Scrubbing Sponge Left Scratches on Car Windshield?
Thank you for all of your posts! I dont know how or why but the scrubby sponge scratched the windshield! I dont get it either! I am going to take it to a body shop or as one suggested a college. I am just boggled!
Permanent Marker on Vehicle Interior?
I used Ink away made by GooGone when my kids got a hold of a marker in my van, all over the back of the seats! And it all went away. I got it at either Lowes or Menards. It also says to use hairspray or WD40 on other places on this web site. Good luck!
Removing Nail Polish from Wood Furniture?
Do not use nail polish remover!! Let the polish dry and lightly scrape it off with a razor blade (I use the ones that are used in utility knives) lightly scrape it off a little at time as to not scrape the finish! ;)
Decorating Around Leather Furniture?
I found a comforter in a magzine with this same color that i thought was wonderfull! the other colors on it were a sage green with like a bluejean blue allong with a soft gold color. it really went well together!
Permanent Marker on Walker?
There is a product called ink away made by goo gone. The bottle I have is 2 fl.oz. so its a small bottle. My kids got ahold of a permenent marker in my van and it took it off! I was amazed! and so relieved! I got it at menards or lowes.
Sadie the Garden Diva and Garden Art
this is a wonderfull idea and i think ill try the same cause i have a couple of old chairs down in my basement just going to waste! thank you!!
Removing Paint From Rough Fogged Bathroom Window?
try using amonia:) i know that if you soak cabinet handles that have been painted in amonia the paint comes off. you mav have to apply a few times but keep the glass wet for awhile and you sould be able to get it off useing a scrub brush:) good luck ~patty...
How Much Is a Flat Bed Tow Truck?
check your local free paper like the thrifty nickle or penny saver.
Looking For Good, Inexpensive Internet Service Provider?
please, look in your local phone book!!!! dont go by the adds on tv and advertising!!! they will rip u off!! i tryed people pc just on a whim and i got charged total long distant calls ! i was only on it for 2 weeks and then i got my phone bill....i almost...
Refinancing My House?
lesson be learned!!!! my grandmother bought her home like 40 years ago for $20,000.00, i have no idea what its worth today but over the years she refinanced upon refinanced her house she is now indebt for $100,000.00. the man that was living with her left and...
Uses for Decorative Banks?
use the piggy banks for pop tab holders - they collect pop tabs for the ronald mcdonld house or the vfw or other charitys that collect pop tabs
Blankets for Kids with Cancer?
you can also check with thrift stores or resale shops they usually have craft things like that. my mom made those blankets for the same cause and thats where she got some of her supplies, also when its nice out she goes to yard or garage sales and find material...