Restoring Shine to Dress Shoes?
In Australia we have a self-shining shoe polish that is a liquid in a bottle with a sponge applicator on top (looks like a deodorant stick). You simply paint on the polish and let it dry (just a matter of minutes). This product - Kiwi Instant Polish - dries...
Cholesterol Medication Can Cause Liver Damage
I also would caution people against taking statins. I was on them for 5 years before noticing any ill effects, and then the excruciating cramps started - gradually in my legs (calves, shins, inner thighs, toes) at first, then later in my forearms, sides, and...
Removing Condensation from Inside a Watch?
To protect the watch, wrap it loosely in a thin scrap of cotton cloth (a handkerchief works well). Then place it on a layer of silica gel (used for drying flowers - available in craft stores) and add a layer of silica gel on top. Leave it for a day or two and...
14 Carat Gold Paint for Porcelain?
The 14 Carat gold paint for porcelain needs to be fired in a kiln. It is a watery red liquid that is sold in tiny bottles, and does not appear gold until after firing. It also needs skill to apply. You can purchase it from suppliers of porcelain-painting products...
Making Candles Fit into Candle Holders?
I use toothpicks. Just poke a toothpick into the candle holder next to the candle, then break off the toothpick at the base. Use as many toothpicks as necessary to wedge the candle in tightly.
My Frugal Life: A Predictable Mess!
I know that this happened a long time ago and is a source of amusement now, but if the reverse had happened, and your daughter had eaten the Ajax by mistake, there may not have been such a happy ending. I think it is very important that cleaning agents and...
Mix Your Own Paint Colors
Using sample paint pots is a cheap solution if you want to use the paint for temporary painting projects where quality is not an issue. Sample pots are made with cheap pigments and the cheapest binders, so will not last as long as quality paints which have...
Shucking Corn on the Cob?
I have posted this link previously - it is the quickest and easiest way of cooking and de-silking the corn that I have seen. All silk threads gone in a few seconds! I use this method all the time with 100% success.
Fruit Muffins
Lorraine, for some weeks now I have been book-marking favourite recipes, and I noticed that the majority were submitted by you. Is it because we are both Australian and have similar tastes? Just want to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy all of yours. Brenda
Silking Corn On The Cob Quickly
Here is a link to the best way I have seen to cook and de-silk corn cobs.
Frugal Recipes for Diabetics?
I accidentally posted this reply in an archived section, so I am re-posting it here - sorry about the confusion. Any recipe can be modified to be diabetic friendly by substituting Low GI (Glycemic Index), low-fat and whole-grain ingredients instead. This website...
Repairing a Chipped Ceramic Tile?
I have often done this, but I do a lot of crafts and have all the supplies on hand. It could be more difficult if you had to buy all the supplies (and buy a matching colour without having a sample to take with you). I fill the crack or chip with air-hardening...
Can I Freeze Watermelon?
You can freeze the watermelon cut into ice-cube sized chunks (remove pips and rind first). When you want to use it, put it in a food processor with a sliced banana and a small amount of liquid (juice, water, milk or cream), then blend to make a refreshing, healthy...
Difference Between Bread Machine and Regular Yeast?
The yeast used in bread machines is the instant dry yeast, which can also be used for baking without a bread machine. There are other types of yeast, and different ways of using them, so you should follow the instructions in a recipe for the type, amount and...
Remedy for Shin Bone Leg and Toe Cramps at Night?
If you are on cholesterol lowering medication, this can be a side effect. Even if you have previously had no problems, the medication can have a cumulative effect. Check with your doctor and change to a non-statin medication. I had the pains that you describe...
Alternative Uses for China Markers?
After I open dry goods, I store them in empty glass jars in my pantry. You could use the china markers on glass to label them.
Treating Restless Leg Syndrome?
Do your spasms cause severe pain? I also have Type 2 Diabetes, and was prescribed Lipitor to reduce cholesterol. Everything was fine for a number of years, and then I started experiencing severe cramps (about as bad as childbirth), mainly in my legs, but also...
Shopping for Ham Flavored Soup Base?
You dont need any sort of soup base. Simply buy some smoked bacon bones or a smoked pork hock or two, then drop in a large saucepan with water to cover plus extra (sorry, I dont have exact measurements). Add a halved onion (you can leave the skin on if you...
What is the Difference Between Sour Milk and Spoiled Milk?
Soured milk goes through a rancid stage when it smells and tastes bad (you would probably call this spoiled milk. At this stage, leave it out of the fridge until it coagulates (a day or so, depending on the temperature). You will find that the bad smell and...
Should the Retailer Compensate a Customer for Returning Due to an Error on Their Purchase?
You should always check your receipt (and any change) before you leave the store. You are lucky if you actually get the refund on the over charge, as the store could say that you may have bought two of the same item.
