UL Error Code for a Maytag Bravo Washer?
I have a Cabrio, but occasionally the same code will pop up. In my case, it means unbalanced load. Take the clothes out and redistribute them to where the weight of the clothes is close to equal all around. It seems as if the HE washers are real touchy about...
Washer Displaying NF Error Code?
Depending on your brand, mine is a Cabrio, it could be water level problems. Check to see the water is connected and open to your washer. That fixed it for us.
Splitting Living Expenses With Boyfriend?
You should pay a certain amount. What are your grocery bills like? You use electricity, water, you watch tv and use Internet, right? Look at all your bills for the past six months. Average what each would be for each one. Since a 10 or 11 year old cannot kick...
Shoe and Hosiery Colors for Taupe Dress?
Neutral, neutral, neutral! You should look dignified, but muted. It is not your day, but the brides.
Landscaping for Curb Appeal?
Keep it simple. Make sure you have your lawn neatly clipped. Make sure your lawn is watered, a green lawn looks nicer than one with brown spots or that is completely brown. Do not go overboard with the flowers, plants, and other flourishes. It may look pretty...
15th Birthday Ideas?
Why not everyone kick in $15 and go to a lovely restaurant where you need to dress up a little. Then let your hair down (figuratively speaking) and go bowling, or perhaps to a movie that you want to see.
Unique Name Instead of Gramma?
Whats wrong with grandma? I am 45 and a first time grandma. What I hate is Memaw. My beloved Grams was...Grams, but I occasionally called her grandmama. My great grandmother was Grammy. Age should not matter. Some are young at 90, or old at 30.
Countertop Color Advice?
Depends on how bold, traditional, or quirky you want to go. You could do red. Black, white and red is often rather quirky. You could go white, blending with the white that is already there. If you wanted to do add something else in curtains, shades, etc, it...
Vicks Vapor Rub for Minor Burns
Being a daughter of an EMT and sister of a firefighter, I have NEVER heard this. Go by what has been directed by 911 if you can, or use this guide from the Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/first-aid-burns/FA00022
Bedroom Paint Color Advice?
Rooms often have two to three colours. Main (really should be neutral, so if you change your decor later, you wont clash), trim is a second but not as dominant colour. Often this will be crown molding, baseboards, window frames, etc. You can make this earth...
Gift Ideas for 91 Year Old Man?
A lovely book of recipies, something specifically for vegetarians, or maybe quick and easy or five minute dishes that do not require him to be on his feet/in the kitchen a long time. Perhaps a book of beautiful gardens of the world. Nature is just beautiful...
Dumpster Diving Down Under?
It would be going into a giant rubbish bin and rummaging about to find (maybe) something useful. It is a gross habit, and here in the U.S. south east, some will even bring their kids to join in. I find it a low class high risk thing to do and even tackier to...
Responding to an Invitation to Winter Formal?
Politely. Yes, thank you for asking me. Just remember, it takes a lot of courage to ask someone out. They face rejection from someone they like. So, if you already have plans, or care not to go with her, gently say no. Just remember, one day you will be asking...
Replacing Land Line with Basic Cell Phone?
Depends upon what services are near you. Straight Talk ($45/mo unlimited) is fairly basic and it does include everything, just in case at some point in the future you do text or do internet...but you should really look at the coverage maps, because ST works...
Advice for Painting Kitchen Cabinets and Walls?
Pictures would be great, what kind of natural and artificial lighting do you have?
Shopping for Raw Peanuts?
I do not know where you are now, but our super Walmart sells them (just look closely at the packaging). I am in NC, and there is a town near me that sells them as well as homemade peanut butter, brittle, etc. (Houstons Peanuts). Being from the Northwest, I...
Uses for Old Record Albums?
You could frame some of them. If you have several by one artist, or if some have a similiar theme (like flowers, landmarks, etc), you can put four to six in a frame and hang them up. I am guessing you still have the covers, right? If not, you could also spray...
Organizing Recipes in Your Purse?
If you have a phone that has a camera feature, take a picture of the recipe. You can enlarge the photo if needed.
Getting Rid of Shredded Paper?
If you have babies, use it in the stinky diapers. It may make it stink a little less. Get the smallest shred cut available. That way no one would want to try to reassemble it.
Choosing Appliance Colors?
