Feeding a Rabbit?
In small amounts, yes they can. Cabbage causes gas, which can upset your bunnys tummy. So just give now and then in small amounts.
17th Birthday Party Ideas?
Bonfires are always fun, my kids like to have those. Have lots of food and drinks for everyone, sit around the fire and talk. I hope you have a great day, and Happy Birthday~
What Type of Snake Is This?
Surprise, surprise, that is NOT a snake! You have found a glass lizard. A legless lizard, but not a snake. He can blink, he has ear holes. His tail, if grabbed, will fall off and shatter. Heres a link: http://srelherp.uga.edu/lizards/ophven.htm
Keeping Neighbor's Dog Out of the Yard?
Put a fence around your property. Then the dog can no longer trespass on your yard. Livestock fence shouldnt be expensive.
Santa Hat Christmas Tradition
This is a great idea. You could carry it one step further and put some stocking stuffers in the hat to keep the child busy for a little while, and let the parents catch a bit more sleep. :)
Sneaky Chicken Eggs
Our hens were hiding theirs in our old Christmas tree in our yard. They had a hen sized area made in the limbs.
Slugs in the House?
Pour salt all around where the slugs are coming into your home. It will dry them out and theyll die. I dont think the trails are harmful to you or your pets, but it would be unpleasant having them in the house. Good luck!
What Breed is My Dog?
Your dog looks a lot like a Rottweiler. Maybe a mix, but that is the prevailing breed.
My Dog Won't Eat?
Your dog is sick, she needs to see a vet. Her behavior definitely says she is not feeling well. Visit the vet, and tell him everything you just wrote here. I hope she is feeling better soon.
What Breed is My Dog?
His face looks like corgi, but as for the rest, Im not sure. There are some lanky hound breeds that perhaps play a part. Hes cute!
Cool Strips for Migraines
I have heard that soaking in a bath with Epsom salts helps prevent migraines. It adds magnesium in a way that is easily absorbed. Magnesium isnt easily absorbed when ingested. I hope this helps your migraines.
New Poodle is Afraid to Come When Called?
Put him on a leash, give him the command to come. Gently tug on the leash, and pull him towards you. Give him bountiful praise, have a huge party. Treats are great too. Dont ever punish him for coming, no matter what. Might help if you keep a leash on him at...
Cat Acting Like it is in Heat All the Time?
Cats do go in heat all the time if they are not spayed. Really, like every 7 days all. year. round. Do yourself a favor, and have her spayed. Your nerves will thank you. Ive been there, and I totally get how maddening it is.
Dog Won't Eat Dry Food and Throwing Up Wet Food?
Your dog needs to see a vet. He could have a blockage in his stomach or intestines causing him to vomit. Hope he feels better soon.
Girl's 14th Birthday Party ideas?
A party at a nearby skate rink? Those are not usually too expensive, they have group rates, and it is out of the house. You could bring a cake and refreshments. Happy early birthday! Also, a zoo or aquarium would be fun for a birthday, they should have a birthday...
What Breed is This Dog?
Thats a blue heeler! They are great dogs, very loyal and protective of their family members, also used to work sheep and cows. Enjoy him!
Puppy With Blood in Stool?
It could be worms, or more devastatingly, parvo. Take your puppy to a vet immediately!
Shout Color Catcher Substitute?
Removing Pet Odors from Outside Dog Run Naturally?
I would hose it out really well, then pour a bleach and water mixture all over the kennel, let it sit, then rinse well and allow to dry. Good luck.
Previously House Trained Dog Pooping in House?
First, take your dog to the vet for the pain in his hips. They will probably give you some pain meds for him. Then contact a professional trainer for the aggression issues.
Getting Rid of Mice in Apartment?
Set a snap trap in a corner, hidden away where you usually see the mice. Behind the stove, or between cupboards for example. Bait it well with whatever you had for supper last night. I did that the other day, and caught the mouse within an hour. If you have...
Remedy for Dog With Itchy Skin?
Take your dog to the vet, and find out why the dog is itching. Its most likely fleas, but could be allergies as well. Gravy will not stop a dog from itching.
Training an Adult Dog to Use a Pee Pad?
Pee pads are a terrible idea. The better solution is to potty train the dog, and take her outside to relieve herself. Keep her in a confined area, and take her out every 45 min to 1 hour. As she becomes more reliable, you can extend the time between outings...
Pet Guinea Pig Care?
