Minimum Age for a Sleep Over Party?
It depends on the emotional maturity of the girls, I had one who could sleep away from home and one who couldnt make all the way through, just be prepared to call parents to pick up child. You wont know till you try it, I wouldnt have too many either. It works...
Toddler Cries Excessively?
First thing, I would suggest is have checked by a reliable pediatrician to make sure there is nothing physically wrong, other than that it sounds like she knows how to push your buttons, quit worrying about keeping her calm, and trying to soothe her, you need...
Homemade Suntan Lotion?
I use baby oil and water, works great except there is no spf, use at your own risk.
Handwashing Techniques for Camping and Other Outdoor Activities?
We use baby wipes. We buy several tubs of generic ones and keep them in the camper. They are also good for a waterless bath.
Shopping for a Men's Short Sleeve Blue Dress Shirt With White Collar?
Try ebay or you could cut off a white collar off of one shirt and sew it to the blue shirt.
Making Mailboxes for Residents' Rooms in Nursing Home?
How oatmeal boxes? Decoupage outside or cover with wrapping paper.
Cleaning White Patent Leather That Has Yellowed?
Try those magic erasers. They clean just about anything.
Feeding a Family of Four on $400 a Month?
Great ideas cs_jag, also stay away from microwavable meals and prepackaged meals. Just about every thing can be made homemade, especially those hamburger helper type meals, save all left over veggies in the freezer. When you get a bunch make soup, cut back...
My Daughter's 11th Birthday Advice?
Have a unmake over night. Instead trying to make each other beautiful, do an ugly, have them bring clothes they dont like wearing and do, an ugly fashion model. Have them make their own pizza with chef boy ar dee pizza kits (they have to clean up the mess), then...
Raising Gerbils in a Home With Cats?
Well you can but I wouldnt recommend it, you would need to be very vigilant, cats are predatory and a gerbil would make a tasty meal.
Selling Crafts Made With Old Record Albums?
I wouldnt think their would be a problem since you are not copying anything, but I would make sure that they are not valuable first, some records are worth a lot of money.
Removing Pet Urine Odor from Furniture?
My sister in law uses Windex window cleaner, takes it right out. Spritz it on, use paper towel to wipe up, and let dry.
My Dog Hates His Crate?
Ignore it. If you take him out you are re-enforcing the whining. I put a sheet the over the crate for security.
Dishwasher Left Aluminum Cookie Sheets Dull and Gray?
Because the dishwasher soap/powder/tablets reacts badly with aluminum.
Encouraging Teens to Cook for Themselves?
At 18 and 20 they should be cooking for you, at my house I do not ask what they want to eat, I plan the menu, I cook it, they have the choice to eat or not eat, no eating just what you like and ignoring the rest, they choose not to eat, they get nothing until...
Save Bread Scraps for Holiday Dressing
I have done this for years and it makes the best stuffing, so much better texture than just white bread, and box stuffing mix is just nasty.
Product Review: PediPaws?
Bought one, dogs were terrified, I now use dog clippers and an emery board, works just fine.
Using Pool Chlorine Tablets in the Toilet?
I would think it would be the same as those drop in tablets for toilet tanks. Try it and see.
Having a Party With No Children to Invite?
Personally 2 is too young. Its more for your benefit, it very overwhelming for a toddler to have a bunch of kids of like age. It would be so much better just to have a small family party, and wait until they are old enough to understand the concept, like 6...