Living Room Paint Color Advice?
I would go with a light buff (think a very light powdery sand), with white trim and possibly a light blue accent wall.
Preventing Mold or Mildew on a Shower Curtain?
I always make sure to cut the bottom edge (which has a hem) off. The hem collects moisture and its almost impossible to keep it clean, even with bleach. Cut the bottom right along the top of the hem. Dont worry, it wont fray since its vinyl.
Ponytail Band for Tight Waistband
You can also just loop it around the button, then take the other end and run it through the buttonhole and back over the button.
Planting a Hanging Flower Basket
I did this with geraniums this year. The completed ones at the store were $29.99. I bought 3 smaller geraniums for $12.00, already had the pot and soil. Looks great for pretty much a third of the price. :)
Singer Sewing Machine Needle Won't Move?
It most likely is a problem with the bobbin casing. There is probably a piece of thread stuck in it somewhere and if you dont remove every little piece, it will not go. Sometimes, you can find the piece and pull it out, but sometimes, you just have to take...
Swiffer Replacement Parts?
If it broke the first time I used it, I would take it back to the store and exchange it for a new one.
Bleaching a Sweater?
I wouldnt count on it. Depends on what the sweater fabric is. Even if its all cotton, you could end up with just bleach spots on the sweater. Part of it may stay beige and part could be white. If its a synthetic fiber, it could all remain beige.
Social Security Survivors Benefits?
Most of the time, Social Security benefits have a set amount and if there are more than one beneficiary, these benefits are split. The fact that one is not receiving them any more could very well mean that the younger one will have increased benefits. You need...
Outlets Not Working?
Try plugging in something other than your laptop into the outlet. If it works okay, you need to have the power supply cord to your laptop checked. They do sometimes wear out.
Dishwasher Runs Two Cleaning Cycles?
Your dishwasher probably has a setting called Light Load, Lightly soiled or China. Push this setting and you should get only one wash.
Good Security Software for My Computer?
I really like Panda Cloud. It doesnt take up space on your computer but is always there working and running in the background. I also use Malwarebytes for anti-malware. Easy to download and cleans up any malware that may be latching onto your computer. You...
Countertop Color Advice?
If you have a computer, search green walls in kitchen. Hit images and it will give you a multitude of pictures showing different green colors on the walls and what their countertops look like with them.
Finding the Value of Porcelain Dolls?
You can go to They have lots of vintage dolls and antiques showing the different prices.
Food for 70 at Birthday Party?
I would also buy some of the mini-buns for the children. If you give them a small bun, you will not only save on the half that might be thrown away, but you wont feel bad about giving them another one after they have eaten the first. The small buns are also...
Rehydrating Dry Cleansing Wipes?
Since the water is what evaporates, I rehydrate mine with just plain water, reseal it and it works good as new.
Pub Daily Theme Ideas?
You might consider a 50s and 60s night. Most older people loved the music and atmosphere of the 50s and 60s and love to dance to those golden oldies.
Replacements for Glass Center of Coffee Table?
You might consider using acrylic instead of glass, since its almost unbreakable, yet still clear and looks like glass.
Remedy for Sunburn?
It sounds like more than a sunburn, although they can be very painful. You should probably see your dermatologist for some burn medication.
Deodorize With Perfume or Cologne
If I dont care for the smell of the fragrance, why would I want to use it in the bathtub or on the sheets where I couldnt get away from it?
Wash Silicone Cell Phone Cases In Dishwasher
Just make sure you take your Cell Phone out before you put it in the dishwasher. haha
Washing With a Broken Arm
When I had a broken arm, I found that when taking a shower, it was difficult to keep the arm dry. I took a newspaper bag (the plastic ones that the papers come in) and slid it over my arm. I then put a rubber band over the open end to make it watertight. It...