Washer Started to Smoke and Stopped Spinning?
You can do one of three things: 1) Have the electric parts that burned out (including the motor?) replaced. 2) Buy a new washing machine. 3) Stop buying cigarettes, and make the machine go to smokers rehab.
Stinky Ice Cube Trays?
Vinegar. Put vinegar in them, and let them stay cold for a day or two in the refrigerator.
Getting Rid of Mice in the Kitchen?
Start by putting up a simple mousetrap near the trail. A small piece of meat (ham) on the trap is very effective. Keep trapping, until you are sure that there are no more mice. PS: if you chose to use a cage-trap (trapping them alive), dont let them out in...
Removing Moth Ball Odor From a House?
A old trick to remove bad odors from a house or room, is placing small bowls of vinegar around. Place them at the course of the bad smell, or generally around in eye height. Ofcourse the acid smell of the vinegar will dominate locally for some time, but thats...
Removing Urine from a Foam Mattress?
Foam.... The only idea I can come up with, is taking that piece of foam outside, and give it a shower with a COLD water hose. Let it drip off, and air-dry for some days. No guarantees, because foam is really sensitive with water over 40 degree Celcius, or if...