Getting Rid of Head Lice in Bedding?
Three things: 1) Naptime mats need to be replaced at the daycare,if there are any,as well as cubbies,or other storage bins where overcoats and scarves would be stored (turn the daycare onto tip #3, below). 2)And secondly,if your couch cushions will unzip,take...
Making Hominy?
I read in the foxfire books about 30 years ago, that the corn must be soaked in lye, but after reading your post, I wanted to make sure, so I went to the original source: the Native IS lye!
Making Hominy?
The Foxfire books, by the way,were written from interviews of the old people of Appalachia back in the 60s and very early 70s, by a high school in the mountains of Georgia. Them, and their ways, too, sadly, now live only in these books, which are a goldmine...
Helping a Child Accept a New Baby Sister?
A six year old is old enough to reason some things out for himself, and it is good practice to teach him to use good judgment. First off, remove the good/bad girl from the issue. Make it orange - good cats, white means cats, and lazy - brown cats. Get him to...
Removing Dog Urine Odor from Bedroom?
Vinegar! Plain old white vinegar, undiluted! Pour some in a spray bottle and spray the legs of any furniture, let it run off into the floor.Soak the favorite spots, let it stand awhile,then blot it all up,and go over the whole floor with vinegar and a mop.The...
Roach Problem?
I live in extreme South Georgia,and we got invaded by them when we moved into a home under Live Oak trees. we moved and didnt want to take them with us,so I read everything I could get my hands on,then came up with a drastic solution. Since roaches cannot live...
Removing Sour Milk Smell From Baby Bottles
Its the vinegar in the mustard that does mom! Thanks for the idea!
Using Salt to Clean Artificial Flowers
How cool is that! I live in extreme southeast Georgia, where the humidity is unbelievable, so this is great ! Thanks!
Keeping Flies Away From the House?
Reading the comments, I have to say, this is strange; this is the first time I have had a real problem with them, too....But I have gone to an outdoor fruit/ vegetable stand in the past, where flies are usually notorious and the man had the baggies of water...
Getting Rid of the Urine Smell from My Toilet?
Soak the whole area with vinegar and let it stand for awhile, then dry it up.
Finding the Best Price for Auto Repairs?
Check with your local high school/trade school/college as to their car repair classes. They will do the work for free or only a very minimal charge, for the experience. You will probably have to buy the parts.
What Causes a Skunk Like Body Odor?
My husband is diabetic, and before he was diagnosed, he had a Parmesan cheese-like smell to his skin. Turns out it was bacteria growing in the sweat and oil glands,making hundreds of tiny little pimples under his skin. He was prescribed antibiotics,to no avail...
What Causes a Skunk Like Body Odor?
Oh, and another thing; if you are a man, notice if your nighttime urination is especially stinky. My husbands was, it smelled exactly like a skunk.And turns out it was a prostate/diabetes-overloaded kidneys combination problem.
Preventing Mildew Smell on Clothes Left in Washer?
Think about this; in all those clothes you washed,there were dead skin cells.They are sitting,mixed with small amounts of standing water,in the washer under the spinning drum,and in the bottom of the drain hose. Along with that dead skin is bacteria from underwear...
Helping a Pack Rat Get Organized
What helped me enormously was watching Hoarders: Buried Alive..seeing it completely out of control that way was incentive enough to change before my pack rat tendencies got out of control !
Windshield Protector to Insulate Window
The windshield covers were 3.00,and I was able to keep from having that mirror look,so it looks nice from the outside.The windshield covers also have a thin layer of foam insulation built into them,so that helps, too.
Use Newborn Diapers for Swiffer Pad
Teresa, you dont even know they are on there...they bind into the diaper so it pokes out further than they do on each side, a fraction of an inch, then once it gets wet, the diaper expands even more. Plus, the rubberbands from broccoli are super super wide...
Use Newborn Diapers for Swiffer Pad
Elsa, the microfiber cloths I bought bunched up and rolled with the back and forth motion of mopping,and made dirty streaks. Then I had the problem of putting into my laundry the extremely germy cloths and having them mix with our clothes, or dishcloths. I...
Keeping the House Cooler With Solar Window Film?
I went to Dollar general and bought car windshield solar blocker thingies that you open up and prop up on the dash in the sun to reduce heat in the car. I cut them to size and duct-taped them to the inside of our bedroom windows. Lowers the temperature about...
