Shelf Life of Fruit Fresh Produce Protector?
Fruit fresh & lemon juice are really only to keep your fruit from going black or discoloring, fruit should not be frozen for longer than probably two months and should be thoroughly defrosted of all the water before using them again put them in a colander in...
Scones or Biscuit Recipes That Only Uses Flour and Buttermilk
Go to Betty Crocker and then Rolled Milk Biscuits, all you use is 2 1/4 cups Bisquick and 2/3 cup milk. Mix together and put into oven. Very easy. Im sure you have Bisquick in UK, if not check Betty Crocker for the name of product in UK. Hope this works, its...
Small White Bugs in Kitchen Cupboard?
These could be mealy bugs, any dry goods(flour, sugar pancake mix etc) will get mealy bugs after youve had the product for a while, also if the pantry is hot this will make them breed as they are in all these products as eggs. You have to throw everything away...