Dealing With Loneliness and Self Doubt After Death of Parents?
So sorry for your loss. I, too, am watching over both of my parents in their 80s and with failing health; body and mind. I hope to be able to handle it ok too so am very interested in these posts. I lost my husband 6 years ago and dealt with my grief by allowing...
White Film on Glass Bowl?
Use LemiShine from Walmart. Works in dishwasher. Great stuff. Got the film off all of my dishes/glasses so now I use it all the time. Look for it with the dishwasher detergents.
Check Receipt Before Leaving Store
I was once charged $329 for a maui onion at the store. I love them but not at that price! The checker and I were shocked. He entered the right code but the code was programmed wrong. Wowie!
My Son Turns 8 on August 8, 2008?
It never occurred to me! My granddaughter will be 8 on 8/08/08 also! How cool!
My Son Turns 8 on August 8, 2008?
I was wrong. Not on the date. But her age. She will be 9 on the 8th. :(
Establishing Credit With A Credit Card?
Unfortunately, I have to disagree with your thinking. A little bit of motherly advice--probably unsolicited advice. What do you need that is so important that you cant save for anyway? Needs and wants are two different things. You want to build debt to become...
Portosystemis Shunt (PSS) For a Puppy?
Just curious if your dog had recent shots? Some shots, like one with leptospirosis, can cause seizures in Siberians. I used to breed them. I just hope its not too serious. God Bless.
Health Issues After Quitting Smoking?
I believe taking Essential Enzymes on a regular basis would help you. Research that and ask your doctor. Ive heard so many good things about it that Im starting them. And I dont have GERD. It aids in digestion and can virtually eliminate GERD, cramping AND...
Protecting Carpet While Painting Trim?
Kind of weird, I know, but my husband used to be a painter and he would lay down plastic or a tarp and throw roofing shingles snug up next to the baseboards and spray everything. Theyre heavy and thin enough to do the job.
Keeping Cats From Using Dog's Pet Door?
Ive read somewhere that there is a sensored doggie door and it only allows animals in that carry the sensor on their collars. You could research that on the internet. I was thinking about getting it for my dog since I am prone to getting skunks around here...
Painful Pressure in the Back of the Head?
Stephanie, I dont want to alarm anyone but I would encourage him to get tests on his blood counts to make sure his red blood cells are not too low. Most do not know that walking around with a severe low blood volume can create headaches and can be very dangerous...
Dave Ramsey's Car Insurance Philosophy?
I, too, watch his shows now that he is on DirecTV. I would like to know his answer to this also. Why dont you email the question to him at so he could answer it on tv for everyone to see. Ive never...
Vitamin E for Hair Repair
Instead of all those gel capsules, I have found little bottles of vitamin E oil at Walmart and Longs Drugstore. They are supposedly good for wrinkles on the face. The bottles are only about $2-$3. Never thought about putting it in the hair. Thanks for the tip...
How Do You Bathe an Old Dog?
Thank you all for your wonderful advice. I still have not bathed her and PetSmart is just too expensive so I will try and get a tub that would be big enough for her--she is bigger than the average Husky but not as big as a Malmute. I bought the pricey Dr. Franks...
Before Buying Online, Look for Coupon Codes
I dont normally promote websites, but has anyone heard of or This is THE way to shop. Register for these and shop through one of these portals (whichever one gives you the best rebate) and you will receive money back, later, after...
Advice For Owning Siberian Husky?
Not all Siberians get along with cats. I used to breed them and warn the families about this. I do have a 12 year old though who has never attacked a cat. In fact, when our cats died, she laid by each of them to protect them from my other dogs. They are a great...
New Paint Color for Sage Kitchen?
Its funny. I have the same look. My walls are sage green, oak cabinets like yours and laminate oak flooring. However, I have a shelved garden window and brown with black granite countertops. My sink is black granite and it really makes a difference with all...
Dryer Leaving Oily Spots on Clothing?
Are you sure it is from your dryer? I have had that before and found out it was because the transmission from the washing machine had gone out and was losing the oil in the drum, splattering all of my clothes. It was more noticeable on my whites. I hope this...
Newlywed Financial Advice?
Congratulations! I just want to say that if you can base everything on only one income, you would be saving your family a lot of headaches. If one loses a job or gets hurt, the other may be able to pick up the slack. Not to sound too negative, but anything...
Removing Tea Stain From Ceramic Pot?
Ive used dishwasher detergent with great success. Just put some in it, add hot water and swish, dissolving the detergent. Let sit for awhile until stain is gone. I do this with coffee stains in cups also. Granulated works best, Ive found.
Tips to Curb Cigarette Cravings?
I, too, smoked for over 28 years. I slowed down my smoking several times but only found myself after awhile, smoking more. Some great advice to me was when youre ready to quit, youll do just that--but you have to understand that you CANT HAVE EVEN ONE. Now...
Cleaning a Brushed Stainless Steel Refrigerator?
I just bought a 24oz bottle of stainless steel cleaner spray from the 99cent store and it works great! It is made by Pro Power. Ive seen them at stores for $4 on up for much smaller amount of ounces. Hope you can find some at the $1 store or a similar store...
Christmas Gag Gift Ideas?
We did this one year and it was hilarious. Everyone received a gift specially designed for them. For instance, one of the family was moving from California to Minnesota so we wrapped up a can of smog. Another had an extreme political hatred of someone so we...