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9 Posts | 2,283 Comments | Active Since 2009
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A dog with large ears in a living room.

What Breed Is My Dog?
I certainly see the Basenji. For the rest I am just not sure. Very cute!


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Remove Pet Urine Odors in Laundry
I use Borateem (borax) Follow the directions on the box. It is not cheap but I bet it is cheaper than Biz. It is very effective on urine stain and odor. Walmart usually carries it.


The belly of an itching dog.

Help for Itching Dog?
The pus is concerning. It is likely bacterial infection and will not clear up on its own. You will need antibiotics from the Vet. It can become very serious if you don't treat it now.


A small brown dog on a couch.

What is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
Looks like a chiweenie to me.


A small brown and white puppy.

What Breed and Age is My Dog?
Your puppy does look full blooded pit to me. As you said he is very young. Send us a picture in another couple months and it will be easier to tell if he is a mix. Do get puppy shots started right away.


A small tan dog on a carpeted floor.

What is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
This dog looks to me like a chiweenie. She is absolutely adorable. She has a little coarseness to her fur and around her face that makes me think there may be just a little terrier in there too.


A black dog with a white chest patch and long ears.

What Breed is my Dog?
I agree with cybergrannie that this looks like a pariah dog or a pariah mix. Very pretty dog.


An old quilt with appliqué of red flowers and diamond shaped leaves on white background.

Value of an 1898 Quilt?
Because these beautiful old quilts are so desirable it is important to have them appraised. Yours is in very good shape and the stitching on it is very good. That means it is tiny and consistent. The sign of an experienced quilter. If it is authentic it will...


A small dog near a crate.

Is my Little Girl Full Blood Chihuahua?
She looks full blooded to me.


A small dog sitting on the ground.

Liam (Mixed Breed)
He is just adorable! I can certainly see why you fell in love with him. Thanks for a wonderful story.


Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head? - closeup of area

Identifying and Treating Bumps on Dog's Head?
You need to see your Vet to know what you are treating.


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Baby Shampoo or Dawn for Fleas on Kittens
I would be careful because mama cat will be licking the soapy water off her kittens. Might not be the best thing for her.



Hamster's Belly Looks Swollen? - tan hamster in person's hand

Hamster's Belly Looks Swollen?
A year and a half old is elderly for a hamster. So other things need to be considered. It will take a Vet to give you a definitive answer.


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
It is a good sign that your puppies vomiting and diarrhea is slowing down. I hope she continues to improve. It can take a month or more for them to get back to normal. If she changes for the worse be sure and call you Vet back and explain what is happening...


Dog Stopped Feeding Pups - engorged breasts on dog

Dog Stopped Feeding Pups?
Your dog may have mastitis. It is a bacterial infection in the teet. It is very painful. Your dog needs to see a Vet to see what bacteria she has and which antibiotic to use to stop it.


Identifying a Pink Bump on My Dog's Leg? - slightly raised pink bump somewhat smaller than a fingernail

Identifying a Pink Bump on My Dog's Leg?
It is very difficult to look at this and know what it is. It may be an infection, or a harmless wart or a cancerous growth. And infection can progress quickly to something serious, as can a cancerous growth. But you wont really know until you have it examined...


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Kitty in Heat Meowing a Lot?
Cats are much happier when they are spayed. I spay my kittens at about 5 and a half months. If they are spayed when they are younger they have a much lower incidence of cancer when they are older. They bounce back quickly from the surgery. Many rescues and...


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
The survival rate is not bad for dogs being treated by a Vet. It is still a tough disease, and a lot of work for the owner. Follow your Vets directions to the letter. Report any changes in your dogs symptoms or concerns you have to your Vet right away. Some...


Cause of Dog's Bald Spots - numerous small bald spots on dogs front legs

Cause of Dog's Bald Spots?
Usually when the Vets do a scrape they are looking for mites. Be glad it isnt mites. But there are a number of things that can cause this kind of hair loss. Your dog needs to be checked by your Vet to see if it may be a yeast or bacterial infection. Certain...