Macaroni Goulash
If you add a sprinkle of garlic powder, it is the exact same thing as hamburger helpers Cheesy macaroni!
Using Vinegar for Shiny Hair?
Save money and get beautiful hair! Save the last empty shampoo bottle, half the new bottle between the new and old ones, then in the empty space, fill it 1/3 with white cider vinegar and the rest of the way with water. No need for conditioner, and the suds...
How Do I Make a Whiteboard?
If you go to any paint dealer, you can buy chalkboard paint. A layer or two of this on any wall transforms the entire wall into a chalkboard, and it can be painted over when she is ready to move. Plus, chalk is cheaper, and more eco-friendly. No plastic to...
Dealing With Someone With a BiPolar Disorder?
My husband is bi polar,and we have been married for almost 23 years. In that time, we have raised six children,and are still very much in love. So, please, do not think there is no hope! It wasnt all roses, though,we lost two homes with acreage,and there were...
Hoarding: Cleaning and Maintenance
Sorry, I would have had to strike a match. I am not being glib, that was horrifying. If the old couple was living that way and she was bedridden, he was going to kill her trying to care for her. She would have been poisoned or hurt or diseased by all that filth...
Butternut Pound Cake and Frosting
Where can I find the butternut flavoring? I have seen and bought Vanilla butter and nut flavoring, Is that the same thing?
Painting Walls Different Colors in a Bedroom?
If it were me, I would paint the wall with the window the pale blue, paint the window trim an even paler blue,then get the palest blue or white shades I could find,and no more window treatments than that. The reason is: open up that wall! Your room will seem...
Getting Worms Off Fresh Broccoli?
A sink with a strong vinegar/water solution. just soak it,then after all the worms fall off, rinse the vinegar off.
Thank You Speech for Mother's 80 Birthday?
Mention some of the mothers in the Bible, and how they sacrificed and loved their children(the story about king Solomon and the mothers,Moses mother and the little boat,etc) then commend her love and giving and sacrificing to theirs. Mention how a loving mother...
Bring Back Thunder Blast Cleaner?
I always bought Thunder blast from Dollar general, but after trying Greased Lightnin one time, I never went back to Thunder blast. The greased Litnin is like easy Off oven cleaner in a non-aerosol form, even smells like it, just not all the fumes ! I use it...
50th Wedding Anniversary Party Ideas?
If they have been together that long, they are bound to have long time social connections; church, Sunday School class,senior citizens center group,etc. Contact these people and let them get involved . They will love it! Then get a few cans of high quality...
Natural Remedies for Water Retention?
Float! Seriously, I discovered this while pregnant, about 30 years ago, and have done it ever since. Get into a cool pool,lake,or anywhere where you can submerge your whole body and be covered in cool water, and just float! After about 45 minutes, you will...
Making Textured Wall Paint?
Lowes has paint additives,including one in a box for like 4.99 calledsuede texture paint additive. It turns a gallon of paint into suede paint.
Looking For Perfume Suggestions?
I have been wearing Ciara cologne and perfume for about 25 or 30 years, probably. it is a sophisticated, complex blend of the scents the ladies are talking about here, plus just a hint of floral. Even though your sense of smell is compromised now, I am sure...
What Can I Use to Treat Itchy Skin Associated with Ringworm Infection?
I, too, recommend the vinegar; just the average, grocery store shelf variety.Ringworm is actually a fungus,and requires a certain PH balanced environment to thrive. The vinegar is too acidic for it to survive in. You can apply it like the other poster said...
Name and Slogan for Cleaning Business?
l, too, am from the South, so here goes: 1) Just-a-Dustin 2) Company just bake the cake 3) Gone With the Window Cleaners...dont think about cleaning today or tomorrow. 4) Southern Pride Home Care(I like this one, myself) Let us know what you choose...
Urine Odor on Microfiber Couch?
Regular old grocery store vinegar-pour it directly on, let it soak in to the padding and sit for awhile. Another product which is very good is Odo-Ban; it is kind of hard to find, but I have found it in the pet section at walMart, and Sams Club carries it constantly...
What is This Plant?
Looks like you have the name ,if the leaves are thick and waxy.if not,and the stems actually are sticks when dried out and the leaves are a lot like the leaves found on most trees and shrubs,thin and textured, you have a Lantana.If it IS a lantana, you need...
