Dipstick The Cat
Dipstick was an expression used in the 60s I think. It is slang for cute, funny, but also a pain in the butt. He is a pain in the butt to Momma Cat - jumps on her head, nips at her tail and all the other cute things that little kitties do.
Organic Weed Killer?
Yep - do soil Solarization - Soil Solarization Solarization is the safest and most effective means of controlling soil pest problems in home gardens. In many parts of the country where sunshine and warm temperatures are less abundant, solarization may not work...
Making Adobe Brick with Cement Added?
I have always wanted to do adobe brick also! And now for the weird part - I used to live in Havana, AR also, about 6 years ago. Sending a pic to you. Maybe you know us? Linda and Frank
Can I prune old myrtle tree flowers?
Anything dead can be pruned out anytime. Normally - trim back by 1/3 in the ealy spring, late winter (while dormant) Hope this helps
Garden Craft: Bentwood Arbor
Very nice job, what did you use to hold it together? Nails? nails with vines or twine? Can you tell us more about the construction? I agree - closer pics please Thank you very much for showing.
Pumpkin Carving Collection
Is there any way to copy some of the patterns and upload them here? Possible we can email someone and get copies of scanned patterns? That would sure save a lot of money for me Here is some for everyone Thanks
Submitting Digital Photos to the Photo Contest
I dont see any place to submit a photo for the Pet contest. I will upload a photo here. Let me know if this is the right way to do it please. Thank You - Linda - Hendersonville, NC Picture is called Cat in the Patch. This little kitty lives under our porch...