What Breed Is My Dog? - tri-colored dog

What Breed Is My Dog?
I see Beagle and Treeing Walker Coon hound.


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New Kitten Trying to Nurse on Older Cat?
This is a perfectly normal (and very common) behavior for young cats and kittens. Comfort nursing helps your new kitten adjust to her new life. Usually it just goes away as the kitten matures.


Is My Pit Bull Puppy Full Blooded? - cute baby Pit Bull in the grass

Is My Pit Bull Puppy Full Blooded?
She looks full blooded to me. Adorable.


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Prognosis for a Dog with Parvo?
It sounds like your dog has a light case. So I agree you should feel optimistic. Take good care of him and contact your Vet if there are any worrying changes. Parvo can take a month to run its course. In your case I think it will be a shorter illness.


Is My Pit Bull Full Blooded?

Is My Pit Bull Full Blooded?
Yes, looks full blooded to me.



What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With? -tan dog on the couch

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
I see pug in your pup.Along with the chihuahua. Darling!


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Mamma Cat Having Kittens in an Inaccessible Spot?
I think poehere is right on. You have been very creative with the ramp. I think she will move them when she is ready. Sometimes cat are just so creative.


Identifying Small Black Biting Bugs -photo of two black bugs not very detailed image

Identifying Small Black Biting Bugs?
These do look like bedbugs to me. You will need professional help getting rid of them.They will tell you exactly what they are. It is almost impossible to get rid of them yourself. If you are renting your home you need to get your landlord to pay the exterminator...


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
It is too early to predict. But less vomiting and diarrhea are good signs. Being at the Vet is a real advantage. They can do things you cant do at home. Stay in touch with your Vet and when you bring him home call your Vet to help with any changes. Parvo can...


What Breed Is My Dog? - cute small brown dog with curled up tail

What Breed Is My Dog?
I agree with you this is a chiweenie.


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Dog Peeing Inside When Lying Down?
Your dog likely has a urinary tract infection. Get him to the Vet asap. If it spreads to the kidneys it can do a lot of damage. Your Vet should also rule out diabetes which can cause similar symptoms. Diabetes is easily treated in dogs and their quality of...


Identifying Small Black Jumping Bugs on Dog - black bug

Identifying Small Black Jumping Bugs on Dog?
This is a flea. They can be managed especially if you start before they are too bad. Talk to your Vet. They have the best stuff.


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Caring for a Puppy with Parvo?
It could be very dangerous to try and guess the dosage on an antibiotic for your sick puppy. Call your Vet back and ask if he wants the puppy to have antibiotics. He should take your call without charging you and tell you what is safe to do.


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Keeping a Dog from Chewing on Their Bed?
As to how long you should punish her... animals have a window of about 8 seconds when they connect a correction to a deed. Anything beyond that is wasting your time and hers.


Red Bump on Dog's Thigh

Red Bump on Dog's Thigh?
My dog had a similar bump. It did turn out to be malignant but I had gotten her in in time and removal was quick and easy.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?
It sounds to me like she is improving. But you should call your Vet and let them know when there are any changes. You should not be charged for the call. Parvo takes time for recovery. Up to a month for some dogs. Stay in touch with your Vet until she is 100...


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Puppy Sick the Day After Getting Shots?
This is a lot of vaccinations at one time for a puppy. I hope he has improved but you need to tell your Vet about his reaction and consider less vaccinations at once next time.



Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Pit Bull? - black and white puppy

Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Pit Bull?
She looks purebred to me. There could be a little something else there but not much. Adorable!


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New Dog Not Going to the Bathroom?
Your dog needs to see an emergency Vet right away. She can be damaged by holding her urine for that long. Because she is older this adjustment will be harder for her. Im sure your Vet will have some ideas. But a cat or dog holding her urine for nearly 24 hours...


