How Long Does it Take for a Dog to Have Puppies?
From what Ive seen on the Discovery channel, its 63 days.
Dealing With an Unexpected Job Loss?
My late husband was down sized several years ago. the very first thing we did was call the bank and talk to the president of the back about our mortgage. His outting was on a Friday. We were at the bank that Monday morning. The president of the bank re-did...
Uses For Empty Luggage
Store bedding in them and store the luggage under the beds that own the bedding.
Leaving Fat in Chicken Broth?
The chicken fat doesnt add much flavor to the soup. And, its not all that healthy either. I not only coagulate the chicken fat but I do the same for the beef fat when I make beef soup and ham fat when I make pea or bean soup.
How Long Does Spaghetti Sauce Keep Once Opened?
Put the cover back on it and put it in the freezer. Itll last a long time frozen.
Getting Rid of Unwanted Items When You Live In An Apartment?
Check with your local thrift stores. Tell them you are giving them away to them and dont expect any money back from their sales. Ill bet you will get rid of a ton of stuff that way. I live in a very small town and we can put things on the boulevards. Since...
Buying Condiments
I purchase catsup in the huge cans. I put it in separate containers in the refrigerator. Lasts about forever. And it is a real savings too! If we were lovers of mustard, that would be the way Id go too.
Poll: How much credit card debt do you have?
I, too, am at zero credit card debt. It wasnt always this way. Years ago, we took a good look at what we were doing and cancelled all of them and paid off the debt. I have never had a credit card since. Now I think of something to buy and give it a few days...
Decorating Ideas for a Winter Wonderland Dance?
How about getting balloons - in a couple different sizes. Blow them up and paper mache them, stick the small one on top of the big have snowmen. Put a little scarf around their necks. Youll have cute decorations for the main table. Get a few boughs...
Using Clear Vinyl Pocket Organizers
I have a large vinyl pocket organizer hanging on my bathroom door. In it I put all sorts of bathroom supplies, shampoos, conditioners, bath soaps, you name it. Its so very handy!
Raccoon Bandit
Raccoons are cute but very dangerous! They carry rabies second only to skunks. They grow to be very large and can be deadly animals to have attack anyone or any other animal. In our neck of the woods, theyre caught in cages and shot - or just plain shot. We...
Tough Guy - Yumas (Labrador Retriever)
What a sweet baby! My Max is a black Lab. He is now 15 weeks old, 35 pounds. Since he is so large, I know I expect too much from him. I must continually remind myself that he is still a pupppy. Is this your first Lab? Max is my first. He is stubborn but very...
Lawn Watering Tip!
I never water my lawn. The water bill is high enough as it is. We do have a lot of rain in the spring and the beginning of the summer. Sometimes we have a lengthy dry spell later in the summer but, fall brings rain again. I live in northern Wisconsin.
Chopper (Pitbull)
Chopper is as cute as can be! Good luck with training him to help others. That is the most UNselfish thing I can imagine. My Max is a black Lab. Hes 3 1/2 months olf and 35 pounds. He gets bigger nearly every day! Pups can be a handful, thats for sure. Especially...
The Hungry Squirrel
Theyre such fun to have around. I have 2 big grey squirrels and 2 big black ones. They drive my cat crazy. She sits in the diningroom window and they romp around the tree outside the window.
Cloth Training Pants?
Why not use flannel? It is a great soaker and washes just as easily as the rest of the pants.
Shabby Chic Bedroom Decorating
That is just darling! But not as much as the sweet little gal sitting on the bed! :-)
Discouraging Tent Caterpillars
When our town had a tent worm infestation, not too many years ago, we put duct tape around the trunk of the tree - about 3 feet up. I made sure the duct tape was wrapped enough to be at least a foot high. After I put that on, I smeared each duct tape thoroughly...
Productive Ways to Exercise
Besides mowing the lawn, I discovered that, getting a puppy is a great means of exercise. Hes 14 weeks old now and, the older he gets, the more time we spend walking - many times during the day and early evening. I like to walk but, would always see something...
Uses for Paper Towel Rolls?
I use my toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls as fire starters for my wood furnace and fire place.
Favorite Magazines
My most favorite magazine is Reminise. I love going back in time and seeing the stuff either I grew up with or the things my grandmother used to talk about.
Cheap Entertainment (aka Thrifty Fun!)
My cheap entertainment is playing the piano for hours. The time just flies and I keep my fingers very limber (I have osteoarthritis) and keep up with my music.
Paper or Plastic?
I prefer paper. When I take fresh bread from the oven, I turn the pan over on the paper. Absorbs beautifully. Also use them to absorb butter, etc. from my homemade Chex Mix. I also use them to wrap packages in that Im sending. I dont throw the greasy bags away...
Other Uses for an Old Sewing Machine?
I put mine in front of my big diningroom window which faces north-west. I put my flowering plants (violets) on it and it looks great. I made some quilted place mats (small) to put under each pot incase of stray water. I hope this helps you.
What to Do with a Huge Roll of Paper?
I have a big roll of paper and I use this big paper for enlarging craft patterns.
Drying Clothes Inside
I know a woman who has lines strung on her enclosed porch. She opens all the porch windows and lets the breezes dry the clothes. According to her, its the next best thing to hanging them outside.
Avoiding Ironing
If you truly love hanging clothes outside like I do, you will be getting some wrinkled clothes. No problem. Once theyre dry and off the line, put them in your dryer with a washcloth that has a little fabric softener on it. Dry for about 10 minutes and the clothes...
Drying Rugs in Dryer?
I have a wooden clothes drying rack for things like rugs and other items that cant be dryer dried. When the weather is not good for line drying, the items go on the rack. Theyll be dried by the next morning. I dont like drying rugs in my dryer. It breaks down...