Will Washing Dishes in Bleach Harm the Finish?
Not only will a little bleach not hurt your dishes, it will brighten them if they have been dulled by coffee, tea, tomato sauce,grape juice, and other staining foods and drinks. In addition, the number of colds passed from child to child will slow,your countertops...
Caring for Itchy Ears With Lots of Wax?
Take a dropper or just stop the bottle top with your thumb, so it drips one or two drops at a time of pure Hydrogen peroxide,let it bubble for a minute or two, turn your head over and let it drain out. Keep doing it over and over,and the peroxide will bubble...
Moving to Alabama?
Im from Georgia, moved away for awhile, made it back, and with Gods grace, I will never leave the south again.First of all, you will do three things, st being here, which are unavoidable. You will: Slow down! Eat! and Talk! Get used to it. Yes, the three people...
Moving to Alabama?
I ran into a situation today that you will face; I dont know if it is custom in Cali or not, but if you are driving anywhere other than an interstate and a police car approaches you escorting a funeral procession, you are expected to pull off the side of the...
Using OdoBan?
Absolutely! Id be lost without odo-ban, ny the way. If you get a nasty cooking smell like fish,wet a paper towel good with Odo-Ban and wave it around the room,and hold it in front of the air conditioning vents, blowing into the room It will neutralize pure...
Repurposing Containers
Im adding to my own post; he he he! The big gallon pickle jars make wonderful sun tea jars,and for extra oomph, a rubber band and saran wrap instead of the lid lets in more sun, and if you put a mirror underneath,i t seems the tea is stronger, and how about...
Repurposing Containers
Maryeileen: why would the meat trays have to be safe to use them for winding fishing line, christmas lights, extension cords and the like? I dont understand;none of these type things are food products, (extension cords lie on the floor and ground, lots of times...
Repurposing Containers
Maryeileen, I went to the link and read through the posts, and again. The emphasis was placed on the lady using the trays in ways which caused food to contact the tray itself. After a tray is washed, dried, and allowed to have air and/or light circulating around...
Heartburn Remedies?
Are you sure it is just heartburn, and not his heart? (God forbid) When you said spasm. It threw up a red flag for me
High School Dance Theme Ideas?
Dancin through the Decades! Any era can be represented by the dress and hairstyles-Should be fun!Gives everyone a chance to dress up in the style of the time they wish they could have (or DID) live in. Greasy hair and rolled up jeans and poodle skirts 50s Hippie...
Removing Rotten Fruit Odor from Wooden Bowl?
You are going to need to bleach it; not only for the smell, but for health reasons. Wood is porous, and the reason the smell is still there is because the bacteria causing the smell are in there.
Bleeding Sores from Incontinence?
First, bathe her diaper area each time you change her,with soap, like Ivory or Dial,which is good to fight germs. Then pat dry and apply peroxide and pat on for several minutes. They dry with a blow dryer set on warm. After the skin is thoroughly dry, apply...
Buying Items to Reuse the Containers?
Jimmy Dean pre-cut sausage patty slices come on a very hard plastic twin tray, suitable for beading projects. To set on a bathroom or kitchen counter to hold jewelry. Perfect size for a pencil/pen tray, etc. Coffee creamer shaker bottles can be used for glitter...
Charlotte (Piglet)
Please tell me. Charlotte doesnt appear to be very big, or very fat.Since a pig is my husbands very favorite animal and makes him smile and giggle to watch them. I have wanted to get him a small pig which would stay small, but the closest thing is a pot-bellied...
Robin's Christmas Tradition
Christmas Eve,we rode by a cemetery in which an older lady wearing a red sweatshirt and Santa hat was bent over arranging what looked like several sets of flowers, or a really large one. I remarked how sad it was that she was all alone in a cemetery on Christmas...
In Memory of Panda Bear (Japanese Chin)
I hope this helps you while you grieve.When I lose someone dear to me-human or non- human-and those times hit me when the grief just overwhelms me, I always think of how they felt when I loved them. I mean, with my daddy, I think about how he was comforted...
Buying Clotrimazole Cream?
Walmart carries their store brand of it on the shelf,for under ten dollars, if I remember right.And Dollar General had it even cheaper.If Dollar General doesnt still carry it, I know they cary miconazole cream,which does the exact same thing, for about 6 dollars...