Wood. That is what I think of when I think of country or farm houses. I would take pictures and take them to a flooring store and see if you want dark or light wood. Just remember that if you do happen to choose wood that you want the shade of wood to compliment...
Choosing Granite Countertop Colors?
A medium shade of grey is what I would pick. You have the ivory on your cabinets with the steel handles, then white backsplash and light flooring. Your appliances ss will balance out the handles, but you have little to nothing (so it sounds) to balance out...
Reviews of E-Book Readers?
I have had both a Nook (original) and the Nook Color. It depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for just reading, then go for Nook orginal. The web surfing on that is dreadful, but if you buy your books online, then read them on your Nook, then...
How Do I Deal with a Relative Who Visits Unannounced and Often?
I agree with the general opinion here. She should have more tact than just to show up. You feed her, accomadate her, and let her do as she pleases, uprooting family and alone time. Do not hint, just flat out tell her that you have plans, and they do not include...
Themes for a 13th Birthday Party?
Well, there is Christmas in July, why not Halloween in December? Costume party, contest for best costume (make an extra cake, or make a certificate on the computer using free clipart).
Planning a Thanksgiving Without Family?
Ask her what her plans are. If she has none, how lonely it would be not to spend it with those she loves and love her. She may not have a lot of energy at 93 that maybe you and your mate do, so maybe you do not have to spend hours and hours with her, just a...
Paint Color Advice for Kitchen With Light Oak Cabinets?
I think earth tones almost always are best. Sage, pale pumpkin, gold can be a wonderful colour. Red is so overdone and often done badly. Kitchens should be light and airy, with room to move and breathe. Too dark and it feels cramped and it would be hard to...
Depositing Saved Change Without Paying Income Tax Again?
I think if you are able, roll your change. Look for old coins, they could be worth something more than face value. Put that money into a rainy day fund, or a vacation fund, or something youd really like to get in the future.
Finding the Best Cell Phone Provider for My Family?
My daughter had Straight Talk. $45/mo for everything. Text, talk, video/pics and internet. No contracts.
Paint Color Advice for Kitchen with White Cupboards and Floor?
Agreed, almost any colour would work with white. Choose something bright, but not blinding. Soothing, but not to the point you are almost asleep at the dinner table. With such bright bones, a lovely yellow, or maybe pumpkin, or sage, or even a lovely blue. How...
Preserving a Sharpie Autograph on Metal?
Now, Judy, the burning question is: Who was it that signed your cane? If sealant does not work, but most likely it will, call a autograph specialty store and ask them. I have several autographs, the only in person one I got though, was Billy Zane, and what...
Getting Your Affairs in Order for Your Kids?
Great ideas, all. Along with filing papers with trusted loved ones, lawyers, etc, buy an electronic drive (ZIP, thumb, SD or microSD, whatever) and make folders. Medical, put any diagnoses, physical, mental, emotional, what meds, if any, you take for each, how...
Junk Car Removal Near Seattle Washington?
Used to be high schools auto shops would take junked (but not wrecked or burned out) autos for the kids to work on. If they do not do that anymore, check the Times, or whatever paper is there now. You can either put an ad to sell your car for a few hundred...
Sunshine and Mood?
I also thought it was when the sun was shining. I grew up near Seattle, but I am the only one of my family of six that loves the rain and weather of the area. I now live on the east coast, but I will always love the Pacific Northwest, especially its weather...
What is This Plant?
Take a picture of it from that angle and one from above and show it to your local plant nursery. They should know. Or look it up on google, but I think taking it to a live person works better.
Get Rid of Extra Stuff in Home
Good for you! We are going to be doing some serious decluttering this weekend. I told hubby that I am not going to see about a land/home package next tax season if I have to pack a bunch of boxes filled with things we did not even remember that we had in the...
Overcoming Boredom After Retirement?
My beloved Grams volunteered at the local Primary. She bowled on a league (she was pretty good, too!) She took sign language classes. She read, she helped students with homework. She has been gone almost five years now, and I miss her every day. Maybe you can...
Kids Have Too Many Toys?
Skip the Sunday School Sermons. Send kids to Grandmas for the day. Look objectively at all those toys. What are their favourites? Pick 5 for each. Those ones that were there from birth, or a special hand made one...those stay. I am talking of the ones that...