Diabetic Recipes?
Any recipe can be modified to be diabetic friendly by substituting Low GI (Glycemic Index), lo-fat and whole-grain ingredients instead. This website will tell you about low GI foods: or Google Low GI foods for many other websites. Generally, you should limit...
Sugar Free Recipes and Advice?
Dry milk does not have the lactose removed, it is dehydrated milk. It is added to recipes for many reasons: cost, convenience, added protein, taste, when the extra liquid is not wanted etc. It does not have any added benefits specifically for diabetics. Sugar...
Unlocking a Microwave?
It sounds like you may have accidentally pressed something to engage the child-proof lock. Try unplugging the microwave from the power source, then plug it back in again. This should restore the original settings. Brenda from Oz
Water Stained Table Won't Take New Varnish?
Were you trying to use an acrylic varnish or other water-soluble varnish? If so, the oil in mayo would repel the varnish. Try using a solvent-based varnish (the type where you need to wash your brush with turps). This should work. Brenda in Oz.
Ink on a Vinyl Purse?
Try spraying with hairspray, then rubbing with a clean cloth before it dries. This should work for ink from a ball-point pen. Brenda in Oz.
Make Your Own Iced Coffee?
Dissolve a large spoonful of instant coffee in a small amount of hot water. Add sweetener or sugar to taste. Top up with iced water and an ice-cube or two. Add a dollop of whipped cream (or substitute Cool Whip) and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. Sprinkle with...
Weight Watcher's Pineapple Sherbet?
This isnt a WW recipe, but one that I devised that is very simple and low calorie. Freeze pine-apple chunks (either fresh or tinned in juice and drained). When frozen, whiz in food processor with sweetener to taste, and enough fruit juice or water to moisten...
Manual and Cutters for Sunbeam Pie Maker #4808?
I have a Sunbeam Pie Magic pie maker which is not the same model, but Im sure they all work on the same principle. Mine is Teflon coated. The pastry cutters are simply circles, with the smaller one (top) being 9.5cm (3 3/4) and the larger one (base) being 12...
Undoing a Childproof Lock on a Microwave?
Try switching off and unplugging the microwave from the electricity, then plug it back in again. Usually factory settings are restored, and your childproof lock should be off. Brenda from Oz
Shopping Wisely
i am amazed at the number of recipes containing pre-mixed and ready-cooked convenience foods. It is much cheaper (and healthier) to cook from scratch and avoid all those added preservatives, imitation food essences, colours and other chemicals in canned and...
Tips For Purchasing A Down Comforter?
I agree with the previous post - buy the most expensive down duvet you can afford. When my father was alive, he manufactured duvets, so I grew up with them -summer and winter (Im now 60). But I would like to add that you CAN wash them - even if the label says...
Painting Glass Lamps?
There is a spray paint which is transparent available especially for glass. Im not sure of the brand name - Ill try to find out and post later. This paint will change the colour of the glass, but will still allow the crackled look to remain. I have used this...
Recipe for Coconut Milk Ice Cream?
My family is also intolerant to dairy and many other ingredients, so I make ice-cream from frozen fruit and coconut milk. As long as you have frozen fruit on hand, its instant, healthy, and you can make just the quantity you need. Some ideas are: 1. Freeze...
Recipe For Barbecued, Slow Roasted Beef?
Thank you to everyone for all the responses. I definitely have a few recipes to try out in the next few weeks. Kind regards, Brenda in Oz
What is this mushroom?
That looks like Fly Agaric, which ranges in colour through to red with white spots. It is poisonous. Brenda
Recipe For Diabetic Angel Food Cake?
You wont find a recipe for diabetic Angel Food Cake - it is made with highly processed white flour which is very high G.I. Diabetics need to eat complex carbohydrates such as wholemeal flour with added whole grains (such as multi-grain bread). This would be...
Recipes Using Very Tart Tomatoes?
Roast them! Cut the tomatoes in half, and lay them, cut side up, in a roasting dish. Drizzle them with a bit of olive oil, then sprinkle them with some salt, pepper, sugar (to counteract the tartness), dried oregano or any other herbs of choice (garlic salt...
Recipes Using Very Tart Tomatoes?
Sorry - was too hasty and didnt read the post properly. As they are cherry tomatoes, they would be too small to cut in half. You can roast them just the same, but reduce the time to about 30 mins. (They will be done when the skins start to wrinkle and split...
Recipes for Sugar Free Desserts?
My favorite ice-cream is simply frozen fruit (berries are great) blended in a food processor with one or two bananas to make a creamy soft-serve type ice-cream. I dont have exact quantities, but I simply add banana until the food processor blends everything...
Buy Vacation Gifts At Regular Stores
I disagree. I always try to buy from small retail stores where they work very hard to eke out a meagre living. Large department stores have a monopoly on the market, and are forcing the small operators out of business. Brenda
Removing Marker From A Box?