Homemade Faux Finish Paints?
The ingredient in suede paint is silica, and you can buy it in boxes at Lowes for around $4.95. This will do one gallon of paint, I believe. This same silica is in cat litter, and you can run it in a blender to make it as fine as sand. But caution: Do not breathe...
Surviving Family Thanksgiving?
And a man and wife should leave their mother and father, and cleave one to another, isnt that what God says? I think I would trust his judgment in the matter. You are your husbands family now,and Mom may choose to be a guest when invited, or not. That is her...
Kitten Trying to Nurse on Older Cat?
it is absolutely common for an older cat to adopt an orphaned kitten;mine have done it.The kitten is getting more than milk; it is being nurtured.Dont try to stop it.
Embellishing A Wedding Dress?
Four words,sweetie:Thrift shop,and Wonder under. You can take the lace off a second hand wedding dress from a thrift shop, gently hand wash it, and apply it to the dress you purchase. Use wonder under, an iron-on type of fixative, which comes on a stiff white...
Dog Biting Tail and Scratching His Back?
I have an 11 year old Spitz who suffered horribly with the same thing,but I finally cured it. First of all,he is probably allergic to fleas. I tested mine by giving him an oral flea medicine from the vet (30.00 per month), and the itching and crying out stopped...
Moving Tips?
Pack all your dishes in towels and wash cloths and dish cloths. Pack all your what nots in soft clothing. Reduces bulk, the dishes are protected, and when you are unpacking, it is like unpacking two boxes at once.
Motorcycle Club Christmas Float Ideas: Theme "Storybook Christmas"?
You could make the float Santas workshop and barn,use materials to turn the motorcycles into reindeer,and have a stuffed reindeer with a red nose on the float,with Santa talking to and petting him, asking Wont you guide my sleigh tonight? Then have that phrase...
Retro Aluminum Tumblers?
ABC distributing and LTD commodities both have the bright colored aluminum tumblers> I believe it is six in the set,but the set is 9.95.I have one set, and plan to buy another
Refreezing Beef?
Absolutely! Ive been doing it for almost 50 years-and so have supermarkets and butchers-think about it!(smile)
Fixing the Taste of Vegetable Soup?
Lipton onion soup packets. The flavor is concentrated, and dilutes and absorbs into other foods rather quickly. That and some tomatoes and potatoes (which will also absorb excess salt in dishes) and youre good to go!
Make a Cushioned Bench for Blanket Storage
Im sorry, I dont have a digital camera or scanner, so I cant. Would be happy to, if I could. But it looks just like the type of cushions you buy at Walmart for your dining chairs, which tie around the back of the chair. This doesnt attach to the table, unless...
Organizing for Frequent Moves?
Just pack your bags as you would normally do, including toiletries, etc. Then when you get to your new home, launder everything, pack it right back up, and set the packed luggage aside, ready to go again. Then when it is time to move again, just grab the bags...
Buying Peppermint and Spearmint Oil?
Any pharmacy should stock it behind the counter, and if they dont, they can order it for you. Just ask the pharmacist. I have ordered oils at K-mart Pharmacy.
Flying Ants in the House?
Number one, if they fly, odds are that they are carpenter ants,and you need to get an! They can eat and bore through wood like a termite. They dont cover as widespread area as termites, but they can chew through a supporting wall stud, before...
Burnt Cookie Sheet?
There is a product called Greased Litnin. It is carried in Wal-Mart and Dollar General and such stores-it is in a White non-aerosol spray bottle.You can smell with the first squirt that this is an oven cleaner-type formula. Spray, soak for 30 minutes or so...
Buying Monkey Grass?
I think you can get it at Lowes.Home Depot, etc.If they need the official name for it, that is Lariope. (My ex-grandmother-in -law used to call it lair-uh-pee) tee hee
Tomato Stem is Bumpy?
Take or send this picture to your local County Agricultural Extension Agent;he can tell you in a heartbeat.
Hysterectomy Advice
I had two cesareans and a hysterectomy-complete, vaginal, and I will take the hysterectomy any day. It was a walk in the park compared to the c-sections, because it was vaginal, there was no cutting of muscle tissue. Sitting on the toilet with no support to...
Recipes on a Budget?