Complimentary Colors for Hot Pink and Cream Kitchen?
I agree, turquoise and/or black. Very retro and can be very charming if the turquoise/black are not too dominating. You could do trim in one of the colours, and accents in the other. I hope you post the finished results, thatd be a neat kitchen to see.
Kitchen Counters to Go With Beige Stone Floor and Medium Wood Cabinets?
I would go with a sage, maybe a rust, a little pop without the what were they thinking?. As an accent colour, Rust can be beautiful, Sage can be calming, Black or darker can be a nice trim, but can make a very dramatic statement, more formal than the others...
Cleaning a Car Damaged By Fire?
In the U.S., we have professional companies that do clean up for water and smoke (and presumeably fire damage as well). Ask them what they use, or go into a shop like that (if there is one near you) and look around to see if they have any products they promote...
Downloading Music?
I for years used Kazaa Lite I am not the tween, teen or savvy twentysomething kids who grew up on such instant music, so I trusted this site. It gave me such a virus that I had to take my computer to Geek Squad to have them re do everything. My motherboard...
Organization Ideas For Small Bedroom?
Be minimalistic. What can you really do without? Re-locate bulky things such as full length coats, or out of season clothing, or change of bedding to either one of those vacuum the air out of them bags or to another room/closet. Also, be brutal. Donate to those...
Bathroom Countertop Color Advice?
If you have a large bathroom, black would be great, but in a smaller one, itll make it look smaller. If you have a smaller one and still use black, make sure you have great lighting, natural light, and mirrors that reflect that natural light to keep the bathroom...
Looking For Perfume Suggestions?
I used to love the vanilla scent til a co worker would come in smelling like she bathed in gallons of Vanilla Fields perfume. Now, almost anything vanilla gives me a raging headache. A very beautiful and classic scent I have discovered is Chanel No. 5. Giorgio...
Shopping for Vintage Fragrances?
What are you looking for? some of the real timeless ones can be found at your local upscale stores or even department stores in a larger mall. I found Chanel No. 5 (and fell in love with it) They had Giorgio classic there, too. I dunno, you could always google...
Inexpensive Family Vacation Ideas?
Philadelphia! Historical and fun. When history comes up in school, they will have seen these places firsthand! How about the Mutter Museum. Can be a bit greusome for the squeamish, but fascinating. Ask for a group or family discount...who knows? You may really...
Organizing My Bedroom?
First, get rid of the queen bed. go double or even single, (if you can). Also, think vertical, multi-purpose. See if you can get trade-in credit at a thrift or consignment shop. Try a hide-a-bed or even a daybed or futon that folds down to a bed at night. A...
Microwave Says "Child" On Display
Yes, it is a child safety lock. With ours, we have to push start steadily for 5 seconds. With two small autistic kids, I know most safety features, such as locks and overrides on our electronics. Most newer things have locks or emergency shut off/ shut down...
Royal Blue Stick On Bows for Wedding Invitations?
Our dollar stores have paper plates and such (sometimes including bows) and theyre only a buck. but party supply stores are a good idea.
Name Ideas for a Roof Cleaning Business?
off the top? I also like the one before mine, but if you needed to shorten it...
Organizing a Garage?
Absolutely, have a (literal) garage sale. Ask yourself, have you looked at, used, needed or even remember you had these items. After you have your sale, seperate by tools, seasonal items, and lock up any chemicals so kids, animals, etc do not ingest them. Shelving...
Using Craigslist and Freecycle Safely
Good idea about the McDonalds or BK. I would advise that a shopping centre or postal office would be good, too.Park where there are other cars, and not too far from a stores entrance. Id also suggest to bring a friend. Most people are good people, but it only...
Cell Phone For User With Hearing Loss?
I got me a bluetooth. Mine is a Motorla H710. I have had very little problem with it. Any phone I use w/o it just is not loud enough. Although when I had a Motorola W315 phone, if it was quiet enough I could hear w/o a bluetooth (it wasnt b-t enabled, which...
Leo (Ginger Tabby)
Awww, what a sweet boy! I also agree. Anyone who could hurt an animal is lower than low. I understand that there are those who arent the animal type, but if they arent then they should not own or be near animals. Have the decency to respect the animal enough...
