Identifying Head Lice?
Before you panic, have someone check the hair shafts to see if there are eggs. Behind the ear is the starting place. The eggs look at first like flecks of dandruff, or when they get really bad, look like white paint flecks. They grow around the hair shaft and...
Singer Sewing Machine Won't Sew?
Before you take it in for expensive servicing, which you may need to do, take a warm/hot hair dryer and blow the heat into the gears. This will unstick the hardened oil or grease. Since you just had it serviced, this may not be the problem through. Its worth...
Storing a Toothbrush for Daily Use
PS. I dont have friends and relatives here so please click like for me if you do like my idea.
Remedy for Hair Loss Due to Alopecia Areata?
I have the same problem. I went to Sallys hair product store and bought Toppik. It is the greatest stuff to camouflage the bald spot. the fibers adhere to your natural hair and they do not stuff off onto your shoulders. If you dont see your color, ask the clerk...
Mending a Broken Relationship with an Adult Daughter?
I agree with all of the good advise given here. I want to add that there is absolutely nothing we can do to control our adult kids. You really do have to just give up and let her make the decision for her life. If she comes to you apologetic, and admits she...
Soup Recipe for Beans and Ham?
Be sure to add raw onion (chopped into small pieces) as a topping or garnish on each bowl of soup before setting them on the table.
Making Satin Thread on Broderie Anglaise Less Shiny?
I am a quilter and very familiar with that type of thread. I am afraid that anything you would do to make the thread more matte would weaken the thread. The best thing you can do, is what I have had to do at times when I make an unfixable mistake on a quilt...
Re-dying a Bad Dye Job?
Your hairdresser might have picked up the wrong bottle by mistake. I have seen that happen when I did hair in a beauty shop many years ago. Whoever did your hair can call that company and they will give her the formula to correct it. By the way your question...
Uses for Lemons?
The first thing in the morning before you eat any food, squeeze half a lemon into warm water (not hot, as really hot water kills enzymes.) Add pure maple syrup to sweeten it. This is a very healthy drink without the sugar effecting your pancreas. (by using...
Repairing Flaking Faux Leather Upholstery?
You can have it professionally reupholstered or donate it to a charity and take the market value off your income taxes and use that to buy a new settee. Call a local reupholster and ask for their advise first though. Maybe they know more than I do. :)
Kitchen Cabinet Paint Color Advice?
Wouldnt you like to paint them gray? They might not match exactly but that would be two toned. If you wanted to paint them darker, it would probably take two coats of paint to cover the white. Ask your hardware department store what kind of paint you should...
Allowing Hair to Go Gray?
You cant dye (tint) over tinted hair to make it lighter, or grey. The tint has to be removed. Ask your local beauty shop for advise. Many years ago there was no product on the market to do this, it could only be done professionally. One other suggestion would...
Name for Closet Organizing Business?
Whatever name you chose be sure it really says what it is all about. If not, you could lose a lot of prospective business.
Single Senior on a Limited Budget
I didnt know you could freeze milk either. Wont it separate? A great idea though.
7 Tips for Making Thrift Shopping a Breeze
When you think about it, we sleep on used sheets, towels and washcloths in Motels and hospitals. We eat from dishes that many people used in a restaurant.
Scrapbooking a Cookbook of Recipes
Thanks for your hard work writing this out for us. Good job! Such great ideas here. We can use all of them or for us lazier ones, some of them.
Help for Parent With Early Signs of Dementia?
You are right! Elderly people do not like to give up any of their resources. I learned that power of attorney stops at the time of death. You cant use it to go to their bank or anything!
Keep Chore List for Helpers
Your note brought tears. What a blessing your adult kids and your grandkids are to you. Mine are a blessing to me as well. You did something right for sure!!
Learning Frugality
I am also at the age I must downsize. I put something in the Goodwill box, only to go back out in the garage to bring it back. I have given away things that the very next day I wish I had it for a good reason. But it feels so good to see a room with only a...
Baking Soda as a Natural Deodorant
I use it to brush my teeth. I dont want to use Mint flavored toothpaste anymore. I have searched for unflavored tooth paste and all I could find was on amazon, but the shipping cost prevented me from buying it. Does anyone know of a brand that doesnt have flavor...
Salad Spinner for Making Bean Sprouts
I just bought a sprouter from Sprout People. I had to watch a video to learn how to use it, but I am having fun growing sprouts.
Use Plate Holder For iPad
Great idea!! Just yesterday I picked up a plate holder from where it has been stored for over a year, wondering if I should put it in the Goodwill box. I decided to shove it in a cupboard and think it over. Now I know I really need it. Thumbs up!!
Organizing Your Purse
I love the idea of using cosmetic bags to organize my purse. I have lots of them, all in a cupboard. Now I know what to do with them. Thumbs up! As far a my purse, I dont like many zippered compartments. I have to un-zip every one of them before I can find...
Use Lonely Sock as Powder Puff
Thumbs up!! I too searched for a bath powder puff, couldnt find one anywhere, so used a face cloth instead. Now I will use one of those bulky fuzzy socks that wont fit into any shoes, but I hang on to them -- now glad I did. Great way to use one of them.
Store Reading Glasses With Medications
I have dollar store reading glasses all over the house too. Dr. said they were fine.
Caring for an Aging Parent?
Amazon has what is called Sitz Bath. it is a shallow thin plastic bowl. You fill it halfway with warm/hot water and add a little baking soda or Epsom salt. Lift the lid and rim of the toilet and place the bowl on the porcelain rim. It will fit either round...
Organizing Shopping Receipts
I love re-using things most people think of as trash. Unfolding boxes and flattening them to store receipts in is a great idea.
Hiding Places for Cash at Home
This is the best one yet! A person wont accidentally throw out a fake full mayonnaise jar, or take it to the goodwill.
Use It or Lose It
I have been trying to find ways to use my stash of cards that I have hoarded, I mean collected over the years. You can write recipes on them, and for those many Christmas Cards that I dont even send out anymore, I use as note paper and grocery lists.
Labeling Measuring Cups
I love this tip. I cant ever see the raised numbers the same color as the measuring cup.
Making Your To-Do List Fun
Thumbs up!! I have never been a list person, and I have always wanted to! I have tried and tried. I think this fits my personality much better. What a great idea.