Awww... they are adorable! Id say after about 24 hours you can try handling them. If theyre skittish, just offer food from your hands, and give them some scritches on the cheek. When you want to pick them up, scoop from the bottom, dont go over them with a...
Kitten Has Eye Discharge?
Your cat needs to see a vet. Rubbing the eye with salt water is a good idea, but its not causing the weight loss. It sounds like worms and/or an infection. See the vet!
Using the Pest Offense Plug-in for Mice?
They do work, but there are a couple of concerns. One, if you have hamsters, rats, mice, guinea pigs, etc, they will be driven to distraction to the sound. Also, we stayed in a cabin with one, and were forced to unplug it. Our daughter could hear it, and it...
Fish and Plants Go Together
That is a nice idea, but there are a few problems with your idea. Your fish needs a much bigger tank, especially a goldfish. They are an extremely dirty fish. Put him in a 10 gallon tank, complete with light and filter, and youll have a much happier fish. You...
How Does a Dog Contract Parvo?
Parvo is terrible! It is spread through the air, carried on clothing and shoes from one place to another. If a dog has parvo, all dogs in the entire neighborhood are at risk. Good news though! Your dog is vaccinated, so he should be safe. I wouldnt worry about...
Grasshopper Babies?
You dont. Grasshoppers lay eggs, and trust me, they need no help from you! They are more than capable of reproducing on their own for many, many generations.
Transmitting Parvo?
Yes, parvo can be carried home on your clothing and shoes. You need to take your dog to the vet for parvo vaccinations. Next time, come home, throw all your clothing in the wash, bleach your shoes, and take a shower. Just a note, parvo can live in your house...
Best Collar for Large Dog on Stakeout Chain?
Chaining a dog is cruel. Untie him and bring him inside. Consult a trainer about his behavior. A tied dog has no escape from other dogs or predators. They become aggressive and unpredictable. If you are scared of him, consult a rescue who can find him a better...
My Chihuahua is a Picky Eater?
Dont let him be picky. This is where tough love comes in. Put the cat food up where cats can reach, but not the dog. Put dog food down for your dog, leave it for 15 minutes. If he eats, great. If not, put it up, and nothing to eat (except water) until the next...
My Dog Will Not Eat Dog Food?
Its time for tough love. No people food. Period. None. Put dog food down two or three times a day for 15 minutes. Time it. If he hasnt eaten in that time, put it up, and nothing except water until the next meal time. No snacks, no sneaking people food to him...
Advice About Spaying a Cat in Heat?
Cats go into heat every few days if they are not spayed. So frustrating! They can be spayed during a heat cycle, it is just more dangerous as the blood volume is higher during this time. If your vet wont do it, Id find one who will. Explain the situation, and...
Dog Pees and Poops When We Go To Work?
The dog needs to be crated when you arent home to watch him. Then take him outside, and run around the yard with him. Praise when he relieves himself. Dont punish for accidents in the house, if you do this after the fact, the poor dog has no idea why he is...
Removing the Odor of Rotten Meat?
According to Mythbusters, you cant remove the smell. They tried everything, and nothing completely worked. Id recommend bleach, leaving the doors open on everything, and industrial fans in the doorways facing out to help remove the smell. Good luck.
Do Fruit Flies Bite?
no they dont, they are just annoying. As unsightly as it is, fly tape hung over the worst areas reduces the infestation greatly. I have one over my kitchen sink. Looks terrible, but does the job.
Puppy Urinates for Just About Everything?
Leash your puppy, and have someone hold it. Then let her mosey, and follow her around with a pie pan. Catch a urine specimen, and pour it into a clean, disposable container. Take it to the vet, and tell them what is going on. She may have a bladder infection...
Training a Dog Not to Bite?
you really need a professional trainer for this one, but the first thing to do is not let her up on anything or anyone. No sitting on the couch, no sitting on peoples laps. Lean down and pet her, but she stays on the floor. Small dogs are terrible about resource...
Treating a Ladybug Bite?
You dont need to do anything. The bite hurts, but once you remove the insect, nothing more needs to be done. Most likely, you wont even be able to see a mark or anything from the bite.
Remedy for Hives
Tanning beds are not a good remedy for hives. Tanning beds cause skin cancer, which is worse than a case of hives. Ask your doctor for safe, effective medications for easing your hives. An allergist can test you to find the cause, so you can avoid those items...
Dog Keeps Escaping Fenced Yard?
