is excellent. Sister Mildreds Doughnuts 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp. melted lard, 1 egg beaten, 1 cup sour buttermilk, 1 tsp baking soda, 3 cups flour, 2 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp...
Pomeranian with Itchy Skin?
I too, have a pomeranian that had itchy skin. Im trying fish oil capsules. It does help, but, you have to open the oil and place it on their food. Im also, using moist meals now for her,shes five and 1/2. Hope this helps.
Inexpensive (Earth Friendly) Christmas Gift
I cant use commercial cleaners due to allergies, Id love to have the recipes for the cleaners that you have made too! Its such a great idea anad a gift that is useful and not just put on the shelf to collect dust. Please , if your willing to share , could I...
Holiday Happy Dog - Missy (Sharpei Lab)
Hi Karen, I have a shar pei hound mix and he is so loveable. His name is Rip Van Wrinkles!
Warning About Recipes With Vinegar and Bleach?
I use vinegar to wash my floors because it makes them shine. But, I also use bleach once in a while to really clean them good( I have 6 dogs) I didnt know that bleach and vinegar didnt mix and I could not breath because I had not rinsed the vinegar out of my...
Cleaning Diamond Earrings?
One of my friends is the top diamond salesman for JM Poulucks (sp)back in Maine. He told me never for one to actually touch the diamond itself because you leave oils from your hands. He says the best way to clean them is with Lestoil and soak them then very...