Make Two Meals at Once
Great idea that can be used all year long, especially for soccer moms and during the busy holidays. Barb
Reviews of KitchenAid Mixers?
I have had a Kitchen Aide Mixer for 25 years. I love it. Its the most reliable, mixer I ever have had. It is heavy duty, fast, and a wonderful piece of kitchen equipment. I also have some attachments that are wonderful, especially during canning season. It...
Ideas for Mobile Food Service Business?
I have some friends that have a mexican mobile food truck and they had to make sure everything is up to par, call the health dept, they will make sure everything is okay and then they will issue you a license. I dont know if you live in a small city, we do...
Vinegar and Dish Soap Not Working for Gnats?
I found an easy way to kill em, a good spray bottle with water and a dash of liquid soap. squirt them and they cant fly and they die, also works on flies. Barb
Have Confidence To Face The World
Good for you, If the world would stop belittling people and look at their hearts it sure would be a much nicer world.A lot of jobs would be lost I guess, like, Rag magazines, gossip columns, fashion magazines, etc.etc. Maybe the world would have more time to...
Yellow Jackets In House?
Hi Everyone, who took time to answer my request about the yellow jackets. We have tried the sugar and water and the traps, my husband has gone out at night and gotten rid of some nests but we think that they are wasps nests. we have calked every hole we can...
Locksmith Themed Christmas Parade Float Ideas?
Hello You could lock up scrooge, the grinch and anyother mean Character that tries to spoil Chistmas and your locksmith company has the key that did it. You become the champion locksmith company in town. Get three big new refigorator boxes, paint black, put...
Using Homemade Cleaners in a Hoover Carpet Shampooer?
Of course they tell you to only use Hoover products they make more money that way. I have used other products in My Hoover cleaner and it has not fallen apart yet. Give it a try. Barb
Buying Crushed Eggshells?
I dont know of anyplace that sells them but if you want them to keep slugs off of you plants I suggest you go to a feed store and buy chicken grit. We used it for our plant this year and it works wonderful. If you are putting it around your plants be generous...
Oolong Tea?
Oolong Tea is wonderful, it is sold in most chinese resturants is probable available on line. It has no bitter taste and is very satisfying. Barb, Mi.
Take Pride In Not "Keeping Up With The...
Hooray for you Janet. I wish I had learned that lesson early in life and it would be much easier now that we are retired. My husband is the one who is frugal not stingy just frugal. Even if he saves a penny on something that penny is in his pocket and not somebody...
Bosch Mixer Alternatives?
Brenda. I have a Kitchen Aide, I have had it for 25 years, It still runs like it was new, I have never had any problems and I have bought different additions to it over the years. It is one super mixer and If you buy the basic you can add to it a little at...
"Every day's a Saturday night, but I can't wait till Sunday morning!"?
Wow, sounds like a very depressing and sad song. People just need to crawl out of themselves and help someone else. That brings real joy and leaves the sadness behind, then you also feel good about what you have done. B
Food for 2 Years for $5 a Week
Wow, great list, we have been storing food for about a year now, but there are many things on the list I didnt think of. Thanks Barb
Good Grass for Rocky Soil?
Dear Ellen, Thanks for the advice on the grass for rocky soil, if it doesnt work, Ill just spray paint it green. Barb
Getting Rid of Cattails?
Did you know you can eat the tender root of a cat tail. In case you ever want something different.
How do you know when you are low on potassium?
The best way to find out if you are low on potassium is to get a blood test at you doctors office. Potassium is vital as it does effect your musles and the biggest musle you have is your heart. So be safe and check it out. Barb
Storing Cherries?
I hope your cherries are not still in the fridge or they might be pretty yucky by now. I know one thing that really helps extend the life of most fruits and veggies that are stored in the fridge is putting paper toweling in the plastic bag before your put them...
Frisbee for Reinforcing Paper Plates
cute idea for kids, but my dog maggie would probably steal them from the kids and eat them. have a blessed day. barb