Ah, you have a Houdini. So do I, so you have my sympathies. How is your dog getting out? Over or under the fence? Either way, I suggest running an electric wire at the top of the fence, and the bottom. That should catch the dog however he tries to get out. The...
Honey Peanut Butter as a Dog Treat?
Yes, peanut butter is fine for your dog as a treat now and then. I have found crunchy the best for hiding medicine. The dog doesnt notice the difference between a peanut or a pill. The only drawback is whenever I open the jar, my dogs come running.
Tree Sap in Cat Fur?
Peanut butter is your best bet. Rub it all in the sap covered fur, then wash that out with Dawn dish soap. The fur should then be clean and soft, with no sap and no grease. Good luck!
Gestation Period for Dogs?
All dogs are pregnant for an average time of 63 days. With the amount of animal overpopulation these days, perhaps you can spay your dog after this litter.
Finding a No Kill Shelter for Dog that Bites?
A no kill shelter isnt going to take a biting dog. If the dog is rehomed, your granddaughters family is liable if he bites someone. The dog needs a behaviorist who can come in and observe the family dynamics, and see what is initiating these biting episodes...
Worming My Puppy?
I dont think worming could cause blood in the stool. However it is a huge red flag for PARVO. Parvo is a very serious disease young puppies can get that can be fatal really fast. Get your puppy directly to a vet.
Previously House Trained Dog Peeing and Pooping Inside?
Housebreaking can be so frustrating, and its not a once and done deal. Take your dog to the vet to be sure its not a urinary infection. If everything tests clear, then yes, go back to square one with housebreaking. Crate when youre not home, limited access...
How Long Does Parvo Last?
Your dog needs to go to the vet for treatment. You now have Parvo in your yard, and it will stay there for years. Do not bring any dog onto your property that isnt completely vaccinated. Parvo is also airborne; you need to let any neighbors with dogs know that...
Pekingese Won't Eat Dog Food?
Tough love is what is called for here. Completely stop all people food. Choose a brand of dog food, and feed only that. Put the bowl down for 15 minutes twice a day. If the dog does not eat within 15 minutes, the bowl goes up, and nothing to eat until the next...
Babe (Feral Cross Hog)
Hogs are extremely dangerous, even raised from youngsters. They have the capability to easily kill other animals, and people. What you are told about hogs is true, they are very dangerous. I dont recommend having one as a pet for anyone.
13 Golden Rules on Being a Guest
Respect the pets of your host. Whether you like the pet or not, act and speak kindly of it. Respect if the pet is to be allowed in or out, leashed, etc.
Store Food Waste in Freezer
Why not just take the waste out to the trash can immediately, avoiding smells in your home in the first place?
Keeping Cats Off Counter Tops?
You could try a penny can-put a few pennies in an open soda can. Throw it in their direction when they aim for the counter, but dont hit them. It makes a big noise, and scares them. Or set it so it will fall if they jump on the counters. You can also try a...
Use Chicken Feed as Kitty Litter
This sounded like a great idea, so I gave it a shot-and ended up with mice. I do not recommend chicken food as a cat litter alternative.
Can My Puppy Get Parvo from a Stray in My Home?
Absolutely! Parvo is wickedly dangerous for your puppy. Get him to the vet for vaccinations now! Parvo lives in the soil for years, and any unvaccinated dog is at risk for infection. Changing clothes and showering isnt really going to help, its on everyones...
Cleaning Out the Medicine Chest
That is a great idea. We have drug drop containers in our courthouse and the local jail. No questions asked, prescription and otc meds are accepted. You just walk up, open the box, and drop the meds inside. It looks somewhat like the big blue boxes for depositing...
Fill Soup Bone with Dog Treats
You dont want to give your dog cooked bones of any kind. They can splinter, and cause perforations or obstructions. Raw bones are the only safe bones for dogs.
Check Receipt Before Leaving Store
I completely agree with this! I was once charged $67.00 for a $7.00 pack of pork chops. You can believe I went back and asked for a refund. You can never be too careful these days.
Fourth of July Safety for Pets
Your best bet on the 4th is to crate your pet in a bedroom, or down in a basement. Close doors, have several doors between your pet and freedom. Lock your pet in a bathroom that doesnt have windows. Run noise in the house, such as a fan, tv, or loud music. Dope...
Visit Dog Parks
It is vital to constantly watch your dog at a dog park. He could be attacked by other dogs, stolen, or harmed by other, unsavory people at the park. Just like children at a playground, you need to be constantly watching to see what is going on with him. Try...