Potty Patch Reviews?
I havent tried it, but was thinking it looked a little disgusting. Your pet pee-pees into the grass, and falls into the tray below. There might be a danger of it overflowing, too, in a days time; not to mention the possibility of spillage while trying to empty...
Craft: Clipart Wreath Ornaments
What a great idea! I always have extra card stock-sometimes even colored stock. Keep a stack of different printouts handy, and have friends/family do one, as they visit during the holidays. Vicki in NC
Use Less Than the Recommended Laundry Detergent
I also went with the Borax, Washing Soda and Fels-Naptha soap for awhile, but found it didnt really get stains out very well, not just the heavy construction work stains we have, but regular ones as well. It seemed like our clothes were getting awfully dingy...
Allergic Reaction to K9 Advantix?
Oh my gracious, I had a cocker spaniel who had seizures after we started using Frontline on her. We stopped, but she eventually got and died from cancer (still makes me cry to think of her). I have always thought it was related to the Frontline. She would break...
Graduation Thank You Note Ideas?
What about using a card from the card catalogue, making the thank you note resemble the listing for a book? seablue2u
Stretching Vegetable Soup
What a great idea! Im going to try it. Saving every little way we can helps. Vicki