I raised a houseful of kids,so I know plenty AND cheap! Heres a few of my kids favorites: Sheperds Pie ---------------------- 1 pound ground beef 1 onion, diced Salt & Pepper 1 can cream of mushroom soup 1can whole kernel corn,drained 1 can early green peas...
New Fuel Pump Car Still Stalls?
I have a 2000 Sebring, and it did the exact same thing. I will give you odds of ten to one, it is the crank shaft sensor. They are notorious for that problem. I think I paid about 19.95 for the new part at Auto Zone, and my husband and son replaced it in about...
Choosing Colors for Kitchen Walls?
What is the predominant color other than yellow in the wallpaper and border?probably dark brown, like the center of the sunflower.Choose one of these darker colors to play off of,since it sounds as if your kitchen is VERY light, neutral colors already,anything...
Holiday Stress?
Divide and conquer! I have priceless family heirloom recipes in my head,from years of preparing Christmas and Holiday dinners but I hate being in the kitchen. So,I wrap gifts (as a favor for the ones who don t have the knack for wrapping),in the dining room...
Removing Facial Hair Naturally?
I have been fighting facial hair caused by polycystic ovarian disease since I was about 18 years old. I have shaved, plucked, electrocuted and waxed ever since. I dont mean a mustache, either--I mean a mustache, goatee and sideburns, with a few full beard stragglers...
Watering Flowers With Air Conditioner Condensate?
I posted a tip on this, actually. Not only is a good idea, the slow, steady dripping is more easily absorbed.just remember to switch your plants around each day so they each get their share.
Pin Toddler Outfits Together
Txbetty: (and everyone else concerned with the safety issue) Use the tin-iny-est pins you can find, like the little gold-colored ones. They are almost impossible for a toddler to open, because the child doesnt have the manual dexterity developed yet.
Diamondback Rattlesnake in the House?
I havent had the experience with the rattler(Tank God!),but I have had a water moccasin stretch out alongside a top mattress which had slipped over on the box spring an inch or two. I was just about to grab hold of the mattress to slide it back in place before...
Separating Plastic Drinking Cups?
Set the outside one in a pot of steaming water on the stove for a bit, remove, and quickly fill the inner one with ice.swirl around for a second or two, and tug!
Add Small Amount of Bleach to Dish Water
Ive been doing it for years, with no adverse effects on anyone in my family. I started it when all six kids were still at home,and it immediately stopped the One kid is sick, now they will all be at the doctors episodes. As far as the potential damaging effects...
Removing Artillery Fungus Stains on a Car?
If it is truly fungus, then it is another form of yeast, and vinegar or another mildly acidic substance will immediately kill it. Try vinegar or lemon juice.
Chili is Too Spicy?
This works if you put too much salt in something, too: Boil several cut up potatoes in there. Then take the potatoes out. They will absorb the spice, be quite tasty, and your chili will be just fine.Potatoes will also clear up frying grease, even fish grease...
Sock Washcloth for Kids
We learned this trick years ago while camping! keeps the soap from getting lost at the bottom of the lake,left in the bathhouse,etc.
Easy Angel Wings
I am so lost after the cut through the middle in a scalloped way part, then the wire up part throws another bump. Can you please post some pictures, or try to explain where even someone like me could understand?
Earth Friendly Snake Repellent?
Have any of your cats had kittens, or have any gone missing lately?I ask because we had a huge rattlesnake on our back steps once,and after we killed it, I realized where our kittens had been disappearing too. Sad, but true. If a snake is coming around, hes...
Shop Other Thrift Stores Before Goodwill
Amen, sister! I have actually found a set of glasses which used to be carried by Dollar General, and I never saw them anyplace else, until I found an odd-number, pieces-missing used set at Goodwill. More expensive than the exact same glasses, Brand new, at...
Buying New Foam for Cushions?
Go to the nearest Salvation Army thrift store,yard sale,Goodwill,etc. until you find an old sofa with good sturdy cushions the same shape, size,as yours for 25 dollars or so,buy it, and rip it apart. Re-cover the foam with giant lawn and leaf bags,and then...
Uses for Chipped China Platters?
Lay Saran Wrap on the platter before placing food on it,that way no food comes in contact with the platter or any bacteria harbored in the cracks. Use the platters under serving bowls, especially bowls with drippy foods like sauces or soups, etc. Use as chargers...