My Zebra Finch Has Laid Eggs?
If you choose a pet that requires a cage perhaps one that doesnt would be a better choice for the pet. Your bird, however, likely received no parenting skills. Finches are high anxiety and hyper awareness creatures to aid in their survival. You should not expect...
Feeling Disconnected from Parents?
If you have children then THEY are your principal concern now. There will be no shortage of reasons to feel guilty in life. Did you catch that? You will feel many things. So you must decide what you lift up and bear in life. There will be no shortage of things...
Remedy for Tickling in Your Ear?
If no bugs, hairs or infections then reach to the back at the base of your skull between where the two neck muscles connect at the skull. Press firmly for a moment and massage the point of connection at the top of the one muscle on the side of tickling ear...