Reuse Coffee Creamer Containers for Storage
Suggestion for obtaining empty containers. Advertise on your local craigslist, for them. Many people save these types of things, and will probably give them to you so they feel like they are helping by keeping plastic out of landfills. You also must be willing...
Storing Fresh Ginger?
All about Ginger Did you know that ginger is not only good for making Asian and Indian Recipes, it has medicinal properties too? It has been uses for thousands of years for stomach problems. It is excellent for helping people that are going through chemotherapy...
Soda Pop Can Wallet?
On you-tube there are videos that show you how to make purses from soda cans. More than likely there is a video for a wallet there also. Basically you can cut squares or rectangles from the can, then you punch holes in the squares or rectangles with a regular...
Preventing Tomato Stains in Tupperware
Another thing that causes staining is the microwave. Any oil put on plastic such as Tupperware and used in the microwave will cook the plastic and the stain will be permanent. Use microwave safe glass when cooking anything with acidic food or oil in it, in...