Black permanent marker can be removed from non-porous surfaces such as glass or metals by wiping with a cloth moistened with methylated spirits. This will not work for fabrics or paper. Brenda
Saving Money on Soda Pop
Drink water instead! Sweet fizzy drinks are just laden with sugar and chemicals and are totally unnecessary for a healthy diet, especially if you are trying to live thriftily. For a special treat, occasionally add some fruit juice (freshly squeezed) to the...
Looking For "Baked Tomatoes" Recipe?
Can you give us some more information? Were they whole stuffed tomatoes, or sliced and layered, or just chopped and mixed with all the cheeses? Brenda
Apple Core in a Toilet?
Why would you want to? If you havent flushed it, then put on a disposable latex glove, reach down and pick it out. If is has been flushed, then it is well on its way to decomposing, and hardly worth retrieving (even if you could). Brenda from Oz.
Diabetic Applesauce Cookies
This should not be called a diabetic recipe, as diabetics should not eat highly refined foods that have a high GI (Glycaemic Index). They should eat low GI complex carbohydrates and the very minimum of fat. To make this recipe suitable for diabetics, substitute...
Fried Eggplant Was Too Oily?
I oven bake 1cm (1/4) slices of eggplant. Lightly spray an oven tray with cooking oil, add slices in a single layer, then spray the top side. You can also season them with salt (or garlic salt) and pepper. Bake in a moderate oven for about 20 - 30 minutes, turning...
Bread That Takes Ten Days to Make
Here is a sour-dough bread recipe much simpler than that! The recipe sounds long and complicated, but the procedure is really simple, with no kneading involved. To make the starter: In a medium-sized bowl mix 1 cup of water and 1 cup of flour (any sort - white...
Home Remedy For Thrush?
Vaginal thrush can be cured by daily applications of plain yoghurt (no sugar added) to the vaginal area. However, you should check with a doctor if you often get thrush - it could be a symptom of a more serious illness such as diabetes. Brenda from Oz
Removing Label Glue from Plastic Bowls?
Soak some cotton wool in Eucalyptus oil, then rub the glue until it has dissolved. Wash the item in soapy water when glue is off. This works for the glue on every label I have encountered. No need to scrape. Regards, Brenda from Oz
Homemade Whipped Cream
In Australia we are able to buy whipped cream in a dispenser can, but since it costs about 5 times the price of pure cream, why not make your own? In fact, amongst my friends and acquaintances, I dont know anyone who actually buys the ready made variety. For...
Smoothing Out Chalkboard Paint?
You may be using too much paint. Make sure you use a proper paint tray, load the roller, then roll on the tray a few times so that there are not huge globs of paint in any one place, and the paint is evenly dispersed. Using a roller usually does give a textured...
Pattern For Fitted Queen Sheet?
I make my own Queen size fitted sheets from flat sheets (Queen or King) I usually buy these very cheaply from thrift stores. I lay the sheet over the bed, right side facing up, and mitre the corners to the depth of the mattress using pins. I add a few extra...
Painting Santa On Old Bottles?
Deb Malewski, a decorative painter, has heaps of patterns for Santas on bottles. Here is a link to her website, but she is updating it at present and not all links are working. However, if you cant see what you want there, Im sure she would help if you emailed...
Pink Stains on Blue Jeans?
In Australia we have a product by DYLON - Run Away Colour Run Remover. (I think it is made in the UK). I have used this successfully many times - restores the item to its original colour. There is run Away for whites, and a different formula for coloureds. Brenda...
Make Your Own Baby and Toddler Food
Since this is a site for Thrifty tips, I would go one step further and cook everything from fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables. This is much cheaper, healthier, and eliminates all the salt, preservatives, sugar and other additives in canned products. For...
Using Wall Glaze on Wallpaper?
If you want the original pattern to show through, paint your wallpaper with varnish to which you add paint (raw umber is a good antique colour, although you can add any colour you wish). Add just enough colour to suit the effect you want, and mix thoroughly...
Curing and Preserving Olives?
Here is a recipe from Better Homes and Gardens - Nov. 2005 - that I used successfully last year with green olives, and this year with black olives: Wash 1 kg of green or black olives in cold water, slit each one lengthways to the stone, then place in a stainless...
Coffee Filter for Loose Tea
There is no need to use bags or filter of any sort for loose tea - just make tea the old-fashioned way! Add 1 teasppon of tea for each cup plus one more for the pot, then add boiling water, give a good stir, and allow to steep. Pour the tea through a strainer...
Red and White Striped Dress?
Sorry if Im late with this - have had computer problems for over a week. Dylon have a product called Runaway that removes dye that has run in the wash. I have used it succdessfully.