Dog Peeing Inside Since Getting a Puppy - adult dog and puppy lying on a bed

Dog Peeing Inside Since Getting a Puppy?
It is very common for this to happen to older dogs. Most likely it has nothing to do with the puppy. Have his checked by the Vet to make sure. Vets have some good tools to help with this.


Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier? - brown and white Pit Bull looking dog

Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier?
He is adorable and will be a beautiful dog. I would say he is at least 75% pit bull. He could well be 100%. Lucky you! He is gorgeous.


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Causes of Sudden Death in Dogs?
I am so sorry about your losing your puppy. It is certainly the last thing you expect for a 5 month old dog. What a heartbreak. I am glad you have a Vet to help you evaluate what went wrong. There are a couple heart conditions (irregular heart rhythms) that...


Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd? - black Shepherd looking dog with brown on her feet

Is My Dog a Pure Bred German Shepherd?
To me she could easily be purebred. But I would not be surprised if she has some Malenois in her.


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Treating a Cat for Fleas with a Topical Pesticide?
It is too soon to retreat. Some of the fleas have become immune to the flea treatments. Get one from your Vet. They have the newer ones that work better. It can take a couple weeks for all the fleas to die even with a good treatment. I usually figure on three...


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and white puppy in a bike basket

What Breed Is My Dog?
Australian Shepherd and lab mix sounds about right to me. Hes adorable.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?
Your pup is in the worst part of this disease. Parvo can take up to a month to run its course. You did the best thing possible by getting him to your Vet. Follow the Vets directions to the letter. If things change or you have questions call your Vet. Since...


What is My Chihuahua Puppy Mixed With? - small black pupp with fuzzy ears

What is My Chihuahua Puppy Mixed With?
My guess is your dog is purebred. It can take 6 months or more for ears to begin to stand up.


A dog on wooden flooring inside.

Is My Dog a Malinois?
Your dog looks purebred to me.


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Using Witch Hazel to Get Rid of Fleas on a Dog?
Many dogs are allergic to Witch Hazel. You may end up with more trouble than your started with. Fleas can be very hard to get rid of. Start with a good product from your Vet. You will save money in the long run.


A dog sitting on a couch.

Recovery Time for a Dog With Parvo?
If her vomiting and diarrhea are better that is an improvement. The most important thing you have going for you is that you have seen your Vet. Feel free to call your Vet and ask questions (you should not be charged for this). Particularly if there is a change...


What Breed Is My Dog? - seemingly older black dog with white on chest and gray muzzle

What Breed Is My Dog?
He looks to me like he may have some Great Dane.


Is My Dog a Pit Bull Mix? - brown puppy with a black muzzle

Is My Dog a Pit Bull Mix?
He looks like a boxer mix to me. If he has pit bull it is less than 50%


Feeding a Dog Chicken and Rice - brown dog

Feeding a Dog Chicken and Rice?
Be sure to check with your Vet to see if additional supplements are needed. I think chicken and rice may be a little low in calcium and B vitamins.


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
I am glad your pup is beginning to improve, and good for you for working so hard with him. It is what makes the difference when it comes to parvo. I would continue to get up and give the electrolytes until he is eating well and drinking lots of water during...


Reason for the Sudden Death of My Dog - dead dog

Reason for the Sudden Death of My Dog?
I am so sorry. Losing a pet is a loss like no other. I cant even guess as to what went wrong for Rocky. It may have been a stroke or a heart attack. Like people pets often have hidden illnesses. I was struck by your description of your life with Rocky. Rocky...


What Breed Mix Is My Dog? - brindle puppy on a leash

What Breed Mix Is My Dog?
Looks like a chiweenie to me.


Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Chihuahua? - white and light brown puppy

Is My Puppy a Pure Bred Chihuahua?
He looks like a full blooded chi to me. He is beyond adorable.


