Sun Tea from Used Tea Bags
As someone who made a lot of sun tea in the 70s, I quit doing this because of the following. Sun tea is the perfect medium for bacteria to grow. The essential problem is that sun tea will not get hotter than 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not hot enough to...
Repairing Clothing Snags
They also make snag fixers or knit pickers as they are called also. I bought mine at Wal Mart and carry it in my purse.
Living Within Your Means
That is wonderful, you took control of your finances. So many could learn from you. I see so many today, young and old who spend like there is no tomorrow. What a wonderful example your are setting for your family.It is great that your family has chipped in...
Tidy Cord Saver
I am wondering if you could use plastic pipe instead of the TP roll. It would be sturdier and easier to clean.
Cleaning Your Hair Dryer
My blowdryer just went out for this reason. I never thought to clean it. Now I clean it weekly.
Thoughtful Thrift
My husband and I live frugally, also. I have always been a from scratch cook. We know many that want instant gratification. this does not bring you the joy that saving for something and being able to be debt free does. Money does not buy happiness but it certainly...
Use Plants to Hide Unattractive Outdoor Items
There is a product called Corroseal. It is a rust converting primer. You paint it over the rust and it turns black. It stops the rust. This is great for items that are pitted. There is no need to paint after painting a coat of this. We use it on a number of...
An Ounce of Prevention
You said that she is your friend, what exactly are you getting from this relationship? I have been used by others a lot in my life. In fact I think at one time that I had use me printed on my forehead. I thought my only value was to help others and believe...
Removing a Stuck Recessed Light Bulb?
Just tried this with the clear packing tape. The bulb unscrewed easily.
Removing Stamps from Envelopes?
The stamp is already paid for. When they mail it as a soliticitation then it becomes your property. The charity is out of the money for the stamp whether it is used or not. The same thing happens with the charities that send nickels and notepads out. It is...