Bella (Husky/German Shepherd)
Aw, sweet dog! It is not a crime to not like animals (but what a world of love they miss out on), but if one does not like animals, then dont get any. I truly think that karma will get that monster who abused the dogs. Maybe not immediately, and not where you...
What Kind Of Lizard Is This?
I did some looking on google, and from the photos I have seen, it looks to be some kind of Gecko. He is cute. How big is he? I dont see any poisonous animals in NZ. Australia, however, is a different story. They have ten of the worlds most poisonous animals...
Using Unlocked Cell Phone with US Cellular?
I just had a horror story with buying a cell on ebay. The first phone was still attached to an active phone number in MA (the seller is from CA), even though their ad claims that the ESNs are clean and clear, then when I called to complain, I had to send that...
Improving Second Language Pronunciation?
I read that most television anchors are taught to use a northern Ohio accent because they dont have a discernible regional accent (such as a southern, Bronx, Massachusetts--especially Boston-- dialect) Watch your local, then national anchors. Also, audio books...
Young Girl's Hair Styles?
Having had both long and short hair, I can speak only for myself, but here is my opinion: Short hair can be great in the summer, easy to manage, great not to have that hair, even in a pony tail, on the neck. Imagine wearing a fur wrap around your neck on the...
Organizing Financial Information
Great idea. You can also do that on flash drives. Keep one for your financial records, (you can keep it in a bank box or somewhere seperate). In case of natural diaster (we live in a hurricane hotspot). Keep drives on each family member, recent photo, medical...
Discouraging Door to Door Solicitors
I did something to a pair of Jehovahs Witnesses that just would not go away. I respect all faiths, but it was hot, I had no air conditioning at the time, I was in my morning sickness that lasts all day phase of pregnancy, and I had had it with them. While our...
Crafts for Mentally Challenged Individuals?
I must quite agree that the R word is a negative one, and I am quite sure you meant not to offend. I am a mom to two autistic beautiful children. I have found a site that both my 5 and 8 year old can navigate easily. It was designed by a grandfather for his...
A Hook for Empty Hangers in the Closet
I bought a small shower rod that you twist to fit. I put it from front to back ways (instead of the traditional side to side) and lower to the left side of the closet. I put ONLY empty hangers there. That way when I do laundry and there are clothes to be hung...
Swivel Sweeper G2?
I have the original swivel sweeper. One thing, about the battery. Do not keep it charging continuously. I did this, and it got fried rather quickly. I called and ordered another one, and the guy told me to only charge it for about six hours at a time, then...
Product Review: Riddex Plug-in Repeller
I have one of these things in my kitchen, and soon as I am done with this, I am going to unplug it, with its green light and flashing red one, and throw it in the trash. I caught a mouse that had gotten in our house by other means. We live near fields that...
What is A+D Ointment?
It is often used for diaper (nappy) rash here in the states. I dont know if you are familiar with Desitin, also a rash remedy, but it is along those lines. However, if you want a laugh, all my kids were allergic to Desitin, did not respond well to A and D ointment...
Free Reverse Phone Lookup?
Zabasearch.com is useful in a lot of the cases I get. Scary thing, though, if you know what you are doing, they can also list your month and year of birth, and everyone that lives on your registered street. I did that with my mothers name and phone number. Then...
Vacation Ideas in the US for Under $4000
Being from the Pacific Northwest, I suggest there. Seattle is a beautiful and romantic city, there are plenty of things to do there. While Seattle is a big and bustling city, you can drive short distances and go into some beautiful areas. Mercer Island has...
Gift Ideas for Children in Another Country?
What about Dick and Jane books? Couple those books with pictures of kids doing what the book is talking about (if the book says Run, Jane, run., then get a picture of a girl running, etc.). Get some Dr Seuss books or I Can Read It series books. Also, scour...
Displaying Clothes at Yard Sale?
If you do want to buy a rack, they are usually about ten dollars at stores like dollar general, family dollar, or maybe about that at Walmart or Kmart. Just make sure that they are neatly displayed, with the size (perhaps on a sticker, with the sex intended...
Have a No Drive Day Each Week
How lovely to have a no drive day. However, when one lives in the sticks, like we do, even going to the post office is 8 miles each way. The nearest non mom and pops store is 15 miles away. I also have two autistic kids that have appointments, a mother in law...