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Training a Pit Bull Puppy?
I would get this puppy neutered immediately. Before hormonal urges become bad habits. I agree with another poster that exercise daily will help a lot. You could also consider a puppy training class.


Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo - light brown Chihuahua mix

Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?
The bloody diarrhea is scary. It seems to be a regular part of parvo. You are doing the right things. It is most important that you keep in touch with your Vet when there are changes, like the diarrhea. You should be able to do a phone conversation with your...


Best Friends: Ace, Spade, and Baby - puppy pile on an ottoman

Best Friends: Ace, Spade, and Baby
What lovely puppies! And lucky... you obviously love them very much. Thanks for sharing.


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Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
Try to work with your Vet to find a plan you can afford. The odds of your pup making it without Vet treatment are not good. It does happen but your odds are much improved with treatment. Most Vets know it is expensive and will work with you to help. Explain...


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Removing Dog Urine from Wooden Table Legs?
I have had very good luck with a product called Fizzion. I normally have to go online to buy it. It is best to use it on spots where you have not used other chemicals and cleaners. I have never had it fail.


Is My Dog a Purebred German Shepherd? - black and tan shepherd

Is My Dog a Purebred German Shepherd?
He does look 100% to me.


What Breed Is My Dog?

What Breed Is My Puppy?
Your dog looks to me like a pit/bloodhound cross. Would be fun to do a dna test.


Two irritated cats sleeping next to each other.

One Cat Hissing at The Other After Being Spayed?
It does sound like these two cuties are just confused. I think in a few days things should begin to return to normal. I would spend some extra time doing what they like to do. Snuggling with you, treats, some quiet play, some lap time. I would be very surprised...


Training an Aggressive German Shepherd - dog in coat lying on a deck

Training an Aggressive German Shepherd?
If you choose not to neuter this dog you need to have him evaluated by a professional trainer who works with aggressive dogs. A trainer may be able to offer you more options for living with an aggressive dog. You want to get the dog evaluated and have good...


Lump on a Dog

Lump on a Dog?
Your pup needs to see a Vet right away. Check with your local humane society or local dog rescue groups. They often know of Vets who will work with you. Start a savings program for your dog. put a little money away each payday. It is just not possible to have...


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With? - reddish brown puppy

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
You can always get a dna test done, but he looks like a chi/yorkie mix to me.


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Cause of the Sudden Death of My Dog?
I hate to have to consider someone poisoning your dog. It has happened but I hope that is not what happened here. It sounds or like your dog had a heart attack or stroke. I am so sorry.


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Keeping Dog from Pooping on Pavers?
Could you fence off an area in the grass for the dogs? This would require some work on your part but I couldnt think of any solution that isnt going to require some work. She would eventually consider this her potty area and you could most likely take the fence...


My Dog Passed Away Suddenly - shaved dog on couch

My Dog Passed Away Suddenly?
This sounds like a heart attack or possibly a stroke. It is nearly impossible to know for sure. Just like people apparently healthy dogs die suddenly. I am so sorry for your loss.


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Keeping a Cat Off the Counter?
I would try the aluminum foil. Most cat do not like to walk on it. Lay strips of foil on the counter on spot he is likely to jump. A few days should make it less fun to get on the counters.


Is My Dog a Red Nose Pit Bull?

Is My Dog a Red Nose Pit Bull?
He looks like one to me.


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Cat Pooping in Bathtub and Litter Box?
Cats who use the bath tub are usually drawn to it because it is cool to the touch. These cats often have a bladder infection that is causing pain. The cool of the bath tub is soothing to then. Have him checked for a bladder infection. If he has one understand...


Is My Dog a Chihuahua? - two dogs on an area rug

Is My Dog a Chihuahua?
He looks like 100% chi to me.


What Breed Is My Dog? - black dog with white on chin and chest

What Breed Is My Dog?
I would have to vote for shepherd lab mix.


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Older Dog Started to Pee Inside?
This is most likely a medical issue. See your Vet right away.


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Older Dog Started Peeing Inside After Arrival of New Puppy?
I recommend getting both dogs castrated. It helps a bit. You might want to try some extra attention for the older dog too.


Is This Dog a Pit Bull Mix? - dark grayish brown puppy with floppy tops on ears

Is This Dog a Pit Bull Mix?
Your dog looks like it has 50% or more pit bull.


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Dog Won't Eat After All the Puppies Died?
You need to get her to the Vet asap. The same infection that may have killed the puppies may be infecting the mom dog. Get her in immediately.


Identifying a Bump on a Dog - bump on a dog with hair growing out of it

Identifying a Bump on a Dog?
I havent seen anything quite like that. It is hard to say if it is just a small infection or cancer. Only a Vet can really tell you. Dont wait. A little time can make a big difference if it is malignant.


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Recovery Time for a Dog with Parvo?
Your Vet would have let you know if your puppy had died. It is normal for animals to stay a day or 2 (or 3 or 4) at the Vet with parvo. They will call you when they reopen with an update. If they dont call you, call them. You should be able to call and arrange...


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Advice for Adopting a Cat?
This sounds like a match made in heaven to me. Cats are wonderful company. They are not demanding (unless it is for their favorite cat food) Their workout is 20 minutes with you and their favorite wand toy. If you want to read or take a nap, they are happy...


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Dog Won't Eat Hard Food After Being Spayed?
I think softening the food with some broth would help. Or maybe it is time for wet food for awhile.


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
The fact that your dog is drinking on her own tells me she is beginning to recover or has a lighter case than most dogs get. It can take awhile to recover from parvo. Many dogs require a month or so. Keep taking good care of her. I love to see parvo lose. It...


Identifying a Lump on My Dog's Front Leg - closeup of a light colored bump

Identifying a Lump on My Dog's Front Leg?
I have not seen anything quite like this. I woudnt wait. You probably need to see a Vet right away.


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Recovery Time for a Puppy with Parvo?
Parvo is a difficult disease to recover from. The puppies that recover often have a caring (and hard working) owner to thank. Early veterinary care is very important and needs to be followed to the letter. Your puppy has been sick for a few days and may well...


Is My Dog a Pure Bred GSD? - fuzzy brown and black puppy

Is My Dog a Pure Bred GSD?
Your puppy looks like a purebred GSD to me.


Identifying a Bump on a Dog - pinkish brown bump

Identifying a Bump on a Dog?
This doesnt look like anything I have seen before. You need to see your Vet. Dont take a chance.


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2 1/2 Week Old Puppy Not Pooping?
This is a good time to see your Vet to talk about feeding the pups before mom begins to wean them. In three weeks or so it will be time for vaccinations. Make a list and go see your Vet.


Is My Chihuahua Full Blooded?

Is My Chihuahua Full Blooded?
He looks full blooded to me.


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
Your dog looks like a dachshund chihuahua cross.


Sick Baby Kitten With Runny Eyes and Nose - kitten with eyes stuck shut

Sick Baby Kitten With Runny Eyes and Nose?
Diagel is for digestive problems so it will not help the kittens eyes. Kittens get viruses that affect their eyes. Some times the eyes get a bacterial infection too. It sounds like that is what your kitten has. He will need an antibiotic to clear up the eyes...


What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?

What Is My Chihuahua Mixed With?
I see dachshund in you puppy, along with chihuahua. Hes adorable.


What Breed Is My Dog? - black and white dog on a leash

What Breed Is My Dog?
I can see why you think this pup has some pit bull. I see some but not a great deal. Perhaps 25% or less. I also see the border collie and lab in him.


Caring for a Dog with Parvo - woman holding a black puppy

Caring for a Dog with Parvo?
Puppies are generally not vaccinated when they are sick. It can make them sicker. Your puppy needs to get to a Vet right away. He has a good chance of survival if he does. And then you need to support him while he gets through this illness and recovers. Puppies...


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